Your monthly update for April 2023

Dear Pirate Crew,

With the semester quickly coming to an end, I have much to reflect upon. 

Ventura College was honored to welcome Dolores Huerta, internationally recognized labor leader and civil rights icon, to our campus for the Diversity in Culture Festival. Along with Cesar Chavez, Dolores founded the National Farmworkers Association which fiercely fought for the rights of farmers, advocated for better wages and working conditions.

To this day, her tireless efforts have made a significant impact in the labor movement and continue to inspire others to fight for the working poor, women, and children. As founder and president of the Dolores Huerta Foundation, she travels across the country engaging in campaigns and influencing legislation that supports equality and defends civil rights. She often speaks to students and organizations about issues of social justice and public policy.

Through her efforts she has paved the way and inspired other activists that continue to help make the path for others more attainable. During her speech at VC, she talked about being “one human family” and emphasized the importance of “working together to preserve democracy.” 

Dolores Huerta’s presence at VC is historic. Hopefully, many of you were able to attend and meet her. To learn more about her, I recommend visiting the traveling Smithsonian exhibit “Dolores Huerta: Revolution in the Fields/Revolución en los Campos” currently on display at California State University, Channel Islands, now through May 7th. Thank you very much to Gigi Fiumerodo and the Diversity in Culture team for coordinating such a great celebration.

Also memorable for me was my recent visit to the Reagan Library to tour the Auschwitz exhibit. During World War II, Nazi Germany opened Auschwitz, which was the largest concentration and extermination camp located in the Polish town of OĹ›wiÄ™cim. It is estimated that over one million Jews, along with others who were considered “undesirable enemies” by the Nazis, were exterminated in gas chambers. Many prisoners were also subjected to barbaric medical experiments led by Josef Mengele. Stripped of humanity by their persecutors with the removal of their clothing, belongings, hair and family separation, the survivors showed amazing resiliency and faith. Upon exiting the exhibit, the following quote was on the wall-

You who are passing by

I beg you

Do something

Learn a dance step

Something to justify your existence

Something that gives you the right

To be dressed in your skin in your body hair

Learn to walk and to laugh

Because it would be too senseless

After all

For so many to have died

While you live

Doing nothing with your life.

-Auschwitz survivor Charlotte Delbo (1971)

In reflection, I am inspired and in awe of the passion and commitment of Dolores Huerta. I appreciate what her life’s work and advocacy have accomplished for our society and realize much more needs to be done. Also, I am equally in awe of the holocaust survivors and their ability to communicate positive messages of hope, equity, and inclusion. As educators, we have the opportunity to share messages like these with our students, which can enhance their learning experience and foster a greater appreciation for the benefits of living in a diverse society. 

Thank you for your continued support of the Ventura College mission. I look forward to seeing you all at graduation on May 19.

Best wishes,


Educators Tour The Naval Surface Warfare Center

Gene Scampone, manager of Naval Surface Warfare Center, Port Hueneme Division’s Mission Package Support Facility, (on right) leads a recent tour of 21 educators from local community colleges and public schools of the facility where combat systems modules are stored and exchanged aboard littoral combat ships. (U.S. Navy Photo by Dana Rene White/Released)

Naval Surface Warfare Center, Port Hueneme Division Commanding Officer Capt. Tony Holmes (center) and educational leaders from Ventura County in front of the command’s Surface Warfare Engineering Facility. (U.S. Navy Photo by Dana Rene White/Released)

Koffee with Kim 

  • Thursday, April 20 at 9 a.m. 

Celebration of Successes

  • End of Year Celebration & Retiree Recognition – Thursday, May 4 at 11:30 a.m.

Highlighting the amazing Administration, Faculty, Classified Professionals, and Students that make up our Pirate family. This month's highlights include: Kelli Florman (VCCCD Police Chief), Jennifer Garner (Biology Faculty), Isaac Rodriguez (Information Technology Support Specialist I), Natalia Isabella Bucio (Student).

Read their stories here!

Kelli Florman - Administration

Jennifer Garner- Faculty

Isaac Rodriguez - Classified

Natalia Isabella Bucio - Student

Meet our newest VC Pirate Staff!

Sarah Escobar - Office Assistant, Paramedics/EMT

Margaret (Maggie) Donahue - PAC Assistant

Rachel Kelly - Student Services Assistant, Admissions and Records

Vincent Martin - ILT II, Physical and Applied Sciences

Elizabeth Vasquez (Eli) - Program Coordinator I, Veterans Resource Center

Congrats, Kim! Top 50 Women in Business in the Tri-County Area!

Congratulation, President Hoffmans! We're so proud you were selected as a 2023 awardee for Top 50 Women in Business by the Pacific Coast Business Times staff. The honorees were selected from the counties of San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura based on their personal achievements, leadership roles and how they’ve helped the region get through the pandemic.

The 2023 Top Women in Business class will be honored by the Pacific Coast Business Times on April 20 at the Santa Barbara Hilton. Thanks to the Ventura College Foundation for nominating our president!

Top Women in Business Special Report

Congratulations to the Law Enforcement Graduates

The Ventura College Basic Law Enforcement Academy is proud to announce that 38 recruits graduated last month. The academy is a partnership with the Ventura County Criminal Justice Training Center. All of the graduates are now employed with law enforcement agencies. Congratulations to the students on the successful career launch!

Education Master Plan Retreat

On April 14, an Educational Master Plan (EMP) Retreat was held at the Wright Event Center, and it was a great success. The retreat was attended by a group of educators, administrators, and students who came together to discuss and brainstorm ideas for the development of an EMP. The attendees engaged in various activities, including group discussions, brainstorming sessions, and presentations. The discussions centered on the goals and objectives of the EMP, the needs and challenges of the student community, and the strategies that can be employed to achieve the desired outcomes. The retreat was a productive and informative session that laid the foundation for the development of a comprehensive and inclusive educational master plan. Big thanks to the EMP committee for leading the charge!

California Community College Month April 2023

April is California Community Colleges month and it's our time to shine the light on why community colleges matter. Ventura College is vital to our community. For almost 100 years, we have been providing affordable, local access to education. We help students prepare for careers, help fill the local workforce, help students level up their skills and prepare to transfer to universities. We're doing important work here. Be proud!

Statewide, enrollment for the fall 2022 semester (most recent data) was up 2.4 percent compared to the fall of 2021. Seventy-one of our California Community Colleges saw growth in enrollment.

"Take it Slow" Substance Safety Fair

On April 11, ASVC hosted an informational event aimed at helping students make informed decisions about using substances largely associated with college students, such as "party drugs". The goal was to offer harm reduction techniques to minimize the stigma, offer free testing strips (under a liability form), and countywide resources such as LGBTQIA+ counseling, emergency housing, and addiction prevention/treatment counseling. This event was a response from the ASVC team to inform students about the pending opioid crisis affecting Ventura County. There have been over 200 lives lost because of overdoses in Ventura County alone, making this an essential event for our campus and surrounding community.

Disclaimer: Ventura College does not condone drug use. This was an informational event aimed only at bringing awareness to the current opioid crisis in Ventura County. VC is not held liable for any misuse of information or products that might cause harm. This event was not a substitute for medical advice. If you or someone you know is currently struggling with substance abuse, please contact:

Ventura College Student Health 805-289-6346 | Substance Abuse Services 1-844-385-9200

Earth Day

In April, the Earth Day Planning Committee and the Associated Students of Ventura College sponsored several Earth Day activities including a planting event where staff and students added new plants to our native garden by the ASC building. This event highlighted environmental leaders and local organizations. VC students and staff alike gained information on ways to reduce, reuse, and realize the importance of green and sustainable initiatives.

2023 Student Art Show Opening Reception

Thursday, April 20 | 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. 

Join us for the opening reception of our 2023 Student Art Show at the Ventura College New Media Gallery and Gallery 2. This exhibit honors the work of our current and recent students. The artworks are produced in various media including: painting, drawing, ceramics, design, illustration, and photography. This juried exhibition offers students the opportunity to exhibit and have their work viewed outside of the classroom with awards of cash prizes, including the $1,000 Best in Show/President’s Award. The exhibit will be hosted on campus through May 4. 


This spring semester has been a busy one here in the MESA center, as students complete internship and scholarship applications for summer, and funding for next year. I am thrilled to share that several of our students have already heard back from internships and scholarship opportunities and I would like to highlight them.

  • Jesus Ruvalcaba, Electrical Engineering accepted the PIPELINES UCSB internship, awarded the SMART Scholarship-for-Service Program is a combined educational and workforce development opportunity for STEM students. SMART offers scholarships for undergraduate, master's, and doctoral students pursuing a STEM degree. Scholarship recipients receive full tuition, annual stipends, internships, and guaranteed employment with the Department of Defense after graduation.
  • Kyle Morrissey, Computer Science major was accepted to the BioXFEL internship at Arizona State University.
  • Angel Gutierrez, Chemistry major was accepted the SHPEP/UCLA Dental internship
  • Julissa Deluna, Mechanical Engineering major was accepted to the PIPELINES Program ARVR
  • Tyler Maldonado, Mechanical Engineering major was accepted to the PIPELINES Program
  • Laura Macias, Mechanical Engineering major accepted to NREIP internships at the Navy Base
  • Francisco Camarce, Chemistry major was accepted to the PIPELINES Internship Program

ARRRRR Rachel Kelly and Dontae Duncan be true gems among me crew at Foothill High School! They be workin' tirelessly to help our young scholars set sail on their dual enrollment adventures at Ventura College. They be goin' above and beyond, navigatin' through the treacherous waters of paperwork, deadlines, and course selection, helpin' our students chart their way to academic success. Their dedication and passion be like a beacon o' light guidin' our students on their path to higher learnin'. Me heart swells with pride seein' 'em assistin' our future scholars. They be settin' the example of what it means to have pirate pride. Rachel and Dontae be truly makin' a difference for our young scallywags, and their efforts be appreciated more than a chest of buried treasure!

Veterans Resource Center

The VRC hired a full-time Program Coordinator, Elizabeth Vasquez. Come by and say hello and find out more about the VRC.

In April, the Center began offering a new online service called VRC Express which is offered to veterans and dependents. This online service will continue through to the end of the semester.

Upcoming workshops and events include:

  • Brunch with a Side of Benefits
  • Veteran focused Resume Workshop in collaboration with Career Services
  • Financial Aid Support at the VRC
  • Military Celebration Dinner celebrating graduation veterans and dependents

Congratulations Talitha Draper!

A huge congratulations to Ventura College basketball player Talitha Draper who was was selected for recognition at the CCCAA Conference in Sacramento. Talitha was one of two athletes in the state selected for the Student Athletic Achievement Award by the CCC Association for Academic Advisors for Athletes. Congratulations to Talitha for overcoming personal challenges while excelling in athletics and academics. We’re so proud of you!

Photo: From left to right, Talitha’s mom, Talitha Draper, Sheehan Casey (VC Athletic Counselor), and Ventura College President, Kim Hoffmans

Read More About Talitha

Congratulations on Completion of Humanizing STEM Academy

Eight STEM faculty and three Instructional Technologists/Designers (ITDs) completed the Humanizing STEM Academy in the fall. This intensive training provided “warm demander” pedagogy to create a welcoming environment and to support cultural diversity for students in online classes. According to Michelle Pacansky-Brock, research shows that “racially minoritized students in humanized online courses experience a higher increase in sense of belonging from the start to the end of the course when compared to White and Asian students, which is key to closing equity gaps.” Our faculty created showcases with a Creative Commons license so they can share their work with colleagues. Congratulations to our faculty and ITDs on their commitment to high-quality, equitable, culturally-responsive online instruction!

VC Crew Complete CERT Training

Congratulations to our Ventura College crew who participated in Community Emergency Response Training (CERT)! This six-week course educates individuals on disaster preparedness, disaster medical operations, fire and utility safety, as well as search and rescue operations. Individuals demonstrated all these skills as part of the final test. Congratulations to Tamishiah Allen, Bruce McFadden, Cathy Bojorquez, Natawni Pringle, Mea Brink Phillip Briggs, Jesse Sluder, Marcel Koressa, Debbie Battey, Cynthia Cuevas, Fabiola Fuentes, Maureen Jacobs and Jose Delgado!

Annual Distance Education Summit

The annual Distance Education Summit was held on March 1. This conference was presented by Oxnard College as a fully online event, with opportunities to attend in-person viewing rooms at Ventura College. Session recording can be watched through our SharePoint website.

DE Summit Recorded Sessions

PD Event Highlights

VC held its first Job EXPO, inviting members from Ventura County to apply to open positions at Ventura College, Oxnard College, Moorpark College, and the District Office. Thanks to staff and faculty, the event was a big success.

VC Welcomed Edgar Euen, Community Outreach Coordinator from the Ventura County Diversity Collective to lead, RISE: Cultural Competency Training. Staff and Faculty from Ventura and Oxnard Colleges collaborated in informative and active discussions. Thanks to all that participated and a special thanks to our VP of Academic Affairs Jennifer Kalfsbeek-Goetz for welcoming the guests.

Left: Job seekers talk with Dean Debbie Newcomb and other staff about career opportunities at Ventura College. Right: Jennifer Kalfsbeek-Goetz, Aaron Jones, Vanessa Stotler, Jesus Vega and Oscar Rivera were on hand to welcome the public and assist at the Job Expo in March.

Professional Development

Ventura College is happy to bring Professional Development opportunities to staff, faculty, and administration to help develop new skills and stay up to date on current trends that are always evolving within our campus community. Upcoming event information can be found in the Classified Professional Development Corner, SharePoint, and the Master Calendar. Please visit us at Professional Development | Ventura College for more information.  


Upcoming Events  

April 21 - New Classified Orientation

April 28 - New Faculty On-Boarding (Full Time)

April 28 Want to learn how to use the TechSmith product Camtasia?


The Vision Resource Center is a portal for professional development and colleague connection throughout all of California’s Community Colleges.   

The Alliance units community colleges across the state of California for high-quality professional learning experiences on an array of topics pertaining to racial equity. 

Call for Special Event Volunteers

Do you enjoy interacting with the public, and being a part of something inspiring? Do you have family or friends that belong to an organization or service club looking for opportunities to serve others? Learn more about being a special event volunteer and share the news with your famiily and friends.


✔️ Pre-event tasks in the VC Foundation office (name tags, stuffing, folding, etc.)

✔️ Setting up and tear down of events

✔️ Day of event support during the VC Foundation’s events such as Special Donor Receptions, Scholarship Award Ceremony, and more!

Contact Stephanie Montenegro at or 805-289-6122 or click the button below for more information.

Find out more about Volunteer Opportunities!
VC Foundation Website

A Pirate Treasure is a way to recognize colleagues and say thank you for outstanding support to our college community.

Acknowledge your Peers
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