The New Moon
May 8, 2023 | Vol. 20, No. 3
A 2008 Living Cultures grant supported the preparation, practice, and implementation of the Cloverdale Rancheria of Pomo Indians' traditional songs and dances by their then newly-formed dance group. Photo: Lily Kharrazi/ACTA.
Apply Now to the 2023 Living Cultures Grant!

Offering Grants to Organizations and Individual Artists Statewide

The Living Cultures Grant seeks to sustain and strengthen traditional arts in the state of California with $5,000 grants to individual artists/culture bearers and $12,500 grants to California-based nonprofits and Tribal Nations, as well as other organizations and community groups who work with fiscal sponsors.

Through this grant program, ACTA supports nurturing cultural continuity, sustaining cultural practices, and engaging our own communities and others through public programs. Projects involving any genre of traditional art—including but not limited to dance, music, foodways, material arts, and oral traditions—are welcome.

Key Dates
→ Application Opens: May 5, 2023
→ Application Closes: July 3, 2023
→ Info Session: Thursday, May 11 @ 4:00 pm PST on Zoom
(Multilingual in English, Spanish, ASL with captioning.)

The Living Cultures Grant is Funded by the California Arts Council, a state agency, with additional support from William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and Walter & Elise Haas Fund
Músicos en un evento de la comunidad indígena Oaxaqueña de Madera en 2017.
Foto: C. Murrillo/ACTA.
¡Solicita ahora la Beca Culturas Vivas 2023!

Ofreciendo becas para organizaciones y artistas individuales a nivel estatal

La Beca Culturas Vivas busca sostener y fortalecer las artes tradicionales en el estado de California con becas de $5,000 para artistas individuales/portadores de cultura y becas de $12,500 para organizaciones sin fines de lucro y naciones tribales con sede en California, así como otras organizaciones y grupos comunitarios que trabajan con patrocinadores fiscales

A través de este programa de becas, ACTA apoya el fomento de la continuidad cultural, el mantenimiento de prácticas culturales y la participación de nuestras propias comunidades y otras a través de programas públicos. Son bienvenidos los proyectos que involucren cualquier género de arte tradicional, incluidos, entre otros, la danza, la música, las prácticas alimenticias, las artes materiales y las tradiciones orales.

Fechas claves
→ Apertura de la solicitud: 5 de mayo de 2023
→ Cierre de la solicitud: 3 de julio de 2023
→ Sesión informativa: jueves 11 de mayo a las 4:00 p. m. PST en Zoom
(Multilingüe en inglés, español, lenguaje de señas americano y con subtítulos)

La Beca Culturas Vivas está financiada por el Consejo de las Artes de California, una agencia estatal, con apoyo adicional de la Fundación William and Flora Hewlett y el Fondo Walter & Elise Haas.
Somali women show handcrafts at gathering that celebrates women’s oral poetry ‘Buranbuur’ in San Diego, funded by the Living Cultures Grant, 2007. Photo: Lily Kharrazi
Join us for an In-Person Info Session in San Diego

You'll hear for an overview of ACTA's 2023 Living Cultures Grant available statewide with expanded funding for organizations and now offering grants to individual artists as well! You will have an opportunity to field questions to the program manager, and we will take a moment to offer a brief overview of the online application platform, Submittable. This event will be bilingual in English and Spanish.

Thursday, May 18, 2023 | 5-6:30 pm
Chicano Park Museum and Cultural Center
1960 National Ave, San Diego, CA. 92113

Details to come for In-Person Info Sessions in these California communities:
  • Fresno
  • E. Coachella Valley
  • Humboldt County
  • Oakland
  • Los Angeles

The Living Cultures Grant is Funded by the California Arts Council, a state agency, with additional support from William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and Walter & Elise Haas Fund
Mujeres somalíes se reúnen para compartir sus tradiciones de poesía oral, artesanías y arte con henna en el Center for Bridging Communities de San Diego. Foto: Lily Kharrazi, 2007.
Acompáñenos en San Diego para una sesión informativa en persona 

Escuchará una descripción general de la Beca Culturas Vivas 2023 de ACTA con financiación ampliada en todo el estado para organizaciones y ¡ahora ofreciendo becas para artistas individuales también! Tendrá la oportunidad de dirigir preguntas a la gerente del programa y nos tomaremos un momento para ofrecerle una breve descripción general de la plataforma de solicitud en línea, Submittable. Este evento será bilingüe en inglés y español.

jueves, 18 de mayo de 2023 | 5-6:30 pm
Chicano Park Museum and Cultural Center
1960 National Ave, San Diego, CA. 92113

Detalles próximamente para sesiones presenciales en estas comunidades de California:
  • Fresno
  • Valle de Coachella
  • Condado de Humboldt 
  • Oakland
  • Los Ángeles

La Beca Culturas Vivas está financiada por el Consejo de las Artes de California, una agencia estatal, con apoyo adicional de la Fundación William and Flora Hewlett y el Fondo Walter & Elise Haas.
Tibetan dance and opera artist and 2022 NEA National Heritage Fellow Tsering Wangmo Satho performing as part of her tribute video. Photo courtesy of Hypothetical Films
Grant Programs and Honorifics at the National Endowment for the Arts:
Tips for Submitting a Competitive Application or Nomination

Join the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) on May 17 at 3 PM EDT
for an informational webinar about NEA grants and honorific programs, sponsored by the American Folklore Society and the National Assembly of State Arts Agency’s Professional Development Institute for Folk Arts Partnership support. 

This informational webinar will have a special focus on NEA support for living traditions/folk & traditional arts. Program staff from the NEA will introduce a range of grant opportunities, focusing on Grants for Arts Projects, and the National Heritage Fellowships, and will include an overview of funding opportunities, examples of successful projects, and things to consider when submitting an application or nomination. There will be time for questions at the end of the webinar.

Webinar Hosts

  • Cheryl T. Schiele, Acting Folk & Traditional Arts Lead, National Endowment for the Arts
  • William Mansfield, Folk & Traditional Arts Specialist, National Endowment for the Arts
  • Rachel McKean, Assistant Grants Management Specialist, National Endowment for the Arts
Who should attend this webinar?
Anyone working in the arts and cultural field. Community-based arts and cultural organizations, arts workers, artists and related constituents.
ACTA promotes and supports ways for cultural traditions to thrive now and into the future by providing advocacy, resources, and connections for folk and traditional artists and their communities.