MHS News
Dr. Kanisorn Wongsrichanalai Appeared on GBH’s “Ask the Expert” Series

In case you missed it, watch a recording of MHS Director of Research Kanisorn Wongsrichanalai’s talk about the American Civil War on GBH’s “Ask the Expert.”
Disability and the American Past Series Returns

In October 2021, the MHS hosted nine programs looking at disability and the American past. On 8 February, the series returns with five new programs. Learn about the field of disability history through panel conversations, presentations, and a workshop. Listen to experts from around the country in this multi-perspective examination of disability in the American past. See the event series online and register here.
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, 31 January | 5:00 PM
Daniel Mandell, Truman State University, with comment by Owen Stanwood, Boston College

Thursday, 2 February | 5:00 PM
Benjamin Anastas, Bennington College; Linda Hirschman, independent scholar; Alec Nevala-Lee, biographer; moderated by Megan Marshall, Emerson College

Tuesday, 7 February, at 5:00 PM: America’s First Corporate Person: The Bank of the United States, 1789–1812 with Jared S. Berkowitz, Brandeis University, with comment by Christine Desan, Harvard Law School.

Wednesday, 8 February, at 6:00 PM: Disability and the American Past: Disappeared Disabilities with Beth Linker, University of Pennsylvania; Mara Mills, New York University; Leroy Moore, Krip-Hop Nation; moderated by Ola Ojewumi, Project ASCEND.

Monday, 13 February, at 6:00 PM: Disability and the American Past: Failures in Intersectionality with Keith Jones, SoulTouchin Experiences; Susan Burch, Middlebury College; Anita Cameron, Not Dead Yet; moderated by Octavian Richardson, Gallaudet University.

Tuesday, 14 February, at 1:30 PM: My Dearest Friend with Sara Martin, Adams Papers Editor in Chief.

Thursday, 16 February, at 5:00 PM: Living with Climate Change in Northern New England with Emma C. Moesswilde, Georgetown University, with comment by Christopher M. Parsons, Northeastern University.

Monday, 20 February; Wednesday, 22 February; and Friday 24 February, 9:00 AM11:30 AM: Teaching the U.S. Disability Rights Movement teacher’s workshop in partnership with Emerging America.

Tuesday, 21 February, at 5:00 PM: “May It Please Her Honor”: The United States’ First Women Judges, 1870–1960 with Elizabeth D. Katz, Washington University School of Law, with comment by Virginia Drachman, Tufts University.

Thursday, 23 February, at 5:00 PM: Digital Methods for Understanding Historical Travel Guides: A Case Study of the Digital Methodologies behind Mapping the Gay Guides with Amanda Regan, Clemson University, with comment by Alex Ketchum, McGill University.

Tuesday, 28 February, at 6:00 PM: Disability and the American Past: Intro to Disability Justice with Ellice Patterson, Abilities Dance; Jorge Matos Valldejuli, Hostos Community College at the City University of New York; Britney Wilson, New York Law School; moderated by Jessica Cowing, The College of Wooster.

See full calendar.
Looking for More?
Registration and Events
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