Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us
in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places,
even as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world,
that we should be holy and blameless before Him.
Ephesians 1:3-4
Dear fellow alumni,
Decisions, decisions! It seems like that’s all we do anymore is make decisions. If you’re anything like me, you’ve even hit the wall of “decision fatigue!" Thankfully, our LORD is with us to guide and bless us in our earthly journey. Best of all, He has made the ultimate decision to love us for eternity by sending His Son, Jesus. The verse above from Ephesians assures that you have been chosen by God!
There are still many decisions to be made in the next few weeks as schools all over the country begin to open. Please pray for Concordia, as we pray for you, that we would reach more people with the Gospel by becoming even more relevant in more ways than before. Pray also for our new and returning students who have made the decision to attend CUAA! We lift up these students and their families and ask a special blessing of protection over our entire Concordia community, near and far.
God be with you,
Linda (Schramke) Sproul ‘92
Director of Donor and Alumni Relations
(734) 995-7491
P.S. Remember to check our website for the latest on
sports schedules
. You’ll also find some inspiring examples of how we
Live Uncommon,
no matter what decisions we face!
Beloved English
professor Marilyn Beyer
It is with great sadness that we inform you of the death of Marilyn Beyer, former chair of the English Department at CUAA. Anyone who was at Concordia during her tenure, would have known her as a formidably knowledgeable teacher, especially of her favorite two Williams--Shakespeare and Faulkner. Click
for the obituary. Click
o read some of the moving tributes to Marilyn on our alumni Facebook page. Feel free to leave one there as well. The family has asked that those who desire make a gift to the
Erwin C. Beyer Scholarship
. Please put the name of the scholarship in the special instructions box or on the memo line of your check when making a gift.
Eight Yamaha pianos delivered to Concordia
to launch new loan program
CUAA has partnered with Solich Piano & Music Company to establish a Yamaha piano loan program, annually retiring our aged used pianos and refreshing the Music Department with brand new instruments. Eight Yamaha pianos were given new homes on campus. Click
to read more.
Refer church work students to take STEPS toward ministry
STEPS (Serving and Training Experience for Pre-Churchwork Students) is a paid, part-time internship available for CUAA students pursuing full-time church work ministry. Do you know a youth who would make a great church worker? An encouraging word from YOU makes a big difference! Plant the seed and invite them to consider CUAA. Contact
and make a connection. To learn more about the program, click
to read an article from the Arbor Light.
Celebrating in God's house during the pandemic
Paul R. Naumann, 1980 Concordia alumnus and senior pastor at St. Michael Lutheran Church in Portage, Michigan, recently wrote an article for the Michigan District of LCMS about gathering in church during this time of the pandemic and the ancient practice of hand washing. Take a look
to read his interesting blog.
Calling all alumni authors!
CUAA is gathering a list of publications written by YOU, our CUAA alumni. Send the below information to
by August 15, 2020, to be included in our list, which will be shared on the university website, social media, and in the September Alumni newsletter.
- Title of your work
- Date of its launch
- Link to where the book can be purchased
- Brief summary
Check out some of the works of CUAA employees
Physician Assistant program receives provisional accreditation
The university recently received provisional accreditation for its Physician Assistant Studies program, which allows the campus to officially begin accepting applications.
Concordia will look to enroll a cohort of 32 new students in January 2021. The deadline for application for the inaugural term is November 1, 2020.
The 27-month master’s program will be the only PA degree offered by a Christian university in the state of Michigan. To learn more, click
2020 Cardinal Golf Classic rescheduled
October 2
Mark your calendar for Friday, October 2 for the annual Cardinal Golf Classic in support of CUAA. Join fellow golfers at the Washtenaw Golf Club for an enjoyable day of golf and networking. To register and for more information, click
There are many angels among us! THANK YOU to all who have given to our crowdfunding campaign in support of computers and program upgrades for our students in need. You are making an immediate impact on these Concordians' lives and education. Our goal was to raise $7,500. To date, we have surpassed this goal by more than $2,000. Woo hoo! We have an amazing Concordia family!
CEAPsakes Corner
(Career Engagement Activation Programming)
The office of Career Engagement & Industry Relations recently hosted their annual Strategic Planning Retreat and used this time to prepare a unique plan to deliver opportunities for engagement to our students and alumni. The upcoming year we look forward to hosting a variety of events in hybrid models to serve our constituents in person and on-line. Similar to years past we will host multiple Take 20s, Soup with Substance, and a new addition this year will be our Adulting Series. As we continue to plan, we look forward to the start of the fall 2020 semester. Please watch CUAA's event
for upcoming events.
Thoughts from
Campus Pastor Randy Duncan
Each morning during the school year, our campus pastor, Randy Duncan, sends out an email full of inspirational thoughts, concepts to ponder, scripture, and prayer requests. We thought we would share some of his thoughts with you each month for us to contemplate.
Final thought:
Trust God that an ending is followed by a beginning.
Save the date
Due to the uncertainty brought to us by the coronavirus, please stay tuned to our event listing on the
CUAA website
for updates regarding upcoming events.