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January 27, 2023

Statehouse Update

House Tries to Move Forward

This week the Ohio House of Representatives took some important steps to try to move forward from its internal split within the Republican majority caucus; however, there are clear indications that unresolved issues remain.

Leadership teams, committee chairs, and rules to organize the House for the 135th General Assembly passed on Tuesday. Votes varied slightly for different motions, but the rules package vote is symbolic of the political challenge as the rules passed with support from 31 Republicans and all 32 Democrats, while 35 Republicans chose to oppose.

The Republicans have an upcoming retreat in which, theoretically, all 67 members will get together for a couple of days and hammer out a way to work together in considering and passing legislation. Time will tell if this is the case.

Governor’s State of State Speech, Budget Introduction

In the meantime, the business of government tries to go forward, as next week on Tuesday Governor DeWine presents his State of the State address and also introduces a biennial budget proposal.

Ohio’s budget includes financial appropriations and plenty of accompanying policy decisions. The State’s fiscal year ends June 30th, so by the time this budget is adopted in June, it will contain a few thousand pages of spending and policy decisions.

In normal circumstances, the Ohio House would begin its hearings immediately. In preparation for House business. Republicans have yet to announce their committee members, but Democrats announced their committee appointments this week.

CMA Physician Members Get Committee Assignments

There are two CMA physicians who are Democratic House members from Franklin County, Drs. Beth Liston and Anita Somani. Their committee assignments include:

  • Health Provider Services Committee: Somani is the Ranking Minority Member, and Liston is a member of the Committee
  • Public Health Policy Committee: Liston is the Ranking Minority Member and Somani is a member of the Committee
  • Health and Human Services Subcommittee of the Finance Committee: Liston is the Ranking Minority Member
  • Finance Committee: Liston is a member
  • Families and Aging: Liston and Somani are both members

CMA members who have questions about these issues should feel free to contact Malcolm Porter.


Malcolm Porter

Public Policy Consultant

for the CMA

About the CMA's Advocacy Newsletter

Malcolm Porter is a public policy and political affairs consultant. He has done policy and political advisory work for the Columbus Medical Association, and affiliate organizations for nearly 20 years. As a local medical society, CMA physicians have supported and participated in public policy development with traditional physician stakeholder organizations. Additionally, CMA physicians have been directly responsible for initiating individual pieces of legislation that were driven by their own agenda.

Any CMA physician is welcome to contact Malcolm directly with your questions or concerns.

Contact Malcolm

Columbus Medical Association | 614-240-7410 |


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