The Monthly Newsletter of Warner Pacific University – September 2024


We're excited to share more stories with you about how WPU is empowering growth through Christ-centered education. Feel free to share this publication widely or, if you received this from a friend, sign up to receive future issues directly from WPU. Click the link to find the sign up as well as previous issues.

President's Message

Greetings and God Bless You,

“If one is shielded from all possibility of wrongdoing and is never required to make moral choices he cannot develop strong character.” 

– A.F. Gray, Christian Theology, Volume 2 

During the upcoming year, I have committed to reading some of the works of A.F. Gray. I do so for several reasons. In 2037—some 13 years from now—we will be celebrating Warner’s Centennial anniversary since it was founded in 1937. Secondly, Warner Pacific University and its board of trustees, have decidedly purposed to reclaim its missional identity in alignment with the Church of God (Anderson, Indiana) in holding fast to its identity as a Christ-centered university. Last, but certainly not least, Gray’s formulation of character is the intrinsic work of a Christian university as students go on to acquire the requisite credentials and competence to engage in civic capacities, yet with a sacred purpose.

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Ministry Corner

By Lorenzo Peterson, WPU Chaplain

What an exciting time for Campus Ministries and Warner Pacific University! There is a lively spirit on our campus that is awesome to experience.

Our students have expressed an interest to further understand their spiritual journey and how it undergirds their purpose. Many have accepted Jesus as their savior and have expressed how much they have needed something like this to assist them in their journey…

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New Center for Academic Success and Achievement (CASA) Coming to Warner Pacific

Building Your New CASA

The new Center for Academic Success and Achievement (CASA) at Warner Pacific University will soon provide increased academic and holistic support to students in a welcoming environment.

“We are extremely excited for the opening of our physical space, which is currently being renovated,” said Lael Easton, Director of Learning Communities…

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Faculty Achievements

Building Bridges Across Faiths

On Kevin Spooner’s (Associate Dean of Education) first trip to Chicago this summer, he learned some fundamentals of building bridges . . .  and dined in a lions’ den.

Spooner first heard of the Teaching Interfaith Understanding seminar in June. The seminar was a collaborative effort of The Council of Independent Colleges and Interfaith America. The intention was to “broaden faculty members’ knowledge and perspective to help them strengthen the teaching of interfaith understanding, develop new courses and other resources, and expand the network of faculty members who are committed to teaching this subject,” according to its website.

Spooner, who arrived at WPU about five years ago after retiring from more than 30 years in K-12 education, was immediately interested in attending and eager to learn.

“I wanted to dive into research and do some thinking about what it means to work within an organization that promotes interfaith dialogue,” Spooner said.…

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New Academic Year Spotlights

Warner Welcomes New Class

Warner celebrated a new class of students on August 22 at our annual Knight's Orientation. Read the full story in next month's issue.

Convocation 2024

Warner's annual convocation, which marks the opening of our year, was held on August 27. We were blessed to have Board of Trustees member Michael Guzman as our keynote speaker. As well, 1964 alumna Jane Whitehead performed piano for our musical interludes and was accompanied to the event by her husband Ed Whitehead (also a 1964 graduate and WPU Professor Emeritus since 2007). As always we felt the power of God with us as we set our academic year off with purpose.

Now May Be the Perfect Time For You to Take Your Career to the Next Level

Warner's Master of Business Administration Program offers working professionals the ability to take courses online with classes that begin at a variety of times throughout the year. Upcoming cohorts begin on September 23 and November 8. Choose the one that works best for your schedule. Don't wait to see what your next career path could look like. We'll help you achieve your goals with purpose.

Apply Today

Upcoming Events

It’s almost time to celebrate Warner Pacific University’s Homecoming with events for alums, students and the community. This year’s schedule of events includes an Alumni Chapel,  an open house for the nursing program’s new location on the main campus, a Hall of Honor presentation to former WPU President, Dr. Jay Barber, Knight Time Madness fun and games in CC Perry Gym, and soccer and volleyball tailgates. Check WPU’s website for more events and details.

See a list of activities

The second annual Give Day is soon approaching. It’s a time for the Warner Pacific family to honor the legacy of WPU and show support for this generation of students.

Our event takes place on Oct. 3 during Homecoming Week. In person supporters can enjoy displays of WPU history and free cupcakes.

All gifts given NOW will count on Give Day!


Why your gift matters! Please help WPU serve more students.

Warner Pacific University provides scholarships, supports faculty development, enhances campus facilities, and fosters innovative academic programs. Your generosity, regardless of the amount, will have a tangible impact and help deserving students receive a transformational education rooted in our shared values.

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