July 2021 Issue
We are re-doubling our initiatives to provide extra support to students returning to campus life in our physical spaces, and the ASC is particularly focused on first-year students and incoming students who are coming to campus with only virtual experiences. Simply allaying students’ concerns about finding buildings and securing parking tags are part of our welcome, along with special events, such as a welcome back picnic and scavenger hunts.

Providing mentoring and opportunities for our students to make social connections, as well as connections to advisors, faculty and other students, particularly in our RSOs, will be an important focus for the ASC, and the overriding message is that we have survived unprecedented challenges, but we are landing on our feet.

The ASC will also continue to serve those students who have found it very user-friendly to engage our Supplemental Instruction, Academic Success Coaches, and Academic Advisors remotely by continuing to offer these services with some remote options along with the in-person opportunities. Our anticipation of Fall Semester is that we will walk with our students and one another at an energetic pace as we start the semester, and finish the semester running across the finish line!

  • Several ASC Faculty and Staff presented at the 45th Annual National Organization for Student Success (NOSS) Conference in June.

  • Dr. Dan Gianoutsos and Dr. Emily Shreve presented an education session titled, “Learning While Leading: Reflections on Leading Student Success Programs During a Pandemic.”

  • Michael Hack presented "The Advanced Studies Program: An Equitable Bridge for High School Students."

  • Allison Thibault and Cheyenne Rogers presented "Bet on (Math) Bridge! A Summer Math Program for Student Success."

  • Dr. Joe Ervin, with colleagues David Beisecker and Jasmin Ozel, published the paper titled, "The St. Louis Hegelians and the institutionalization of democratic education" in the Philosophy of Education (2021).

  • Dr. Hanna Andrews was accepted into the inaugural cohort of the UNLV Leadership Experience. The primary goals of the Leadership Experience include: 1) growing a larger and more diverse pool of prospective campus leaders, 2) providing emerging university leaders with structured opportunities to develop their knowledge and skills, 3) promoting core institutional values, and 4) increasing faculty and staff participation in shared governance.

  • Tiffany Mata (ASC Supplemental Instruction Leader and Math Bridge Facilitator) was awarded the Best Oral Presentation Award in Heath & National Sciences & Engineering for her presentation titled, "Generation of Bacillus Anthracis Mutants."

  • Janelle Domantay (ASC Tutor), with colleagues Ilya Pivavaruk and Victor Taksheyev, were awarded Best Poster Presentation Award in Health & Natural Sciences & Engineering for their poster presentation titled, "Modeling COVID-19 Infection Rates Using SIR and ARIMA Models."
Picture of Kyle Abenojar
Kyle Abenojar
Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leader
Why did you choose to come to UNLV?

I was one of the students coming out of high school that was unsure about what I wanted to do. I just knew that I would go to college and UNLV was close and made the most financial sense because I got scholarships and could live with my parents and not worry about room and board. At that point, I decided to go into medicine, although I still wasn’t sure that was what I wanted to do. I knew UNLV had a medical school opening and then I also had a tour of a program I was interested in, so it made sense for me to come here.
What is your major(s)? Year? Extracurricular Activities?

I expect to get two majors. I initially was a Biology major, but I took Physics classes in high school and college and those classes interested me. Before committing to Medicine, I wanted to try Engineering so I signed up for a semester of it. Now, I want to stay with Engineering. I’m in my fourth year, so I’m going to go back another two or three years, depending on the number of summer classes I can take. 

For three years, I was part of the Association of Pre-Health Professionals (APHP). In the fall, I’m planning to join the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). I’m also interested in looking at the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), where they basically build a car and then try to compete to build the best car.  

Tell us a little about your role as a Supplemental Instruction (SI) Leader for the ASC. What does that position entail?

As an SI Leader, we function as a hybrid between a tutor and a study group leader. We’re not there to re-teach the material to students. We expect them to have at least gained a basic understanding through the lectures and through their own studying. We’re there to get the students to engage with the material and to get them to a deeper understanding. I think a lot of students come into SI with an approach to their classes where they just memorize things or they’ll stare at their notes or their slides and call it a day. To study more effectively, you need to really think about what you’re learning while you’re learning it and really understand what’s happening. Also, just test yourself to see how much you can actually recall. I think SI sessions help with all of those things.  

I think we sort of act like a model student, someone who’s further along and has already gone through the process that they’re currently going through. We can all look back at our classes and wish we knew things, when I was at their point. Now, as an SI Leader, I can come back and show students the things I wish I knew.

What is the most important piece of advice you give to students?

In my sessions, when I’m meeting my students, I tell them not to be afraid to make a mistake. I tell them to make mistakes here and then don’t make the same mistakes on the exams, where it really counts. I also feel you get an emotional reaction when you’re making mistakes, which really makes a stronger memory. 

Now that the campus is opening up, what are you looking forward to for the Fall semester?

I’m looking forward to meeting people in classes again. It’s really hard to meet people when it’s all online and cameras are all off. Also, personally for me, it’s hard to do work when I’m at home because it’s my mind’s standard to relax at home.

What is an item/habit that you must have/do in order to survive the semester?

For me, it’s taking the time to do things I enjoy outside of school. I think one of the biggest problems with going to college is just feeling burnt out. Doing things outside really helps with that. Also, I’m trying to learn not to feel guilty for taking time off. I’ve seen a lot of my friends taking a break, but I feel guilty when I’m not doing anything, so I’m trying to take time to enjoy things outside of school.

What has been your favorite class at UNLV, so far? Why?

I guess I could say Physics 152 because that’s when we learn about electromagnetism and that’s what I’m studying now. That’s been the most interesting class so far. I also really enjoyed my Nature Writing class for the Honors College. It’s not that I particularly enjoy nature writing, but we had a nature journal that we needed to complete every week. It’s just nice having a class where one of our assignments was to take time to look around and draw something we found pretty in nature.

Is there anyone on campus that has been particularly influential in your time at UNLV? Why/How?

I remember my college public speaking class. I had Dr. Brian Blankfield and I remember some advice that he gave us at the beginning of class. A couple of pieces stuck with me. When you become part of something, always try to leave it better than how you found it. Also, try to make as many connections as you can while you are in college. 

What are your plans after graduation?

I’m going to continue and finish my Electrical Engineering degree. After that, I plan to work designing electronics or hopefully working in the aerospace industry. I want to work for a little bit and earn some money and then probably come back later for my masters.
Crowd gathering on UNLV campus
College Welcome
This is the opportunity to meet the ASC's faculty and staff, including academic advisors, academic eligibility specialists, COLA 100E instructors, and academic transitions and learning support staff. Keep an eye on your RebelMail account for additional details!
8/23 & 8/24
COOKIES with COLA 100E Faculty & Academic Success Coaches
Special Event for our incoming sophomores! Keep an eye on your RebelMail for additional details.
Picture of sugar cookies.
Picture of ASC tent with scavenger hunt materials.
8/23 - 8/27
Scavenger Hunt
The ASC will be holding its Fifth Annual Scavenger Hunt during Welcome Weeks. Visit the three ASC locations:

  1. Academic Success Center,
  2. The Coaching Spot (SSC-A 254), &
  3. Tutoring (LLB 2nd Floor).

Check-in at each location to learn about student success resources and receive free swag. Complete all three stops by Friday, 8/27/21, at 5 p.m. to be entered into a grand prize drawing. Official contest rules and entry forms will be available at the ASC Front Center. The event is open to all UNLV undergraduate students.
Back-to-School Picnic
The ASC will be hosting a Back-to-School Picnic on Wednesday, 9/22, from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Stop by for boxed lunches, beverages, and resources on ASC services. Meet your ASC staff as well as university leadership. All food and beverages are first-come, first-served.
UNLV students at picnic on grass
Check out many other events on the Welcome Weeks website!
We are hiring sign
Seeking a Public Service II Intern
We are searching for a highly-motivated UNLV Graduate Student to serve as Public Service Intern II for the Academic Success Coaching program. The person in this position will operate the front desk of The Coaching Spot.
  • Bachelor's degree related to the field of employment and enrollment and continued successful performance in an academic graduate program related to the field of employment at an accredited college or university.

Preferred Qualifications:
  • Strong candidates will be able to display effective communication skills, collaboration skills, flexibility, data organization, an open mindset, and strong understanding of the ASC Academic Success Coaching Program.

Visit the UNLV Jobs Website for the full job description.
Recruitment will close on July 27, 2021.
Student doing handstand under sign that says: UNLV - Different, Daring, Diverse.
A "Clean Slate" for the Fall Semester

It's hard to believe that we will be back in the classroom in FIVE weeks! At the same time, it's an exciting fresh start with students soon to fill the halls, walk along the mall, and hang out in the library or student union.

Gretchen Rubin, author and podcaster, calls times such as these "clean slates." According to Rubin, anytime you have a clean slate is the ideal moment for new and (ideally) productive habits to take shape. As we all approach this Fall semester, here are some ideas that may be worth implementing and evolving into habits.

  • Get Organized - Ensure books, papers, electronics, and calendars are straightened out before classes start.

  • Adjust to a Schedule - Establish a routine that will accommodate your class schedule and any other obligations that you may have. Implementing ahead of time will ease the transition of the first week of school.

  • Plan out Your Meals - Consider when meals fall into your schedule. Planning ahead will save you both time and money - and will most likely be a healthier choice.

  • Incorporate Fitness & Mindfulness - Take time to get outdoors, walk, de-stress, or do whatever activities relieve tension for you.

  • Stay Positive - Decide to keep a growth mindset during the transition back to school and throughout the semester. Be intentional about this decision and know that your attitude has an impact on your experiences.
Be sure to follow the ASC on Social Media for additional tips!