Happy September! It is with great joy that we welcome back all four classes of Bowdoin students and wish everyone a happy and productive fall! This month, on September 16th, the Museum opens a stunning new exhibition, There is a Woman in Every Color: Black Women in Art, curated by Elizabeth Humphrey ’14; it will be on view until January 30, 2022. This exhibition complements exciting programs in place for Bowdoin’s celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the matriculation of women to the College in 1971. We also inaugurate new hours this month, adding evening hours on Thursday nights. As of September 1st, our new hours will be Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, 11 am–5 pm, and Thursday, 11 am–8:30 pm. Please also note that in order to protect the health and safety of the Bowdoin and Brunswick communities, Bowdoin is now requiring all guests visiting the Bowdoin College Museum of Art to provide proof of full vaccination status: For more information please click here. We look forward to a combination of live and virtual programming this semester and look forward to seeing you soon!
Anne Collins Goodyear & Frank H. Goodyear
Bowdoin College Museum of Art
Opening September 16
There is a Woman in Every Color: Black Women in Art
There Is a Woman in Every Color examines the representation of Black women over the past two centuries.
New Views of the Middle Ages: Highlights from the Wyvern Collection
New Views of the Middle Ages: Highlights from the Wyvern Collection presents nearly fifty works of medieval art, from the sixth through the sixteenth centuries.
There is a Woman in Every Color: Black Women in Art Opens on September 16
This new exhibition examines the representation of Black women in art. Drawing on over sixty artworks from the Museum's collection and on loan, the exhibition explores the history of Black women’s marginalization and highlights their artistic achievements.
Thank you to our Summer Interns
Seven Bowdoin student interns and one Research Fellow worked at the Museum this summer.
Object of the Month
Lily Weafer ’23, Student Assistant to the Curator, discusses Study for Oda a la Necrofilia, 1962, by Kati Horna.
Curator's Tour
There is a Woman in Every Color
3:30 p.m.
To our members,
The support of our members helps realize future exhibitions, public programs, and educational offerings. Membership serves as a special connection to a community of students and faculty, who are actively engaged in the Museum. If you are a member, please renew! If you are not already a member, we hope that you will show your support for the Bowdoin College Museum of Art by joining today !
Museum Hours
Wednesday through Saturday: 11:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. and Thursday evenings until 8:30 p.m. | Closed on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, and national holidays.
The Bowdoin College Museum of Art is open to the public free of charge, although donations are welcome. The Museum is wheelchair accessible through the Pavilion entrance.
Bowdoin College Museum of Art | 9400 College Station | Brunswick, ME 04011 | 207.725.3275