Recycling Authority
November 2020
20000 West Eight Mile Road | Southfield
248-208-2270 | www.rrrasoc.org
A recent sort of RRRASOC's recycled materials showed that bagged recycling was the largest type of contamination found.
We have taken this information and created an educational campaign aimed to reduce the amount of bagged recycling and plastic bags mistakenly recycled throughout RRRASOC communities.
All recycling should be loose, NOT bagged, as well as clean and dry when placed in your recycling container. This includes keeping plastic bags of any sort out of your recycling including;
- trash bags
- bread/food bags
- Ziploc bags
- plastic food wrap (cling wrap)
- plastic floor sheeting
- dry cleaner bags
Other plastic items that you should not recycle include;
- bubble wrap
- candy bar wrappers
- chip bags
- granola bar wrappers
- pet food bags
- seed bags
Bagged recycling is often thrown away as it is undistinguishable from actual trash. The bags are not broken open to keep possible contamination out of the sorting process and to keep workers safe from the unknown contents. This is why keeping your recyclables loose is incredibly important. Bagging your recyclables is as good as throwing them away.
Plastic bags, in general, should not be recycled in any RRRASOC community. They should be taken to a special drop off location. Big box stores like Meijer and Wal-Mart often have plastic bag recycling near the entrance of the store. Plastic bags (along with hoses, wires, cords, ropes, tubing, etc.) are known as tanglers and cause the machines that sort the recyclables to clog up and not work. The tanglers must be manually cut from the machines causing delays in sorting and possible injuries to workers.
To keep recycling available and cost efficient, please follow all recycling guidelines. If you have questions about what you can recycle, try using the Recycling Directory at RRRASOC.org.
Educational postcard sent to all RRRASOC community residents.
Tanglers caught around the sorting mechanism.
Workers manually cutting the tanglers free.
Yard Waste Collections End Soon
The weather may be confused about what time of year it is but we don't want you to be. The end of the yard waste collection season is coming soon. Be sure to get as much of your yard waste as possible to the curb before collection stops.
Check general yard waste guidelines here and for specific yard waste collection dates and details check directly with your community.
Press Release
Simple Recycling Services Suspension
Simple Recycling Services Suspension
EFFECTIVE: November 23, 2020
Southfield, MI – The Resource Recovery and Recycling Authority of Southwest Oakland County (RRRASOC) has been informed by Simple Recycling that they will be suspending their bagged clothing collection services, effective November 23, 2020, due to health, safety, and business concerns related to COVID-19. This suspension affects all nine RRRASOC member communities; Farmington, Farmington Hills, Milford, Milford Township, Novi, South Lyon, Southfield, Walled Lake and Wixom.
At this time and the because of the fluidity of this situation, it is difficult to say when these services will resume. RRRASOC would like to encourage you to check with your local thrift stores, missions, and places of worship to see if donations are being accepted at this time and to consider if your items can be reused and/or repurposed, check out http://www.rrrasoc.org/recycling/reuse-repurpose/ for more information.
Continued updates will be posted to the RRRASOC website, on the “Recycling Authority” Facebook page and via press releases. Subscribe to our eNewsletter for information regarding recycling, program updates and to check out additional resources at www.rrrasoc.org or by calling 248-208-2270.
Starting Your Holiday Shopping?
'Tis the season of shopping and with COVID-19 changing the way we spend time at home its also the season of toys. The pandemic has created a surge for toys as more people are staying home to play instead of hanging with friends, going to the park or visiting the library. This has influenced large toy companies to become more eco-friendly by reducing the amount of plastic in their toys and packaging.
When shopping this holiday season, consider buying from these companies that are taking steps to lower their plastic use and create better toys for you and the environment.
- Uno - Uno announced that it now has a 100% recyclable deck of cards and is removing cellophane from its packaging.
- Lego - Lego plans to use recyclable paper for its packaging and has been working for years to develop alternatives to petroleum-based plastic for its blocks.
- Little Tikes bikes - Little Tikes, which makes a range of toys including scooters, swings, and playhouses, has released a new line of toys made from recycled plastic, packaged in recycled materials.
- Rock-a-Stack toys - Rock-a-Stacks are practically synonymous with plastic waste. The hollow, colorful plastic rings, stacked by size and color on a short pole, will be made from sugarcane-based plastics and packaged in 100% recycled or sustainably sourced material by the end of 2020.
RRRASOC Recycling Directory
Not sure what to do with stuff?
Visit rrrasoc.org and use the Recycling Directory search bar to type in keywords and get recycling, composting, reuse or disposal instructions.
The searchable, intuitive format of the Recycling Directory provides RRRASOC specific information.
Also Available:
- Mobile App
- From your App Store or Google Play, search for "Recycling Authority"
- Alexa Enabled Device
- Simply say, “Alexa, enable Recycling Directory.”
RRRASOC - Recycling Authority | 248-208-2270 | rrrasoc.org