Hello again and welcome to my favorite season! I hope you are able to take some time to enjoy the cider mills, cool evening walks, and changing colors.
This newsletter is on a topic very close to my heart....suicide prevention. With most of us experiencing our own unique struggles in response to the pandemic, it has become even harder to tell when you or someone you know needs additional support. This month we have provided you with information to help you further navigate the signs and symptoms of mental illness.
Please take some time to read this. It could save someone's life.
All my best,
Dr. Pam McCaskill
McCaskill Family Services Newsletter
Term: Fall| Issue 21| September 28th, 2021
September is a big month in the mental health field. During this time, we bring even more attention to suicide awareness and prevention. Sadly, suicide is considered by the CDC to be a leading cause of death in the United States, with it being the second cause for individuals ages 10-34.
With these statistics, especially in the midst of a pandemic, mental health is not something we can ignore. We do a disservice to ourselves, our family and friends, our youth, and even strangers if we lack knowledge about the topic or choose to brush off warning signs as just "moody behavior" or "normal daily struggles." We hope that throughout this newsletter you find information for recognizing the signs of suicide, self-assessments, and helpful strategies for addressing depression, anxiety and more. Knowledge is power. Pass it on.
At McCaskill Family Services, we specialize in working with children, parents, and families with various presenting issues. If your family or someone you know could benefit from our services, please contact us. Our clinicians are trained in empirically-based techniques, and would be happy to promptly schedule an appointment in person or via tele-health. We can be reached by phone at 734-416-9098 or by email at office@mccaskillfamilyservices.com.
3 Practices to Improve Your Mental Health
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How to Spot The Difference
Question: How am I suppose to tell the difference between normal teen moodiness and depression or anxiety ?
Answer: This is sometimes difficult to decipher. What is normal, moody, teen behavior and when should a parent be more concerned? The biggest sign a parent can look for is a big change in your teen’s behavior. If your child spends 60% of their time in their room, and this has always been the case, there is rarely cause for concern. If your child is generally active with the family, and suddenly shifts to spending 60% of their time in their room; something is happening. Additionally, if they jump from 60% to 90%, this is a concerning behavior to notice. Whenever you see a big change in behavior, it’s a nonverbal sign that something is going on. Also, your teen (most likely) doesn’t want to talk with you about things going on in their lives. Despite how frustrating and hurtful this can be, know that this is normal throughout the teenage years, as they begin to experiment with healthy separation individuation. However, your teen SHOULD be wanting to talk to someone; friends, siblings etc. If they are not talking to anyone, then this is a red flag warning sign.
Click the link below for a helpful handout on this topic!
Dr. Amanda Klingensmith is a Fully Licensed Clinical Psychologist who treats a variety of anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and behavioral issues in children and teens.
Amanda utilizes empirically based interventions to support her patients success, including cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, behavioral parent training and motivational interviewing. Dr. Amanda also specializes in the treatment of Tic disorders, chronic pain and sleep disorders.
In her spare time, Amanda loves going on adventures with her rescue dog, Halo, re-reading the Harry Potter series (and wishing it was all real), and spending time with her family.
Dr. Amanda also serves as the professional development director of MFS, helping our staff to stay up to date with the most effective therapeutic strategies and research.
If you or someone you know could benefit from working with Dr. Amanda, please contact
Taking the first step toward addressing your mental health can be scary and difficult.
Many people struggle to know if or when to get help. Below are some helpful self-assessments that can help you to gauge symptom severity and the need for intervention. However, regardless of your results, it's never too early or too late to speak to a provider for support. If you feel like you need help, we encourage you to seek it.
All assessments provided by University of Michigan Eisenberg Family Depression Center
Text the word HOME to 741 741 to be immediately connected to a crisis counselor via text, anywhere, anytime. Help is just a text away.
Newsletter Editor's Notes
If you are currently under the care of a mental health professional, reality is that you can't see them everyday. If you are in the process of finding a therapist, I know that the waitlist can be a long one, and that the time in between your stressor and seeing them can feel like forever.
In the interim, I have a helpful tool for you to try. It's empirically supported (a.k.a. we know that it works) and it's the closest thing to talking to someone when there's no one to talk to.
Psychology was born on the basis of catharsis. This means that when we release strong or repressed emotions through the form of expression, we experience relief. This expression can come in any form: verbal, written, movement, or music. The process is that the emotion becomes acknowledged, allowing us to eventually release it and move forward.
The process of journaling allows us to experience catharsis by encouraging acceptance of our feelings, organizing our thoughts, distracting us from the current stressor, and helps us to practice mindfulness and reflection. It involves no one but yourself, it's free, and it doesn't even require a pen and paper.
I encourage you to give this a try! It's a habit that is most effective when used in the moment, or flexibly scheduled into your routine if you struggle with ongoing feelings of anxiety, depression, stress, or motivation. Don't know how to get started with journaling? See below.
Journaling Tips
- Your journal doesn't have to be on paper! Type up a word document, use 'notes' on your phone, download an app, or talk into an audio recorder. Any form works.
- Write anytime of the day. It doesn't need to be in the morning or at night (contrary to popular belief).
- Take your journal with you; this allows you to write in the moment or jot down notes for things you may want to write about later.
- Reflect on your previous passages. You may start to notice that things you wrote about were actually more manageable than they felt in that moment, or you may have come up with solution that would be helpful to employ next time you feel that way.
- When you don't know what to write about, write about gratitude.
- Journaling isn't all about feelings. Use it for brainstorming possible solutions, list things you would like to accomplish, identify things that you hope for in your future, or write down some things you love about yourself.
- Get creative; add some personal photos, doodle on your pages etc. Your journal should be uniquely you.
Happy Journaling -Jaclyn
Happy fall everyone! I'm a masters level clinician at McCaskill Family Services who specializes in the treatment of OCD, anxiety, self-harm and eating disorders for all ages. I co-run the McCaskill Family Services DBT groups for teens and adults, and specialize in psychological assessment. I am also our monthly newsletter editor and social media manager!
I'd like to personally thank you for staying in touch with our practice, and hope you find this newsletter inspirational and informative. If you or someone you know would like to schedule an appointment with me, please contact our office at 734-416-9098 or email us at office@mccaskillfamilyservices.com. I look forward to working with you!
409 Plymouth Road, Suite 250, Plymouth, MI 48170 • 734.416.9098