MHS News
MHS Staff Member Honored by NEMA with an Excellence Award

Congratulations Anne E. Bentley, MHS Curator of Art and Artifacts, Emerita, on her NEMA Excellence Award.

To read more about Anne’s career and this year’s award from NEMA, click here. Watch a video compilation of the winners here.
MHS President Discussed Inclusive History at Inaugural Historic New England Summit

On 13 October, MHS President Catherine Allgor and MHS Advisor Byron Rushing participated in a panel at Historic New England’s inaugural Summit titled Obliterating the Old Lens on Social History? The panelists talked about what it really means to share inclusive history. They discussed how institutions provide leadership in developing healthy, engaged, thriving communities through diversity, equity, inclusion, and storytelling. Catherine Allgor moderated the event, and the other panelists included Bethany Groff Dorau, Executive Director, Museum of Old Newbury; Byron Rushing, President, Roxbury Historical Society; and Kyera Singleton, Executive Director, Royall House and Slave Quarters.
MHS Building Closed 24 to 26 November

The MHS building will be closed this coming Thursday, 24 November 2022 through Saturday, 26 November 2022.

Visit the website to see upcoming building closures here.

Upcoming Events
Tuesday, 29 November | 5:00 PM
Caroline Jack, University of California, San Diego, with comment by Ted Miller, Northeastern University

Tuesday, 29 November | 6:00 PM
Stacy Schiff in conversation with Ryan J. Woods, EVP and COO of American Ancestors/New England Historic Genealogical Society

Tuesday, 29 November | 7:30 PM
Stacy Schiff in conversation with Ryan J. Woods, EVP and COO of American Ancestors/New England Historic Genealogical Society, and Catherine Allgor, MHS President

Wednesday, 30 November | 6:00 PM
Larry Tye

Monday, 5 December, at 6:00 PM: The Pirate’s Wife: The Remarkable True Story of Sarah Kidd with Dr. Daphne Palmer Geanacopoulos.

Tuesday, 6 December, at 5:00 PM: Indigenous Identity and King Philip’s War with Ruth Herndon, Bowling Green State University; Joanne Jahnke-Wegner, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire; with comment by David Silverman, George Washington University.

Thursday, 8 December, at 5:30 PM: MHS Holiday Party.

Monday, 12 December, at 5:30 PM: Boston Massacre: A History in Objects and Documents with Boston University students.

Monday, 12 December, at 6:00 PM: MHS Film Club: Good Will Hunting with Tim Grafft, former deputy director of the Massachusetts Film Office, and Missy Stewart, film production designer.

Tuesday, 13 December, at 5:00 PM: Earthquakes and End Times: Global Disasters and Apocalyptical Predictions in the Early Modern English Atlantic with Jennifer Egloff, New York University, Shanghai, with comment by Conevery Bolton Valencius, Boston College.

Wednesday, 14 December, at 6:00 PM: The Grimkes: The Legacy of Slavery in an American Family with Kerri Greenidge.

Thursday, 15 December, at 5:00 PM: The Marriage Defense with Marcia Zug, University of South Carolina, with comment by Phyllis Thompson, Harvard University.

See full calendar.
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Registration and Events
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Our galleries and the library are open Monday, and Wednesday through Friday, from 10:00 AM to 4:45 PM, Tuesday from 10:00 AM to 7:45 PM, and Saturday from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. For closures, visit our hours and admissions page.
Now on display: Our Favorite Things
Please note that the last admission for exhibition visitors will be 45 minutes prior to closing.
An advance appointment is strongly encouraged for all researchers. Please visit our Appointment Request Form to select your preferred visit dates.

Please check our online calendar for hours, building closings, and other events.
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Our Members make it possible for us to offer an array of complimentary services including admission to our exhibition galleries and library, online access to our collections and digital editions, and onsite and remote reference services for all. Membership begins with a fully tax-deductible contribution of $250 or more to the MHS Fund. All Members enjoy a full year of social, cultural, and educational experiences including invitations to our annual Holiday Party, FREE program registration, and Member Week perks. Learn more and join today!
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