Staying Connected as a Community of Learners
With all the change we're experiencing, remote instruction and work plus life at home, it is easy to feel disconnected from our community. Below are numerous opportunities to engage at the local and national levels on different topics related to teaching and learning.
Faculty Talk on Teams
Every Monday and Wednsday 4-5 pm, join CITL on Microsoft Teams to stay connected. Ask questions, share successes and challenges, and connect with your colleagues. Bring your own coffee.

coffee cups
National Faculty Resilience Forum
Hosted by the Chronicle for Higher Education, this interactive panel will explore how to enjoy, not just endure, teaching online, and how to manage workloads while working remotely. Weekly sessions 3-4 pm. Register Today!
Supporting Non-Tenure Track Faculty
As classes are moved online and campuses are closed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, what can colleges and universities do to support their non-tenure-track faculty?

Interesting Reads
Mindi Thompson gives some practical advice to help you focus on your physical and mental health and wellness. []

Experts weigh in on how the sudden, forced adoption of technology-delivered instruction will affect the well-being of professors and students alike. []