A Publication of the Belle Glade Chamber of Commerce
Black Gold Jubilee 2021!!!
Feeding Families Across America Regonizes U.S.Sugar!
The people of U.S Sugar are providing more than 50 senior citizens at West County Senior Center with a free box of locally sourced fresh produce.
“We are a farming company built around the core concepts of growing food and taking care of our community,” said Brannan Thomas, Community Relations Manager for U.S. Sugar. “We will continue to help provide for our neighbors and persevere as we get through this pandemic together.” 
Since the start of the pandemic, U.S. Sugar has distributed thousands of boxes of fresh produce to seniors around the lake.
Gift boxes have contained pantry staples as well as fresh produce grown by local farmers.
The people of U.S Sugar, in partnership with local farms, pack the food boxes and distribute them to those in need throughout their home communities. 
Triple the students, double the fun, and half the price!

Promote your company to THOUSANDS of high school students with an exhibitor booth. You'll spend the day inspiring them during these unprecedented times while also promoting your company alongside Palm Beach County's top industry leaders.  
Employers can sign up with a virtual exhibitor booth:
· Simple to navigate and user-friendly interface
· Customize each employer’s booth with a logo, biography, career details, website, videos and social media links
· Live chat function allows send/receive messages from any booth in the event between the student and the employer
· Expecting thousands upon thousands of high school students

Learn more at  
Applications Being Accepted for OCR’s FY-2022 Neighborhood Engagement and
Transformation (NEAT) Grants Program
Palm Beach County’s Office of Community Revitalization (OCR) is accepting applications for its Neighborhood Engagement and Transformation (NEAT) grants program. It provides grants of up to $10,000 to neighborhood-based groups and/or organizations for resident-driven neighborhood improvement projects proposed within unincorporated Palm Beach County and the Lake Region municipalities of Belle Glade, South Bay and Pahokee. Priority funding will be given to projects proposed in designated Countywide Community Revitalization Team (CCRT) areas.

Projects must fall under one of the following categories to be eligible for funding: 1) Neighborhood Beautification; 2) Neighborhood Identification; 3) Neighborhood Organizing and Sustainability; 4) Neighborhood Outreach and Capacity Building; 5) Public Safety and Crime Prevention; 6) Community Gardens; 7) Neighborhood Green Projects; and 8) Emergency Preparedness.

The application deadline is April 27, 2021. Potential applicants must log/dial into the mandatory virtual pre-application conference on February 23, 2021, at 6 p.m. Confirmation of attendance must be received no later than February 19, 2021, at 5 p.m. to receive log-in instructions and have your name on the confirmed list.
Please reserve and confirm attendance by registering online at Please contact Chrystal Mathews, NEAT grants program manager, at if you do not receive a timely confirmation of your registration.

For additional information, please visit:
Who: Palm Beach County Office of Community Revitalization (OCR) What: Workshop for NEAT grants program
Where: Cisco Webex
When: February 23, 2021    6-8 p.m.
Confirmation Deadline: February 19, 2021
New and Renewing Members

Thank you to the following businesses who renewed their membership during the month of January, including: 
Black Gold Steakhouse
Cohen Chiropractic
First 1 Bank
Florida Crystals
Glades Chiropractic Center
Lake Express Pharmacy
Seminole Supply

Sir Speedy
Reliant Fire & Security
Royal United Companies
South County Mental Health
Tru Flo
Wilkinson Cooper Produce

Chamber Events
Chamber February Calendar
Click on the link below to download the February 2021 Calendar.

Member News
Holly Hand Cultural Arts Center
2020 - 2021 Season Poster

February Events
February 19 @ 7pm
Free Movie Friday -

February 23 @ 7pm
Let's Hang On!
$30 adults
$15 Children &
PBSC students/staff

They’ve Moved!

Black Gold Steakhouse has moved to a new location in Belle Glade. You can now find them at 642 South Main Street.

For more information call 561-996-5444.
Newsletter Sponsor Opportunities
Share Your News in the Newsletter!
Interested in becoming a Newsletter Sponsor?
Contact Melanie Grimes or Brenda Bunting at the Chamber.

561-996-2745 or

Have any News to Share?

How about an announcement that you would like make, then let us know! 

Just contact us by the 15th of the month and we will place it in the newsletter for the following month.

Contact Melanie Grimes or Brenda  Bunting at the Chamber.

561-996-2745 or

Newsletter Sponsors