Thurgood Marshall Elementary Recognized as a Blue Ribbon School
The National Blue Ribbon Schools award affirms and validates the hard work of students, educators, families, and communities in striving for – and attaining – exemplary achievement.
It’s time to explore your school community! Students share how participating in spirit activities and showing your pride can enhance your school experience.
New Year, New SchoolStudents, teachers, and staff at Kimball, West Seattle, Viewlands, and James Baldwin elementaries are returning to new or revamped school buildings.
Leaving a LegacyA former Eagle Staff Middle School student has her artwork installed as a permanent display.
Walking the Red CarpetStudents from the WHOLE Mentoring program’s HBCU tour got a chance to see themselves on the big screen after their experience was turned into a documentary.
Cultivating ConnectionsWhite House Office of National Drug Control Policy director visits Interagency Academy to learn more about efforts to support youth.
Looking to Lead?Now is the time to get involved in Career and Technical Student Organizations which enhance student learning through leadership.
Get Ready for the SAT/PSATAll 12th grade students will take the school-day SAT on Wednesday, Oct. 11. The PSAT/NMSQT testing window for the now digital PSAT is Oct. 16-31.
Homework Help to the RescueAs students enter the school year, the Seattle Public Library is here to help with its free after-school tutoring service, Homework Help.
Help Keep Kids SafeBecome a school crossing guard and help students feel safe and welcome when arriving to school.
Save the DateIt’s never too early to start planning for graduation. View the commencement ceremony dates for the Class of 2024.
Explore Your PossibilitiesMore than 50 colleges will be at the 6th Annual Seattle Black College Expo happening Saturday, Nov. 4, at Rainier Beach High School. Register today!
Eliminate the WasteDo you have a creative or interesting idea to prevent waste? Enter the Seattle Race to Zero Waste Contest! The application closes Nov. 14.
Shake it OutThe Great Washington ShakeOut is Oct. 19, when people across the state participate in earthquake drills at work, school or home.
Read more feature stories, announcements, and district updates