“Show me your ways, LORD, teach me your paths."
- Psalm 25:4
Dear fellow alumni,
God’s grace and peace be with you during this season of Lent.
We use this time before Easter to spiritually reflect and renew, and focus our hearts and minds on Christ and His ultimate sacrifice for our salvation. Our students will also be taking a physical and mental break March 9 and 10 for some much-needed Rest and Refresh (R&R) days. Since we are not observing spring break this year, these two days will be spent on campus. Why not mark your own calendar to set aside some time for prayer and R&R?
Special thanks to all alumni who participated in our first-ever MarchMATCHness Giving Day - it was a huge success! The challenges and friendly competitions made it so much fun, especially since CUAA giving totals beat CUW!
I’m so proud to be a part of our CUAA alumni community, and would like to personally invite you to help us plan for the future by completing our upcoming Alumni Attitude Survey, and sharing your input for our presidential search. Keep scrolling for more details. Your voice matters, and your opinion counts!
Thank you for all the ways you continue to serve and support CUAA. Our alumni are the best!
God’s blessings,
Linda (Schramke) Sproul ‘92
Director of Donor and Alumni Relations
(734) 995-7491
Thank you for helping us surpass our goal
WOW! Thank you to all who contributed to March MATCHness! We definitely felt the love! Two campuses, 567 donors, $75,152 total raised between the two campuses. Our $50,000 goal? Crushed it! We are blown away by your support.
- $7.75K for CUAA Concordia Fund - our greatest need
- $1.86K for CUAA Mind: Scholarship Support
- $8.55K for CUAA Body: Athletics
- $1.66K for CUAA Spirit: Ministry Support
- $3.18K for CUAA Fine Arts
Dr. Ryan Peterson, vice president of administration, did his part to help during March MATCHness.
Concordia University Alumni Attitude Survey coming soon
The Alumni Attitude Survey is launching the week of March 22. Your voice can be heard and you can help us better serve you by completing the survey, which will be sent to all alumni with an active email address with the university. You can update your email address here.
Remember your opinions are very important because alumni are valued members of the Concordia family! Look for your email the week of March 22.
Join the Conversation.
Make a Difference.
Prepare the Way.
When the survey was conducted in 2016, we asked alumni to name one person who had a special impact on their experiences as a student. This word cloud represents the answers.
Endowment honors
Marilyn Beyer, long-time English professor
To have known Marilyn Beyer was to love her. We are grateful for the the gift she was to the CUAA campus. And we are thankful to our donors who have helped us establish a scholarship endowment in her honor. Through this endowment, may her Concordia legacy continue to bless students! To read more, click here.
Introducing the
Ronald and Marvel Jones School of Nursing
CUAA's nursing school now has a new name: The Ronald and Marvel Jones School of Nursing. Thanks to their generous hearts, CUAA is able to set up more endowments for students and create a new Center for Simulation & Innovation. Thank you, Ron and Marvel, for your continued support! To read more about the Joneses and their generosity, click here.
School of Education achieves record MTTC exam pass rate
Well above national pass-rates, CUAA's School of Education has broken a new MTTC exam pass rate record! Great work by our future educators! Click here to read more about this amazing success.
Cario announced as
interim president
The Concordia University Board of Regents has selected William Cario as the university’s interim president. Cario, currently the provost and chief academic officer for the university, will begin the role July 1, 2021, following the retirement of President, Rev. Patrick T. Ferry, PhD. To learn more, click here. Congratulations, Dr. Cario! Would you like to have some input into our presidential search? Click here.
We won our season opener against our rival, Siena Heights! Don't forget that some of our fall sports are playing this spring. Click here to read about our victory. Check out the Cardinals website for all of the scheduling details.
Did you catch our webinar on the COVID vaccine?
Concordia University recently held a webinar featuring experts from the Ann Arbor and Wisconsin campuses on the COVID vaccine. If you didn't get a chance to watch it, no worries. You can click here to see the presentation on Facebook.
Thoughts from
Campus Pastor Randy Duncan
Each morning during the school year, our campus pastor, Randy Duncan, sends out an email full of inspirational thoughts, concepts to ponder, scripture, and prayer requests. We thought we would share some of his thoughts with you each month for us to contemplate.
Final thought: Let it hurt. Let it heal. And then let it go.
April 24
Location: Thunder Sports Complex