"Honey, where's my optivisor?"
You will need to find your second set eyes to see the newest addition to the
ZIMO decoder family.
Friends... this one is almost sub-Nano!
I will be on vacation October 8 through October 18, 2020. The cutoff date for shippable orders is October 6, 2020. The web store will remain open and you may continue to place orders. I will resume shipping on or about October 19, 2020. Thanks for your patience and understanding as we take a much needed rest.
As a reminder, the
SBS4DCC website features
Real-Time Stock Status. Please remember that orders for out-of-stock products will be delayed and restock information will be limited. The shipping status notice applies to in-stock product only.
Be sure to check out the
Tutorials, Tips and Tricks section of the website. I continue to add volumes of information about different subjects I think you might find valuable.
Stop Running Trains. Start Model Railroading!
Bryan Vianco
Owner, SBS4DCC