Ontario We Are Golf COVID-19 Update
Social Media Campaign Day 2: GOLF IS SAFE #LetUsPlay
Dear Golf Industry Partners / Key Stakeholders,
With the very disappointing announcement yesterday on the extension of the Stay-at-Home order and outdoor sport and recreation remaining closed, it is more important that ever to continue to reinforce the message that GOLF IS SAFE to the Ontario Government. Please know that your Ontario We Are Golf partners are continuing our government advocacy efforts and are fighting hard to have golf re-opened ahead of the June 2nd target.

The Golf Is Safe and #LetUsPlay social media campaign continues to receive heavy traction with many key industry stakeholders supporting our efforts to have re-opened in Ontario and putting pressure on the Ontario Government. As noted in yesterday's communication, we will continue with this campaign for the foreseeable future and thank all stakeholders for your ongoing support of the campaign by sharing the GOLF IS SAFE #LetUsPlay unified social media messaging across your social media channels.

We encourage you to let your golfers / members / stakeholders know that it is equally important that each also reaches out to their local MPPs to share this message.
Download Day 2 Social Media Campaign Images Below
Please see below for the graphics to be used today, May 14 between 10am - 11am. Please click on the image to open and then right click to download to share on your social media.
Please be sure to tag or “@” Premier Ford (@fordnation), Minister of Health Elliott (@celliottability), all key Ontario government MPP’s, the Chief Medical Health Office, and media.

Together let’s make sure that the message that GOLF IS SAFE is amplified across social media and continue the make the plea to #LetUsPlay and open golf courses immediately to the Ontario Government. 

Thank you!
Executive Director
Regional Director
NGCOA Canada
Executive Director
PGA of Ontario
Ontario Branch Director