Marianna Brown Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Carnegie Mellon University

December 2021
Dietrich College News
The Dietrich College will launch the second series of "Dietrich Deep Dives." The series will feature engaging presentations about political and societal issues through the lens of the humanities, social sciences and related fields. The first speaker is Alex John London, the Clara L. West Professor of Ethics and Philosophy and director, Center for Ethics and Policy. He will present the talk, “Conflicting Attitudes Toward Research with Humans” virtually on Dec. 2 from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Dietrich Spring 2022: A Sample of Some Unique Opportunities
Dietrich College is offering a vast array of courses in spring 2022. Read more about a sample of opportunities for students within and outside of the college to expand their skills and explore their interests.

Face Masks Do Not Muddle Speech Perception
Four CMU students leveraged their project from Seth Wiener’s summer 2020 “Language in the Time of COVID-19” course to publish and present research at the 2021 Richard Macksey National Undergraduate Humanities Research Symposium at Johns Hopkins University. Their work examined how masks affect speech perception for native and non-native speakers.

Guerrero Adds to Family Legacy for First Generation Students
Arianna Garcia Guerrero, a junior studying international relations and politics with a minor in cybersecurity, continues her sister’s legacy at CMU through First Together. Graciela Garcia (DC 2019), an Information Systems program alumna, co-founded the organization to enhance the overall success of first-generation college students on the CMU campus. 

Humanities Dialogue: Translation Matters
Upcoming Remote Alumni Events
  • Join the CMUniverse. Are you passionate about giving back? Do you want to make a positive impact through teaching and mentorship? Would you like to join a network of Tartans dedicated to pursuing their passions? Then it’s time to join CMUniverse, a new virtual mentorship platform that connects you with the most driven and successful individuals out there – CMU students. Mentor and network with fellow Tartans today. It’s easy to use and a great way to give back while making a positive impact.
  • Alumni Community. The new Alumni Community can be found at
  • Online events. A number of online events are planned. Visit to register. The archive of past webinars is available at any time:
  • Social media. Follow university channels to connect and view news. A directory of many channels can be found at
  • Share stories. The university wants to highlight stories of Tartans who are volunteering, working in a critical field or brightening the world during this time. Submit stories at
  • Faculty Dialogues. The Alumni Association’s academic programming puts you in the room with faculty whose research is changing the world. Register for an upcoming session at
Dietrich College in the News
Class Notes
Find out what's new with Dietrich College students and alumni, William E. Dunstan (DC 1975), Eileen Lee (DC 2022), Preethi Surapaneni (DC 2022), Shwetha Shinji (DC 2022) and Sanjana Jobalia (DC 2022), in Class Notes.

Network with other alumni in the Dietrich College Alumni LinkedIn Group.
Personal Mentions
Read about news and accomplishments from the college's faculty and staff, including Uju Anya, Robert Cavalier, Gary DiLisio, Edda Fields-Black, Antony John Kunnan, Amy Patterson, Paulette Williams and Laurie Zittrain Eisenberg, in Personal Mentions

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