FAU Study First to Show Impacts of Heat on U.S. Leatherback Hatchlings

FAU researchers have uncovered the correlation between nest temperatures on leatherback hatchling shape, performance and hatching success in the United States. This first-of-its-kind study by Schmidt College of Science researchers, published in Endangered Species Research, showed hatchling morphology, performance and nest success were all influenced by nest temperature. Read more.

Senior author and Chair and Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Sarah Milton, Ph.D.:

“While leatherback turtle nests are laid in the cooler months in South Florida and are deeper than nests of other species, temperatures can still rise surprisingly high,” said Milton. “Increasing temperatures due to climate change poses a significant threat to a species that already has lower nest success than other species that share the same nesting beaches.” 

Eureka! Groundbreaking Study Uncovers Origin of 'Conscious Awareness'

FAU researchers have provided the first quantified observations of the "birth" of purpose in human infants, as they recognize their causal powers and transition from spontaneous to intentional behavior. Results of the study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, reveal groundbreaking insight into the origins of agency using an unusual and largely untapped source – human babies. Read more.

J.A. Scott Kelso, Ph.D., senior author and Glenwood and Martha Creech Eminent Scholar in Science at the Center for Complex Systems and Brain Sciences within FAU’s Charles E. Schmidt College of Science:

“Positive feedback amplifies and highlights the cause-and-effect relationship between infant and mobile motion," said Kelso. "At some critical level of coordination, the infant recognizes its causal powers and transitions from spontaneous to intentional behavior. This aha! moment is marked by an abrupt increase in infant movement rate.”

FAU Climbs Significantly in ‘U.S. News' 2024 List of Top Universities

Florida Atlantic University made considerable gains in the U.S. News & World Report list of “Top Public Schools,” moving up to No. 112 from No. 131 in this year’s ranking of the nation’s best universities. This is the largest rise out of all public universities in the state of Florida for the second year in a row. Read more. Watch here.

Undergraduate Psychology Joins National Rankings

New to the rankings is undergraduate psychology in the Schmidt College of Science at No. 234 of Best Undergraduate Psychology programs in U.S. News & World Report.

FAU Rises in 'Washington Monthly's' Rankings

Florida Atlantic University is now among Washington Monthly’s top 50 universities in its annual College Guide. FAU was ranked No. 46 overall among the nation’s best public and private universities for 2023, jumping from last year’s ranking of No. 72, and No. 13 out of 288 schools in the magazine’s “Best Bang for the Buck Rankings: Southeast,” rising from No. 16 last year. Read more.

Alumnus Jorge Gonzalez, Ph.D. '20, Returns to FAU as Postdoctoral Fellow

This fall, Florida Atlantic alumnus Jorge Gonzalez, ’20, has returned to the Boca Raton campus as a postdoctoral fellow. The former Owl, who received his Ph.D. in Mathematics, will be working with Charles E. Schmidt College of Science Dean Valery Forbes, Ph.D., as part of an interdisciplinary, multi-institutional study funded by the National Science Foundation’s Rules of Life Program. The goal of the project is to understand the rules by which living cells maintain their function as external conditions change. Read more.

Not only are the questions explored in this project paramount in biology, but they offer the opportunity to integrate many fields in mathematics, statistics, and the biological sciences,” said Gonzalez. “I am very excited to apply my mathematical education and creativity to such an important problem.”

Alumna Nicole Gutierrez, B.A. '23, Lands Job at Global Fragrance Company

New Schmidt College of Science graduate Nicole Gutierrez, B.A. in Chemistry ’23, has already landed a scent-sational job with COSMO International Fragrances in the research and development department. She was offered the position following an internship with COSMO earlier this spring that she completed as part of the College’s Science Internship Course. Read more.

“Internships give students the opportunity to put their education into practice and connect what they learned in the classroom to their future careers,” said Evonne Rezler, Ph.D., Schmidt College of Science Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies.

Schmidt College of Science Welcomes 31 New Faculty, Instructors, and Postdoctoral Fellows

The Charles E. Schmidt College of Science is pleased to welcome 14 new tenure-track faculty, 10 new instructors and non-tenure track faculty, and seven new postdoctoral fellows for the 2023-2024 academic year. The new faculty hires are the result of a year-long, strategic hiring initiative that aims to expand three key research and academic areas — the environment, health, and computational and data-driven science. Read more.

Chemistry Assistant Professor’s Research Published in Prestigious Oxford University Press Publication

Ilyas Yildirim, Ph.D., an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Charles Schmidt College of Science, co-authored a recently featured article in the prestigious Nucleic Acids Research journal. Read more.

Apply Now: FAU Environmental Science Program

The Earth needs environmental scientists! Join the conservation revolution and support critical ecosystem management and help combat climate change. Learn the latest science using cutting-edge technology with our renowned scientists, both in the field or in the lab. Learn more. Watch video.

2023 Nat and Dorothy Hyman Science Lecture: Pollution of Urban Waters

Thursday, November 2, 2023

5:30 p.m. | Live Oak Pavilion, Student Union, Boca Raton Campus

The Nat and Dorothy Hyman Science Lecture Series presents, "Managing Pollution of Urban Waters: Sources and Solutions," with distinguished researcher, Sarah E. Hobbie, Ph.D., Regents Professor, College of Biological Sciences, University of Minnesota. A reception including hors d'oeuvres and beverages will follow the lecture.

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The event is free and open to all FAU faculty, staff, students, and community members.

Community Science Lecture Brings Expert in Dramatic Impacts of Pollution in Waterways

The Nov. 2 Nat and Dorothy Hyman Science Lecture brings Sarah Hobbie, Ph.D., from the University of Minnesota, whose acclaimed research is generating insights that promote novel solutions to solving urban water quality challenges that impact communities around the world. Among her many accolades include serving as a member of the National Academy of Sciences. Read more

Valery Forbes, Ph.D., Dean of the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science:

“Dr. Sarah Hobbie’s work and expertise in this field is wide-ranging and of great relevance to us in Florida. The impact of pollution on waterways has come into even greater focus for Floridians, especially in this part of the state. With the Atlantic Ocean, Everglades, and numerous freshwater ecosystems all converging in the largest metropolitan area in the state, South Florida faces numerous threats to the quality of our local waters.”

Become An Affiliate Member of FAU's School of Environmental, Coastal, and Ocean Sustainability

The FAU School of Environmental, Coastal, and Ocean Sustainability (ECOS) invites all faculty, postdocs, and graduate students from Florida Atlantic to become affiliate members of the School. Engage in transformational interdisciplinary research, teaching, and community engagement initiatives that bring forth the collective environmental capabilities of FAU

  • Get details about seed funding for interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary collaborations 
  • Learn about the latest grants  
  • Participate in events, conferences, and other activities, both internal and external to FAU, related to the ECOS mission 
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Fall Pumpkin Drop and Physics Carnival

Friday, October 27, 2023

Pumpkin Drop: 10:00-10:30 a.m.

Carnival: 10:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m.

SE-43 Building South and West Lawns, Boca Raton Campus

Physics faculty drop pumpkins off the roof of the SE-43 building to demonstrate common physics principles such as constant acceleration of gravity, terminal velocity, and Newton's laws. Special guest "The Pumpkin Master" will explain the theories behind these principles. Don't miss the Physics Carnival fun! Learn more.

Annual Pumpkin Drop and Physics Carnival a Smash! 

“We consider this an opportunity to showcase that physics can be fun, and that it doesn’t always have to be serious stuff. And of course, what’s more fundamental than the laws of motion?” said Luc Wille, Ph.D., Chair and Professor, Department of Physics. Learn about the roots of this tradition at the Schmidt College of Science. Read more.

Fall 2023 Science Sophomore Social

Thursday, Oct. 26, 2023 | 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. | Sanson Life Science Patio, Boca Raton Campus

Students, meet with advisors, academic departments in the college, student organizations, faculty, the Pre-Health Professions team, and more. Learn more.

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Schmidt College of Science Excellence Awards

To recognize the achievements of our faculty and staff, the Schmidt College of Science will present awards at a celebration in Spring 2024. The awards recognize research, teaching, advising, service and dedication to the College’s mission and improving students’ experiences. All winners will receive a framed certificate and a $500 cash award.

Deadline: Friday, December 1, 2023

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FAU Presents 'Mission to Mars: An Out of This World Proposition'

Tuesday, October 24, 2023 | 3:00 p.m.

FAU-BC Higher Education Complex, Gallery 131

111 East Las Olas Blvd., Fort Lauderdale

Florida Atlantic’s School of Architecture in the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters and the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science present the panel discussion, “Mission to Mars: An Out of This World Proposition."

The mission to send humans to Mars, beginning with exploration and with a plan to eventually establish human settlement on the planet, raises fundamental questions across many disciplines. The field of architecture and many other disciplines propose such a reality while at the same time tackling the question of the meaning of architecture in space and on Mars.

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Schmidt College of Science Faculty to Speak at TEDx Delray Beach: Ripple Effect

November 4, 2023

11:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m.

The Ripple Effect serves as the theme for the upcoming Delray Beach TEDx event, which will cover a variety of topics that impact the local and global community. The event offers a range of speakers from diverse backgrounds and perspectives, including two faculty members from the Schmidt College of Science. Ata Sarajedini, Ph.D., Professor and Bjorn Lamborn Endowed Chair in Astrophysics, will explain the Ripple Effect in Cosmology. John Renne, Ph.D., AICP, Director of the Center for Urban and Environmental Solutions, and Associate Professor of Urban and Regional Planning, will discuss sustainable, resilient, and livable cities. Learn more.

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Annual Florida Atlantic Graduate College Open House

Thursday, October 5, 2023 | 4:00-7:00 p.m. | Student Union, Boca Raton Campus

Interested in graduate school? The Florida Atlantic Graduate College is hosting its annual Open House where attendees will have the opportunity to explore over 100 of FAU's nationally ranked graduate programs, interact with distinguished faculty and admissions representatives, learn about funding opportunities and services for graduate students, and more. The event is free and open to all interested in pursuing a graduate education.

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The Invading Sea: Why Use Solar-powered Generators?

Researchers at the Center for Environmental Studies at Florida Atlantic are compiling a solar supply kit that aims to provide security to vulnerable communities during events where usual electricity sources may be lost. Solar generators are a clean, safe alternative to fuel-powered generators. Watch video.

2023 Art of Science Photography and Video Contest

What does your research look like? Participate in the 2023 Art of Science Contest. Open to all students and faculty at FAU. Learn more and submit your art.

Deadline to submit your photo or video is Friday, Oct. 13.

Fall 2023 Certified Nursing Assistant Test Prep Course

Oct. 14-21, 2023

The Schmidt College of Science is offering a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Test Prep Course, intended for students to “challenge” the CNA exam. The instructors are nurses and approved through the Florida Board of Nursing to teach a variety of certification courses.

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Fall 2023 Electrocardiogram (EKG-12 Leads) Technician Course

Oct. 30 to Nov. 29, 2023

This comprehensive 30-hour EKG technician course prepares individuals to function as EKG and Monitor technicians in hospitals, clinics, doctor's offices, and other health care facilities. No previous healthcare experience is required. After completing this course you will be able to analyze cardiac rhythms and 12 lead EKGs.

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Hands-Only CPR Training

Hands-Only CPR training teaches valuable lifesaving skills that can prepare you to properly respond in the event of a cardiac event. Hands-Only CPR is a fast and easy way to learn important CPR skills while being accessible to everyone. 

Fall 2023 Schedule

October 18

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Fall 2023 Biology Continuing Education Courses

DNA Forensics and Assisted Reproductive Technology

Fall ’23: Oct. 17-Nov. 16

The DNA Forensics certificate course is for professionals and non-professional students contemplating a career in biotech, forensic science, criminal justice and other allied life science programs. Learn more and register.

The ART certificate course is for professionals or current students seeking a career in human reproductive medicine, veterinary medicine, nursing, biomedical science and other allied life science programs. Learn more and register.

American Cancer Society Student Organization: Boca Leadership Needed 

Call for leadership: The American Cancer Society at FAU (ACS) is a registered student organization based on the Jupiter campus seeking to spread the mission of ACS to the Boca campus. With the resources and support from the Jupiter campus, students will have the opportunity to lead, plan events, fundraise for the American Cancer Society, and build a community of people who support the cause and the mission to raise awareness. Email if interested.

In the News

'The New York Times': Florida Turtle Nests Are Recovering. When They Hatch, Expect Mostly Girls.

Climate change appears to be shifting the female-to-male balance in some populations of sea turtles according to FAU Professor of Biological Sciences Jeanette Wyneken, Ph.D. In recent years the proportion of male green sea turtle hatchlings has dwindled substantially. In the past few seasons, between 87 and 100 percent of the hatchlings Wyneken tested were female. Read more.

Image courtesy: Chris Johnson/Alamy, The New York Times

CNN Features Schmidt College of Science CUES Assistant Director

On Sept. 1, CNN interviewed Serena Hoermann, Assistant Director for FAU's Center for Urban and Environmental Solutions (CUES), regarding the continued development of hurricane-prone zones and how it is weakening natural storm barriers. Read more.

Image courtesy: Getty Images

Planning for Resiliency in the City of Stuart with FAU CUES

On September 11, CUES Assistant Director, Serena Hoermann, presented, "Planning for a Resilient City: All About the Water," at the City of Stuart commission meeting to inform the city's board and constituents on trends and challenges for coastal cities such as Stuart when it comes to flooding and storm water management, and actions to support resiliency.

Baby Sea Turtles are Baking in Florida's Hot Sun

Professor and Department of Biological Sciences Chair Sarah Milton, Ph.D., and her team's study was recently featured on the front page of the Miami Herald. It revealed baby leatherback turtles are less likely to hatch due to higher nest temperatures (Sept. 8, 2023 issue). Read more.

Image courtesy: NOAA

First Private U.S. Passenger Rail Line In 100 Years Is About To Link Miami And Orlando At High Speed

John Renne, Director of Florida Atlantic University's Center for Urban and Environmental Solutions, said the Miami-Orlando corridor is a perfect spot for high-speed rail — about 40 million Floridians and visitors make the trip annually, with more than 90 percent of them driving, in an interview with the Associated Press. Read more.

Image courtesy: Marta Lavandier, Associated Press

Urbanization Is Causing Massive Loss of Tidal Flats

The South Florida Sun Sentinel gave front-page coverage of a big-picture analysis by Schmidt College of Science researchers of how urban expansion has caused large-scale, irreversible damage to the Atlantic Coast and the Gulf (Sept. 1, 2023 issue). Read more.

Image courtesy: Associated Press

Most Smartwatch Wristbands Harbor Harmful Bacteria reported on a study by Nwadiuto Esiobu, Ph.D., senior author and a Professor of Biological Sciences, that revealed rubber and plastic wristbands had higher bacterial counts than metal ones. Read more.

Image courtesy: STORIES/STOCKSY

If Heat Doesn't Kill Baby Sea Turtles, Birth Defects Might

Sarah Milton, Ph.D., Biology Professor and Department Chair, Schmidt College of Science, discussed in an interview with the South Florida Sun Sentinel how baby leatherback turtles are facing a double whammy of excessive heat and birth defects. Read more.

Image courtesy: South Florida Sun Sentinel

Hotter Temps Heating Up Leatherback Turtle Nests

FOX13 Tampa Bay interviewed Sarah Milton, Ph.D., Biology Professor and Department Chair, Schmidt College of Science, about the effects of rising temperatures on Florida's leatherback turtle nests. Read more.

Image courtesy: Fox 13 Tampa Bay

Upcoming Events

Thursday, October 5

FAU Graduate College Open House

Wednesday, October 18

Hands-Only CPR Training

Tuesday, October 24

Mission to Mars: An Out of This World Proposition

Thursday, October 26

Science Sophomore Social

Friday, October 27

Pumpkin Drop and Physics Carnival

Thursday, November 2

Nat and Dorothy Hyman Lecture Series: Managing Pollution of Urban Waters: Sources and Solutions

Saturday, November 4

TEDx Delray Beach: Ripple Effect (with Schmidt College of Science faculty speakers)

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