Rockland Child Care News
April-June 2020
We are excited to launch Rockland Child Care News online! While this quarterly newsletter has shited to a new format, the information remains the same - content created to best serve our audience: child care providers, parents, and our extended community. We hope this newsletter will be a welcome addition to your mailbox. We love hearing from our readers; so please send us your feedback!
A message from the Executive Director
April is the Month of the Young Child, a time when we renew our commitment to caring for and educating our youngest and renew our commitment to support parents and providers through the amazing journey of childhood. April, and the months that follow, are, to me, the perfect time for this recognition. Flowers are blooming, the weather turns warmer, and we reconnect with people as we gather in parks, on playgrounds, at the beach, on vacation, or even outside our front door. We feel a sense of renewal, of exploration, and connection.

With the stress of recent events, renewing our commitment to young children is even more important. Stress, fear, and uncertainly must give way to excitement, wonder, and laughter. One of the best things about my job is when I get to spend time with a young child and get to see the world from their perspective. Everything is new, the experience of learning a pleasure, even if we read the same book ten times or play peek-a-boo for the 100th time. To our providers and parents, thank you for all you do for children. Stay strong in your commitment to children. CCRR celebrates you.

Best regards,
Vicki Caramante
Children see magic because they look for it. - Ch ristopher Moore, author

Child Development
Infant Toddler Development
with Jenny Spampinato, Infant/Toddler Quality Enhancement Specialist
Infants and toddlers learn and develop through repeated interactions and ever-evolving relationships with trusted adults. Parents and caregivers alike play a vital role. Interactions with other babies and toddlers also significantly impact a young child's development.

Read more in Developing Trust in the World: Supporting Young Children's Social and Emotional Health, by CCRR's Jenny Spampinato, Infant/Toddler Quality Enhancement Specialist.
The Creative Curriculum for Preschool
with Rachel Ambroziak, Quality Enhancement Specialist
Many know Child Care Resources of Rockland as the place to call about UPK. But did you also know we provide professional development and technical assistance to those PreK teachers? In particular, CCRR’S Quality Enhancement Specialists help guide teachers in their work with the  Creative Curriculum for Preschool , particularly the concept of “studies,” hands-on, project-based investigations of topics that are relevant to children’s everyday experiences. Rachel Ambroziak, a CCRR Quality Enhancement Specialist, worked with The Goddard School on the  Study of Balls  and had this share:
"This study included learning about a variety of balls and their purposes. The teacher introduced wrecking balls while the children observed how wrecking balls could destroy building structures. The children continued with the study on all types of balls. Through the guidance of their teacher, all areas of age appropriate learning were applied to this study, which allowed for creativity, collaboration, and problem solving.  As the technical assistant, I totally enjoyed observing the children throughout the  Study of Balls  as much as I enjoyed collaborating with teachers   as   they learned the amount of time it takes to fully understand a subject and apply what is learned through their investigations - a process that has prepared the students to apply the study approach to all learning."
Parenting During the COVID-19 Pandemic
FUN ACTIVITIES Plan some fun activities to do with your child that will promote skills in all areas of their development (physical, cognitive, motor and social emotional skills).

Let’s Put on a Play! Work with your child to find a cast of characters – dolls, toy figures, and stuffed animals. Split them up between the two of you and make up a play. As you “perform” use different voices for each character. Get silly and have some fun. Record it and send it to the grandparents!
Let’s Go Camping! What better place to camp than in your living room, with its close proximity to the kitchen and the bathroom! Set up a small pup tent if you have one or make your own tent by draping blankets over some furniture. Get out the pillows, sleeping bags and flashlights. Don’t forget to pack a snack!
Some Days You Just Gotta Dance! Turn on some music and let loose, the more active the better!
Sometimes a Box is Not Just a Box It can become a fort, part of an obstacle course (see below!), an alone space, or a cozy corner to read in!
Build an Obstacle Course! Fun physical activity can be had inside or your backyard. Set up a challenge course by encouraging your child to crawl under a broomstick stretched between two chairs, then walk on a straight or curvy line of masking tape on the floor, jump in and out of a hula hoop 7 times, crawl through a box and throw crumbled up pieces of paper into a laundry basket. Ask your child what else could be added.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact Debbie Silver, Director of Professional Development and Quality Enhancement Services:
Resources for Child Care Programs Open During the COVID-19 Pandemic
In an effort to help you ensure your program is taking all the necessary steps required to remain safe for the children and for all staff and parents, our nurse, Kristin G. Saunders, RN, BSN, has created a list of important procedures for you to follow daily.
Please read !
Priscilla Blanco: Good Bye and Parting Wisdom
Working at Child Care Resources of Rockland has been a great honor. I gained professional and interpersonal skills while learning what it means to implement "developmentally appropriate practice" in child care settings. While at CCRR, I had the privilege to work under a partnership with the Rockland County Department of Health on the Creating Breastfeeding Friendly Communities project. I also worked with the Office of Children and Family Services as one of CCRR's registrars and later as Programs Standards and Support Coordinator. I am thankful for the opportunities CCRR provided me. 

To the child care community, remember to remain informed of the changes in regulations and policies posted on the OCFS website and do not hesitate to reach out to CCRR staff on any questions relating to your business. And, of course, continue to shine as you do as role models to young children.

The late poet, Maya Angelou, said: "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Now more than ever in times of immeasurable uncertainty show love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, patience, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control to all children. 
While shopping on Amazon, please go to Amazon Smile and select Child Care Resources of Rockland, Inc. as your charity. Amazon will donate a percentage of your purchases. Thank you for supporting access to safe, quality child care for all children.
Help shape the future of your communty. CENSUS 2020 is here! The federal funding we receive impacts education, healthcare, housing, food assistance, roads, and more. To support our communities EVERYONE must counted.
Take the census; learn how here.

Mark your calendars and be sure to thank
a child care provider!
May 8, 2020, is Child Care Provider Appreciation Day!
#togetherapart - Right now, connection is so important and we are inspired by the creative ways in which people are supporting one another - from a distsance. We are here to help in any way we can. Let us know . Together, we will get through this difficult time.

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All of us, at some time or other, need help. Whether we’re giving or receiving help, each one of us has something valuable to bring to this world. That’s one of the things that connects us as neighbors–in our own way, each one of us is a giver and a receiver.
~ Mister Rogers
For the CCRR staff directory, please click here .
A list of our Board of Directors can be found here .