MHS News
Massachusetts Senate Adopted $100K Earmark for National History Day

Thanks in large part to your advocacy, on Wednesday, 24 May, the Senate adopted an amendment for a $100K earmark for National History Day. Next, the conference committee will need to review, and the Governor will need to approve. We are grateful to Sen. Paul Feeney for sponsoring the amendment as well as co-sponsors Senators O'Connor, Lewis, Collins, Tarr, Keenan, Rausch, Timilty, Fattman, and Lovely.

Civic Learning and the Role of the MHS

Patrick McGravey, an eighth-grade civics teacher at North Andover Middle School, was a Kass teacher fellow at the MHS in 2021. His fellowship enabled him to research William Symmes, Jr., and incorporate the process of the ratification of the Constitution using Symmes’s story in the classroom. To bring more recognition to Symmes, this year, McGravey’s students embarked on an action civics project to draft a citizen petition called “The William Symmes Jr. Act.” Seven students went on to work with former state representative Christina Minicucci to write the act in proper language, present a slideshow about the act to the Select Board, and see it approved unanimously. Read more about the act in this Eagle-Tribune article. Read more about McGravey’s MHS fellowship in this blog post.
MHS Member Week 2023 A Grand Success

MHS Members are the heart of our institution, and we were thrilled to welcome so many of them to events throughout Member Week. We hosted six in-person and one virtual program, as well as Member-only exhibition hours, offered a scavenger hunt and coloring booklet for families, and gave away MHS swag and publications. Thank you to all our Members for their continued support!

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Upcoming Events
Tuesday, 30 May 5:30 PM
Peter Drummey, Chief Historian & Stephen T. Riley Librarian, and Rakashi Chand, Reading Room Supervisor.

Monday, 12 June, at 6:00 PM: Politics & Pride: A History of Massachusetts's LGBTQ+ Politicians & Campaigns in partnership with The History Project, with Mark Robert Schneider; Samantha Gross, The Boston Globe; and Byron Rushing.

Wednesday, 14 June, at 6:00 PM: Harvard Square: A Love Story with Catherine Turco.

Monday, 26 June, at 6:00 PM: Politics & Pride: From LGBTQ+ Marriage to Trans Rights in partnership with The History Project, with Arline Isaacson, Isaacson Political Consulting; Carmel Valentine, Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition; and Tanya Neslusan, Mass Equality.

Wednesday, 28 June, at 6:00 PM: The Rediscovery of America: Native Peoples & the Unmaking of US History with Ned Blackhawk, Yale University.

See full calendar.
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Click below to view the latest video, Banking on Slavery: Financing Southern Expansion in the Antebellum United States, with Sharon Ann Murphy, Providence College. Enjoy more videos by subscribing to the MHS YouTube channel after you view the video.
Our galleries and library are open Monday and Wednesday through Friday, from 10:00 AM to 4:45 PM, Tuesday from 10:00 AM to 7:45 PM (the galleries and library open at 12:00 PM the third Tuesday of the month), and Saturday, from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Please note that the last admission is 45 minutes prior to closing.

Please check our hours and admissions for hours, building closings, and other events.
An advance appointment is strongly encouraged for all researchers. Please visit our Appointment Request Form to select your preferred visit dates.
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The MHS Fund and Membership

Our Members make it possible for us to offer an array of complimentary services including admission to our exhibition galleries and library, online access to our collections and digital editions, and onsite and remote reference services for all. Membership begins with a fully tax-deductible contribution of $250 or more to the MHS Fund. All Members enjoy a full year of social, cultural, and educational experiences, including invitations to our annual Holiday Party, FREE program registration, and Member Week perks. Learn more and join today!
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