“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.
Come and see the place where he lay."
- Matthew 28:6
Dear fellow alumni:
He is risen! Alleluia!
The journey to the cross now behind us, we rejoice in Christ’s triumph over death and the devil. In Him, we have eternal life! You are invited to worship our risen Savior as we come together as a campus family for Concordia Vespers. Light a candle in your home and join us online Sunday, April 11 at 5:00 PM ET, or any time after that.
Thanks to everyone who has already filled out the Alumni Attitude Survey. Keep scrolling to watch two special videos from Doc Foelber and Dr. Neil Skov. They are still inspiring and encouraging us after all these years!
Next month, we will welcome the spring Class of 2021 to our growing alumni family. Do you know high school juniors or seniors who would love CUAA as much as you do? YOU are the best person to encourage them! Click here to read about CUAA plans for on-campus, in-person instruction this fall, including a checklist for High School senior and transfer students, and registration for Junior Visit Days, April 10 and 24. Thank you for helping to recruit the next generation of alumni to serve Christ in the Church and the world!
Easter joy and blessings,
Linda (Schramke) Sproul ‘92
Director of Donor and Alumni Relations
(734) 995-7491
Don't Forget to Complete the
Concordia University Alumni Attitude Survey!
Did you see the videos from Doc Foelber and Dr. Neil Skov? We would love to hear from you! The Alumni Attitude Survey is open through April 26. If you did not receive it in your inbox, please check your other email folders. Thank you for helping us plan for the future.
Join the Conversation.
Make a Difference.
Prepare the Way.
Watch Doc Foelber's video here.
Watch Dr. Skov's video here.
Concordia Vespers
available on-demand
Sunday, April 11 @ 5 p.m.
On April 11, 2021, at 5 p.m. ET, the sixth Concordia Vespers will be made available for worship for the Concordia community in an on demand format. Made possible by unique filming and recording efforts, the CUAA music department has partnered with a video company to keep all participants safe while still delivering a powerful, sacred worship experience.
CUAA student, Gabriel Penhallegon
- Brian Altevogt and John Boonenberg, artistic directors
- Concordia Choir and Chamber Orchestra
- Randall Duncan, guest preacher
- Katrina Miller, soprano
Missa brevis St. Joannis de Deo “Little Organ Mass,” Hob. 22:7 – Josef Haydn
Laudate pueri from Three Motets, Op. 29 – Felix Mendelssohn
O Lieber Herre Gott, wecke uns auf, SWV 287 – Heinrich Schütz
- Abendlied, Op. 69, No. 3 – Josef Rheinberger
A Ferry Farewell
April 26-30
Call for Virtual Tributes
Express your thanks and appreciation for Dr. Ferry by sharing a memory, well wish, or picture of your time with him.
Tributes may be submitted through
Ferry Fest!
Join President Ferry for a day of celebration at CUAA on Monday, April 26th, featuring:
- Bow Tie Day
- Special Chapel
- Last Lecture
- Milestone Run
- and more!
If you can't be part of the events at CUAA, tune in virtually for similar events on the CUW campus April 28-30.
Register Now for the
2021 Cardinal Golf Classic
Friday, June 11th
NEW DATE! Friday, June 11th
TWO FLIGHTS: 7:30 AM and 2:00 PM
$125 each or $500 for a foursome includes: 18-holes with cart, continental breakfast, lunch at the turn, customized Cardinal glassware, raffle prizes, hole contests, giveaways throughout the day, and a social event with cash bar and hors d'oeuvres.
All funds raised directly support the student-athlete experience at Concordia through facility development and financial assistance.
Generous Donors Exceed Fundraising Goal
Q: What has three manuals, four divisions, 34 stops, 46 ranks, and 2525 pipes?
A: Our beautiful Schlicker pipe organ, of course!
Thanks to the generosity of Dr. Karl and Shirley Kreft, along with other donors, we have exceeded our $100,000 fundraising goal to renovate our organ. Work is scheduled to take place this summer and needed improvements will include replacing worn keyboards and adding memory, along with recording and transposing functions.
Our organ was originally built in 1967 and we are excited to make these 21st century improvements! Rededication plans will be announced later this year. The organ has always been central to our campus worship, and we can’t wait to pull out all the stops.
Thank you, donors!
Want to learn more about the history of our pipe organ and Chapel?
Leaving a Legacy of Faith:
Tax Advantages of
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Join experts Greg Fictum of Concordia University and Robert Melick of Melick Law LLC as they discuss Charitable
Remainder Trusts.
Tuesday, April 27th at 7 p.m.
Register for this free webinar here.
CLJC 1970/71 Combined
50th Reunion
We are pleased to announce our finalized 50th reunion dates and to welcome you back on campus
August 7–8, 2021!
Mark Buckert is organizing our bio books. We would love to have your updated information even if you are unable to join us.
For event itinerary, hotel information, bio book form, and more, visit here.
call Linda Sproul at (734) 995-7491
to indicate you plan to attend.
Calling all XC and
Track & Field Alumni!
Appreciation Event
Saturday, April 24th
The CUAA Cross Country and Track and Field programs are hosting their first home outdoor track meet on April 24th at the recently completed Thunder Sports Complex.
Please join us! Click here for more details and to register for the event.
Applicants Welcome:
Concordia Fund Director
Are you deeply committed to the mission of Concordia and our students? Do you have strong organizational, strategic planning, and fundraising skills? If so, you might be a perfect fit as our full-time Director of Concordia Fund.
Serving both the Ann Arbor and Wisconsin campuses, this position reports to the Senior Vice President of Advancement on our Wisconsin campus. The recent success of our March MATCHness event is a great example of what this position would entail.
For more details and to apply, head here.
Final Thought from
Campus Pastor Randy Duncan
Each morning during the school year, our campus pastor, Randy Duncan, sends out an email full of inspirational thoughts, concepts to ponder, scripture, and prayer requests. We thought we would share some of his thoughts with you each month for us to contemplate.
Final thought: Sometimes it takes the worst pain to bring about the best change.
Saturday, April 24
Location: Thunder Sports Complex
Tax Advantages of
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Tuesday, April 27 at 7 p.m.
Virtual Session
April 26-30
CUAA (April 26), CUW (April 28-30), and Virtual
Leadership Series with President Ferry Looking Back and Moving Ahead:
Nearing the Finish Line
Thursday, May 27
Location: CUW and Virtual
(Details will be available in the May newsletter)