Recycling Authority

October 2022

20000 West Eight Mile Road | Southfield

248-208-2270 |

What You Can Do with Fallen Leaves

Did you know? Yard waste used to account for 20-25% of Michigan's trash, needlessly filling up landfills. However, curbside yard waste collection services have greatly reduced this number and allows it to be taken to a large-scale compost site for proper disposal. 

If you have trees on your property, you may already be gathering fallen leaves for yard waste collection. While you can always dispose of them by placing them into a paper yard waste bag or trash can labeled with a yard waste sticker, there's an even simpler solution: use them as a top-grade fertilizer! Not only is it more economical, but your yard benefits from it as well. Here are three tips on how to recycle your fallen leaves right at home:

Mow Right Over the Leaves

The simplest solution is to mow the leaves straight into the lawn - no collecting necessary! Using a mulching blade or mower over your fallen leaves allows the smaller leaf pieces to fall down between the grass blades and release nitrogen and other valuable nutrients as they decompose. Just like grasscycling, this method does NOT cause thatch and is suitable for most lawn types.

Mulch, Spread, Repeat

If you don't have a mulching mower, just run over your leaves a couple times with your regular mower to break them down a bit before spreading them around your shrubs, trees, and flowerbeds. That way, they're less likely to blow away!

Mulch moderates soil temperature, prevents erosion and evaporation, greatly reduces weed problems, and provides nutrients for plant roots as it decomposes over time. You can also make mulch out of pine needles, newspaper, and even dead plant clippings.

Commit to Composting

Composting is the result of aerobic bacteria, fungi and other micro-organisms breaking down organic materials. When you compost your fallen leaves in a bin or pile, you're creating a nutrient-rich mix that can be combined with soil to help plants thrive. Similar to what happens inside a coffee pot, regular water mixes with the compost to create a solution that benefits the roots of just about any plant.

To get started with composting, check out our page!

Our Final HHW Collection Event of 2022

If you couldn't make it to our previous HHW Collection events this year, then you won't want to miss this one! Held at the truck entrance of the RRRASOC MRF located at 20875 Mapleridge Avenue, Southfield, this event takes place from 9am to 2pm on Saturday, October 29th. All RRRASOC community members are welcome to bring their HHW to these events for an opportunity to responsibly discard their hazardous items, e-waste, documents for shredding, and items for donation via Simple Recycling.

First time going to one of our HHW Collection events? No worries! Check below for some helpful tips and resources to keep the event running smoothly for staff and attendees:

  • No need to exit your vehicle during the event - let our workers unload your vehicle to keep the line moving! Putting your items in containers or boxes you don't want back saves time as well.
  • Keep lightbulbs separate from batteries to avoid shattering hazards. To avoid fires, please tape the end terminals of your batteries so that they do not touch one another.
  • Don't mix the contents of unlabeled containers - keep items in their original bottle.
  • Please make sure containers are sealed, free of leaks, and secure to avoid spillage.
  • Patience is key! Everyone at the event is working hard to keep things running smoothly, but hiccups do happen now and then.
  • Early birds are welcome to wait in line in their car, however, please note that collection will not begin before 9am.

For more info and examples of what is and is not accepted at these events, click here.

Thank you to all who have attended this year's HHW Collection events - we hope to see you next year! Look for 2023 dates to be announced soon.

HHW Drop-Off All Year Long!

Even though our next HHW Collection event after this one won't be until spring 2023, you still have options to dispose of your HHW safely before then. RRRASOC residents can drop off HHW at ERG Environmental Services in Livonia on non-event days without a fee. For hours, location, and more, check our HHW Drop-Off section below!

HHW Drop-Off at ERG Environmental Services

If you have HHW that you'd like to properly dispose of between collection events, you're in luck! Drop off your HHW without a fee at ERG Environmental Services during the following hours:

Updated Winter Hours:

Monday - Friday:

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

HHW pickup from your home is also available for a fee of $135 per stop plus $0.75 per pound of material collected. This fee is paid directly by the resident to ERG Environmental Services.

To confirm drop-off times and/or to schedule a pickup, please contact:

ERG Environmental Services
13040 Merriman Road, Livonia
(734) 437-9650
For more info, visit the ERG HHW Drop-Off page or our HHW page.
RRRASOC Recycling Directory
Not sure what to do with stuff?

Visit and use the Recycling Directory search bar to type in keywords and get recycling, composting, reuse or disposal instructions.

The searchable, intuitive format of the Recycling Directory provides RRRASOC specific information.

Also Available:
  • Mobile App
  • From your App Store or Google Play, search for "Recycling Authority"
  • Alexa Enabled Device
  • Simply say, “Alexa, enable Recycling Directory”

Want more tips, tricks, and updates about recycling? We have a Facebook page where we can reach each other to make recycling easier. You can also reach us via and email at!

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RRRASOC - Recycling Authority | 248-208-2270 |