“…and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith." Hebrews 12:1-2
Dear fellow alumni:
May is a milestone month. We rejoice with our graduating Class of 2021 as they join our Concordia alumni family. We give thanks to God for President Ferry, who will be retiring next month after 30 faithful years of service to Concordia. It was fun to celebrate Ferry Fest and remember his career achievements, appropriately including a special Milestone Run! His chapel message and final lecture encouraged us to keep growing in mind, body, and spirit, but most importantly to love one another.
It was wonderful to welcome our Track & Field and Cross Country alumni to campus for our first annual Alumni Legacy Meet! What a joy to visit together in person again. We are already working on details for next year, so mark your calendars for Saturday, April 23, 2022!
May these milestone moments be a reminder that Jesus has already won the race for us! Be encouraged as you run with perseverance and love one another.
God’s blessings,
Linda (Schramke) Sproul ‘92
Director of Donor and Alumni Relations
(734) 995-7491
P.S. Thank you to everyone who completed the alumni attitude survey. We look forward to sharing the results and strengthening our communication. If the survey sparked a new idea or suggestion, I would love to hear from you!
Ferry Fest kicked off Monday, April 26th at CUAA. Throughout the day, expressions of thanks and celebration for President Ferry took place around campus. This included events featuring Dr. Ferry as he gave his Last Lecture and a special Chapel message, and culminated with a Milestone Run. Nearly 100 students, faculty, and staff cheered on a surprised Dr. Ferry as he finished his daily run with a lap around the track. Signs were placed along the way, highlighting significant campus achievements made possible during his tenure. Read more about the day here.
Call for Virtual Tributes
There is still time to express your thanks and appreciation for Dr. Ferry by sharing a memory, well wish, or picture of your time with him. Tributes may be submitted through June 15th at cuaa.edu/FerryTribute.
1st Annual Alumni Legacy Meet
Alumni from the first graduating class of 1965 through last year's 2020 class gathered to celebrate the inaugural Legacy Meet at the new Thunder Sports Complex on April 24th. Current track and field seniors were recognized, as were the record-holders in attendance (pictured and listed below). Also present was generous supporter and namesake Kay (Thunder) Haab. Read more about this special event here.
Kneeling left to right:
1. Eric Bugg-current
2. Bryant Hudson - 2018
3. Megan Ennis-current
4. Amber Streeter-2020
5. Lydia Schroeder-current
Standing left to right:
1. Kurt Overway - 1982
2. Dennis Sheppard - 1984
3. Adam Koch - 2017
4. Corky - 1965
5. Mae Dulin- current
6. Abbey Bentz- current
7. Gabby Porter- current
8. Seneca Miller- current
9. Alan Jones- current
Save the date for next year's Legacy Meet on Saturday, April 23, 2022!
Celebrating Doc and Dorothea Foelber
Concordia alumni are invited to share memories and messages of encouragement, appreciation, and blessings for Dr. Paul "Doc" Foelber and his wife Dorothea as he approaches his 95th birthday and they celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary.
Sentiments will be compiled and shared with Doc in a special book from his Concordia family.
Faculty and Staff Appreciation Day
CUAA faculty and staff gathered virtually on April 15th for our annual employee appreciation celebration. Our award recipients included:
Anita Simmons, MSN, RN
Excellence in Teaching and Leadership
Stephen Parrish, MA, PhD
Outstanding Scholarship
Brian Stretch
Employee of the Year
Read more about each of them here.
Leadership Series with Rev. Patrick T. Ferry, PhD
Looking Back and Moving Ahead: Nearing the Finish Line
After 30 years of service to Concordia—six as a faculty member and 24 as our president—Dr. Ferry will be stepping down at the end of June. Please join us virtually for his final community address at Concordia University Wisconsin on Thursday, May 27th.
Concordia Spring Vespers Edition
Thanks to the generosity of our donors, our spring edition of Concordia Vespers was professionally recorded and is now available online.
SCHECH Opportunities Available at CUAA
This summer, CUAA's School of Education is offering 19 professional development courses for Michigan teachers who need to fulfill their continuing education hours. Take advantage of their special "Buy 2, Get 1 Free" offer!
To view all of the workshops and to register, head here.
11 CUAA Alumni Receive Their Placements at Call Day
It’s all in the family: Rev. Joel & Dawn Sarrault, CUAA class of 1984 with Zachery Sarrault (2017) and Kelsey (Thomas) Sarrault (2016).
Second year seminary students received their vicarage and internship assignments, and fourth year students received their first calls to serve as pastors and deaconesses in Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod congregations throughout the country during Call Day, held April 26-28 at both Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN and Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, MO. Read the list of assignments here.
Family Life Program Launches New Curriculum
Dr. Theodore Hopkins and Professor Joshua Kittleman have revised the Family Life curriculum to focus on ministry, with courses targeted toward forming students for ministry in Christian congregations, including as rostered, professional church workers in the LCMS. This new curriculum equips students to minister to the whole family by building a solid foundation in Scripture and Christian teachings and by developing practical skills to create congregational programming and lead effective ministries. All of this will be combined with a practicum, internship, and student training experiences (STEPS) that will give students the hands-on experience they need to be a professional church worker.
Hearts Together: Ferry Farewell Edition
Did you see the Arbor Light? Hearts Together, our special joint-campus magazine, features a Ferry farewell with articles thanking Dr. Ferry for his firmly rooted values, for dreaming big, for going the distance, and for building a foundation for the future. There is also a special "Take 5" interview with Cardinals starting quarterback Peter Morrison ('21). Click here to read the Arbor Light- Digital Version.
Final Thought from
Campus Pastor Randy Duncan
Each morning during the school year, our campus pastor, Randy Duncan, sends out an email full of inspirational thoughts, concepts to ponder, scripture, and prayer requests. We thought we would share some of his thoughts with you each month for us to contemplate.
Final thought: God is bigger than your past. Your depression. Your pain. Your doubt. Your fear. Your shame. Your anxiety. Your scars. This world.
Date: Friday, June 11th
Times: 7:30AM and 2PM
Date: Monday, July 12th
Time: 8AM-8PM
Cost: $5
Location: CUAA Campus
Friday & Saturday, August 7-8
Location: CUAA Campus
Visit here for more details.
Leaving a Legacy of Faith:
Tax Advantages of Charitable Remainder Trusts
Join experts Greg Fictum of Concordia University and Robert Melick of Melick Law LLC as they help you prepare for important stewardship decisions regarding provisions for loved ones and ministries that mean the most to you. To view the replay of this free webinar, register here.