Warm Wishes for the New Year

During this holiday season and as we prepare to usher in the New Year—2021, let us reflect for a few moments on a year that has been very difficult for many families and communities across the country. Too many homes will be missing the presence of a loved one at their holiday tables. Our hearts go out to all of them.

Let us also take time to recognize the opportunities that opened up, during this time of crisis, for thousands of caring people to share their compassion, generosity, and humanity in a time of need. All across our country, we have witnessed the unselfish and courageous dedication of essential workers—from medical personnel working overtime in hospitals to campesinas/os toiling long hours in the fields, orchards, and dairies to ensure the country continued to eat. 

We greatly appreciate the time, governance, and guidance of our diligent board members. Also, we are deeply thankful to our member organizations who worked tirelessly in their communities to leverage resources that ensured campesina families remained safe and healthy, had food and money for rent, utilities and other basic necessities. 

We want to express our appreciation to our funders and individual donors who continue to make our work on behalf of hundreds of thousands of campesinas possible through their generous contributions. 

And last, but not least, we want to acknowledge Alianza’s staff who found creative and effective ways to adapt their work to continue to bring attention to the plight of campesina families and to advocate for their rights and dignity; to raise funds to continue our work; to provide trainings and technical assistance; and to help mobilize and organize campesinas around the country. 

We remain firm in our resolution to bring visibility to the work, needs, and concerns of campesinas and their families and to support their leadership as they work to defend and promote their rights and dignity, as well as advocate for political, environmental and economic changes.

We look forward to our continued partnerships with our funders, donors, representatives, individuals and organizations across the country. Our struggle continues!

Wishing all much health, peace, and prosperity!


Mily Treviño Sauceda, Executive Director
Reflection During The Holidays

In this time that we have been living; "Let us give thanks for our lives" for the tremendous experience that this year leaves us and we receive the new year full of wisdom, health, love and that we are better human beings. Let's get to know having a family, a home, good friends, and having a job. Let us fill our heads and our hearts with new projects, let us make a promise to renew ourselves. Let's make our life the most beautiful and valuable experience. Let's keep united and fighting for a better future!

Elizabeth Cordero, Chairman of the Board of Directors

Our Best Wishes...

The holiday season is a time to bond, cook, eat, share stories, and create memories with loved ones. Cooking together in the small kitchen of our parents' home is where most of the memories were made for family and friends. The smell of tamales, pork adobo, champurrado, and cinnamon filled the air as we constantly bumped into each other in our home. This year, like no other, will bring us not only the joys of the holidays, but also the sadness because we miss someone at the table. As overwhelming as the sadness in your heart may be, remember that we must be stronger because many people in our countries and the world need our strength and motivation to speak out and act on their behalf. Not all people have been so blessed and it is important to continue our work in Alianza with you to make our communities a better place for our families. Congratulations!
International Day of Rural Women

During the month of October we celebrated the International Day of Rural Women with various community actions such as; vigils, community talks, and social media storm.

Throughout the month of October we raised awareness about Domestic Violence using art through theater and exhibitions of "mandilitos" (designing messages and drawings on small aprons), with community talks including poetry, among others.
Census / Elections

From September to November, we educated thousands of voters to register to vote in agricultural communities to participate in the 2020 elections. In addition, we conducted polling through telephone banks and provided transportation to polling stations. During 2020, our organizations mobilized to ensure that our communities were counted in the 2020 Census.
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

On November 25 we celebrated the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women with actions on social networks, exhibitions, plays, social media storm using the "Campesinas Rising" mask and the presentation of the Webinar: “Talking About Violence Against Women” with Patricia Castillo, Executive Director of PEACE Initiative and Mily Treviño-Sauceda, Executive Director and Co-founder of Alianza Nacional de Campesinas, Inc.
Continuous Work

We have also continued our work with the distribution of water, masks, hand sanitizer, food, and financial assistance for rent and utilities for campesina families in need during the COVID-19 pandemic. Much of the month of December we analyzed the Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Threats we faced during this year to plan the actions of the new year evaluating the results obtained during 2020.
Latina Equal Pay Day

We held a training on the Use of Social Media to amplify our call to action. This training was organized by the Labor Rights Team of Alianza, Centro de los Derechos del Migrante (CDM) and Farmworkers Association of Florida (Asociación Campesina de Florida).
We closed the month of October with Latina Equal Pay Day movement, on October 29, with a social media storm, participated in the Webinar “The Devastating Effects of Income Inequality on Latina Workers” and we thank LCLAA for inviting us to present in this webinar. In addition we celebrated community actions demanding equal pay for Latina women.
Aliento a Familias Campesinas

We continue the project “Aliento a Familias Campesinas”; where our members together with their families and volunteers prepare masks / mouth covers to donate to our rural community. We have distributed more than 60,000 recyclable and non-recyclable mouth covers to our people. We also organize several activities including: training to protect oneself from COVID-19, violence against women, support with the distribution of food, water, education on COVID-19 tests, influenza vaccines and others, delivery of sewing machines for create your own masks, among other activities. MORE PICS HERE
Giving Tuesday

On December 1st we celebrated #GivingTuesday. This movement was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. Over the past seven years, it has grown into a global movement inspiring hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity. Our call to donate in favor of Alianza Nacional de Campesinas is to continue our mission to unify the struggle and promote the leadership of campesinas in a national movement to create greater visibility and advocate for changes that ensure their human rights.
Pesticides and Heat Stress Project in Collaboration with EarthJustice

The Alianza staff has collected more than 190 testimonies about experiences of poisonings due to the misuse of pesticides, heat stress, work-related hazards and how it affects rural women.
Lawsuit Against EPA

During the December holidays, Alianza Nacional de Campesinas sued the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)! We are seeking declaratory and injunctive relief related to a final rule issued by EPA on October 30, 2020, for changing the AEZ (Application Exclusion Zone) in the agricultural Worker Protection Standards (WPS); by eliminating the safeguards of pesticides spraying area from 100 to 25 feet, affecting farmworkers and surrounding communities. 

Lead Counsel are Farmworker Justice and Earth Justice are Lead Counsel representing Alianza as plaintiff in collaboration with various groups including some of our member organizations like Rural Coalition, Farmworker Association of Florida and Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste (PCUN). For more information, please contact Maria De Luna, Policy and Advocacy Coordinator at [email protected]
The 25 of November International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women we held our first Webinar on the topic of Violence Against Women with Patricia Castillo, Executive Director, P.E.A.C.E. Initiative and Mily Treviño-Sauceda, Executive Director Alianza Nacional De Campesinas, Inc.


Alliance and various member organizations are litigators and co-sponsors on several key pieces of legislation to address immigration detention and enforcement.

In addition to our actions, we meet monthly with our membership through our work teams: Pesticides, Violence Against Women, Labor Rights and Immigration to discuss the needs and promote the leadership of peasant women, in addition to creating greater visibility and advocating for changes that ensure their human rights.

We hold biweekly meetings with all our member organizations to advocate for the human rights of rural women during COVID-19. We share information about the challenges and needs of farmworker families during this pandemic. We share the efforts and actions taken by our membership to address the effects of COVID-19 in our communities.
Our best wishes to all
member organizations and their families!
Future Actions
Each year, the Alianza membership conducts community events and media outreach to raise awareness, share safety practices, and advocate for changes that will protect your health and guarantee your human right to safe and favorable working conditions.

We will begin 2021 with the Morralitos Campaign started in 2009 by our member organization Líderes Campesinas to raise awareness about the use of pesticides. The exhibitions will take place between January 15 and February 15, 2021. Follow us on our social networks for more information.

Support Alianza Nacional de Campesinas
Alianza is eligible to receive Donor Advised Funds.
A Gift For You
On behalf of Alianza Nacional de Campesinas team we wish you the best during the Christmas holidays. Enjoy some of our favorite recipes.

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ALIANZA NACIONAL DE CAMPESINAS (National Alliance of Farmworker Women) mission is to unify the struggle and promote leadership of campesinas in a national movement to create major visibility and advocate for change that defends their human rights.
Alianza Nacional de Campesinas