Week of February 24-March 2, 2025

From the President

When acceptance packets were delivered on February 20th, it was exciting to see the enthusiasm of the prospective members of the Curley Class of 2029 and their families. As we have made these deliveries in recent years, I have particularly noticed that with families who have had no earlier experience of Curley (that is, no graduates or students in the immediate family), they often mention other Curley Family members they have met on a visit, or know, or work with, who have been influential in their decision to explore Curley in their high school search. Thank you, Curley Parents, for being such great promoters of the school. Please keep spreading the word!

-- Fr. Donald

From the Principal

The week of February 24th is full of excitement here on campus. The events on the calendar give a glimpse into the growth that happens for our Curley Men from accepted student to graduating senior. 

On Monday, we will celebrate Countdown to Commencement, marking 100 days until the Class of 2025 graduates. Four years certainly go by quickly, and this event gives us a chance for the seniors and their parents to gather for a few hours in celebration of their time at Curley. 

On Thursday, members of the Class of 2029 celebrate their acceptance into the Curley Family. I want to thank you - our Curley parents and families - for supporting our admission efforts by working Open House and other events, by encouraging prospective students to visit Curley, and by spreading the good word about your experience here.

Finally, for everyone in between, we will be sharing information with your sons regarding the course selection process for the 2025-2026 school year. I ask that you take some time next week to speak with your sons about their courses for next year. 10th and 11th graders will meet on Monday morning with the school counselors to discuss the process, and 9th graders will have their meeting on Wednesday.

-- Jeremy Joseph ’96

Gala Raffle Set to Kick Off

Students will receive their Gala Raffle ticket packets on Wednesday, February 26, from their faculty advisors. This raffle is held in conjunction with the Curley Gala Dinner Auction to be held on April 12, 2025. The Gala is the school's largest fundraising event of the year and all money raised benefits every student as proceeds support the school's operating budget.

$15,000 in cash prizes will be awarded: $10,000 - 1st Prize; $3,000 - 2nd Prize; and $2,000 - 3rd Prize. Additional tickets can be picked up from the Advancement Office at any time. Students are required to participate at a minimum of $75 in sold tickets as part of the tuition agreement.

Seller prizes will also be awarded to top sellers and there will be an additional drawing for VISA gift cards for any student returning at least $150 in sold tickets. All sold tickets need to be returned by April 9th. Contact Barry Stitz at with any questions.

Thank you in advance for your support of this important school fundraiser!

Campus Store News

You asked, we listened! Some of your favorite Curley apparel items have been officially restocked! As a reminder, the store is open every day during school hours (8:00 am to 3:00 pm). The store will also be open extended evening hours on Monday, February 24, and Thursday, February 27. Stop by and shop the new Curley apparel to prepare for the spring sports season!

Curley Gala 30 Proceeds Night @ DeSantis'

Join the Curley Family (past, present and future!) at Desantis' Pizza Grill & Bar in Perry Hall on Wednesday, February 26, from open to close, to benefit the Curley Gala. 10% of all orders, both in restaurant and carryout orders, will come back to Curley in support of the Gala. We hope to see you there for pizza and good cheer! 

Emergency Drill Notice

We will hold another lockdown emergency drill on campus the week of February 24th. The specific day and time will not be announced, but we want our parents and guardians to be aware that this drill will occur. Drills like this are an important element of the school’s emergency operations plan.

From the Campus Minister

The FLEX Team will be accepting donations of hygiene products through March 3rd for a donation showdown against Catholic High. The winning school will get a full dress down day with their school’s colors. The losing school will also have a dress down day, but will have to wear the winning school’s colors. The date of the dress down day will be announced at a later time. The winning school will also get cake. Please see below for a list of items that can be brought in.

Senior Banners

Attention Class of 2025 Families -- Curley wants to help you celebrate your Senior! We are collecting orders for senior banners that will hang in the SDR hallway for all to see. Go HERE to place your order by March 14. Banners will be hung at school around the beginning of April. Students will receive them when they pick up their tuxes during commencement week. Please let senior class moderators, Mr. Streckfus or Mrs. Burton, know if you have any questions.

From the Parents' Guild 

Saturday, March 29th, is our annual Mother-Son Dance which is held at Columbus Gardens in Perry Hall. We hope you can join us for an exciting evening. Tickets are on sale until March 8th or until they sell out. Please go HERE to purchase your tickets starting today!

From the Assistant Principal of Academics

Monday, February 24, is the Countdown to Commencement which means we are on the home stretch to graduation and the end of the year. Please remind your son(s) to check Plus Portals on a regular basis and to see their teacher(s) if they have questions since we are closer to the end of the year. I also encourage them to see their teachers for extra support and help if they are struggling in any of their courses. My door is always open if they ever need anything.


Freshman and Seniors will be taking the ACRE test the week of March 10th during their Theology class. This is an Archdiocese required assessment to gauge their knowledge and understanding of what they have learned in Theology class.

-- Ken Pipkin

All That Curley Jazz

Enjoy an evening of Jazz at Archbishop Curley for the annual All That Curley Jazz. Under the direction of Dr. Jeffrey Osarczuk, the night will feature performances from the award-winning Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Lab, Alumni Jazz Ensemble, and guest band Technicolor Motor Home. Certainly this will be an evening not to be missed! A limited number of tickets are available and this event will sell out, so do not delay in purchasing your tickets today! Tickets are on sale HERE.

Blackfriars' Theatre

Our spring musical, Damn Yankees, is now just weeks away! The show dates are the weekend of March 14-16. Friday and Saturday night show times are 7:30 and Sunday's matinee is at 2:00 pm. Tables for the Dinner Theatre prior to the Saturday evening performance are filling up. Our Dinner Theatre is at 5:00 pm where you will have a sit-down dinner along with hors d'oeuvres, open bar, special intermission desserts and reserved seating in the theatre. Tickets for this event are $45 per person, but we offer tables of eight for only $325, a savings of $35. Get your friends together and make that table of eight people and come out to support our theatre program. Due to the limited number of tickets for the Dinner Theatre, you shouldn't delay and be disappointed when we sell outGo HERE to order your Dinner Theatre tickets. Advance general admission tickets to the show are now on sale. All advance sale tickets are $10. A reminder that Curley students have free admission to the show by just showing their student ID. The link to purchase advance sale tickets is . 

FYM Bingo

FYM and the St. Bonaventure Scholars will be hosting a Bingo on Friday, March 7, at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $20 if bought online and can be purchased HERE. Tables for groups of 10 or more can be reserved. Otherwise, there will be open seating. Food will be available for purchase. If anyone has any questions or would like to donate a basket for our raffle, please email Friar Chris at

From the College Counseling Office

Attention Class of 2026 Parents

  • Please plan to attend our virtual College Information Night for junior families on Thursday, March 6, 2025, at 6:30 pm. A Zoom link will be sent out the week of the event.
  • All juniors who are interested in taking the digital SAT here at Curley after a half day of school on Friday, April 11, should sign up HERE. The cost is $68. Juniors should meet right after school ends in the SDR. This link will close by the end of the school day on Wednesday, February 28, 2025.

All Parents

The JET (Jesuit Excellence Tour) will stop by Curley on Tuesday, March 11, during our second period. All freshmen, sophomores and juniors will have time to travel through this college and university fair.

Mrs. Berrigan is currently on maternity leave. She will return in early June. Please reach out to Mrs. Berkey at if you need any assistance. 

STEM Symposium Sponsorship Opportunities

We are excited to announce our upcoming STEM Symposium, an event that highlights student achievements in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The event will be held on Thursday, March 27, 2025. To make this event a success, we invite individuals and local businesses to partner with us as a sponsor. Your support and that of local businesses will help foster innovation and excellence in STEM education while showcasing your commitment to the development of future leaders in these fields. Below are the available sponsorship opportunities :  

Einstein Sponsor ($300)

Show your support at this impactful level. Benefits include:  

- Advertisement in the program  

- Logo displayed on a board at the STEM Symposium  

- Logo featured on award certificates  

Newton Sponsor ($200) 

Help fuel inspiration by sponsoring refreshments for attendees. Benefits include: 

- Display board at the refreshment area during the STEM Symposium  

- Advertisement in the program  

Mendel Sponsor ($100)  

Named after Gregor Mendel, the father of genetics. Benefits Include: 

- Advertisement in the program  

Family Sponsor ($30)

Support a student and help us subsidize printing costs for the event. Benefits include: 

- Name listed in the program  

Your generous sponsorship will directly impact students by enhancing the quality of our event and supporting their exploration of STEM disciplines. If you’re interested in becoming a sponsor, go HERE to donate. If you have any questions, please email Kim Burton, Science Department Chairperson.  

Thank you for your consideration. Together, we can inspire the next generation of innovators! 

Curley Gala 30

Class Registry Updates!

Thank you to all of our families that have already donated to the Gala through our "themed" gift registries. The race is tight, but the freshman class is slightly in the lead! Here are the current class rankings --

Class of 2028: Items for Him -- 1st place with 33% participation

Class of 2026: “Outdoor Adventure/Summer Fun

-- 2nd place with 31% participation

Class of 2027: “Items for Her” -- 3rd place with 30% participation

Class of 2025: “Gift Cards” -- 4th place with 25% participation

There is PLENTY of time to still donate! A reminder that the class with the highest percentage of gifts donated will win a dress down day and class pizza lunch. All parent names from the class with the highest percentage of gifts donated will be entered into a raffle and the winner will win (2) free tickets to the black tie Gala on April 12. We ask all gifts to be donated by March 12 at the latest. Thank you for your support of Gala 30!


Gala 30 tickets are now on sale! 

Tickets are selling fast and we are anticipating another sold out crowd! Gala 30 will be held on April 12, 2025. We hope you will join in our celebrations to eat, drink, BID and be merry! Curley's Gala is the premier fundraising event of the school year and an evening to celebrate the Curley community. Tickets are $150 and can be purchased individually, or as a group for a table. Tickets will be purchased online through our auction site or by check (Attn: Curley Gala). NEW THIS YEAR: when you purchase a Gala ticket, you will be entered into the chance to win up to $10,000!  Click on the "Purchase Your Ticket" tab HERE. The Gala is black-tie optional and is a 21+ event.

For other Gala opportunities, including hosting gift gathering parties, becoming an event sponsor, or volunteering, please contact Mrs. Caroline Palmisano at or 410-485-5000, ext. 211 or visit the Gala webpage. We thank you in advance for your support!