As the Museum relishes its return to its “regular” schedule of public hours six days a week and the opening of two new exhibitions, Jona Frank: Model Home and Marcia Resnick: As It Is or Could Be, we are excited to announce the launch of another exhibition in late March, Antiquity & America: The Ancient Mediterranean in the United States. In addition to the Museum’s public programming, important work is afoot behind the scenes with a deep dive into our collections data, as Betsy Carpenter and Anne Witty explain. Please also find within this issue further insights into a stunning recent acquisition and a sneak preview of the upcoming public program with photographer Marcia Resnick on Thursday, March 3rd! Also, on March 9th, please join Cameron Snow ’22 and Andria Polo Brizuela ’22 who will share further insights into the new Jona Frank exhibition.

We look forward to seeing you in the galleries!

Anne Collins Goodyear & Frank H. Goodyear
Bowdoin College Museum of Art
Jona Frank: Model Home
Artist Jona Frank builds on her Cherry Hill project, creating an environment evoking her suburban childhood.
Innovation and Resilience Across Three Generations of Wabanaki Basket Making
The exhibition highlights the dynamic tradition of Wabanaki basket making.
An Interview with Marcia Resnick
To learn more about the photographer whose retrospective recently opened at the BCMA, read a brief excerpt from an oral history interview conducted by the exhibition’s three curators in 2020.
Behind the Scenes with the Data Management Team
The BCMA prepares to migrate to a new collections management system.
Apikcilu Binds the Sun
A newly acquired basket by Geo Neptune combines oral tradition with dazzling innovation.

MARCH 3, 2022
Conversation with Artist Marcia Resnick
4:30 pm | BCMA

MARCH 5, 2022
Virtual Family Saturday
11:00 am | online event

MARCH 9, 2022
Curating in Collaboration with Jona Frank
12:00 noon | BCMA

MARCH 31, 2022
Curator's tour of "Antiquity & America"
7:00 pm | BCMA
To our members,
The support of our members helps realize future exhibitions, public programs, and educational offerings. Membership serves as a special connection to a community of students and faculty who are actively engaged in the Museum. If you are a member, please renew! If you are not already a member, we hope that you will show your support for the Museum of Art by joining today 
Museum Hours

Tuesday-Saturday: 10:00 a.m.-5:00 pm | Thursday: 10:00 a.m.-8:30 p.m. | Sunday: 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. | Closed on Mondays and national holidays. 
The Bowdoin College Museum of Art is open to the public free of charge, although donations are welcome. The Museum is wheelchair accessible through the Pavilion entrance.

Bowdoin College Museum of Art | 9400 College Station | Brunswick, ME 04011 | 207.725.3275 

Shinkichi Tajiri, 1963 (detail), watercolor /mixed media by Sam Middleton. Gift of Julie McGee in honor of Raymond Rutan, Class of 1951, Director of Theater. 2021.22