Bowdoin College’s 219th Commencement Exercises are now complete, thereby ending the 2023–24 academic year. Our hearty congratulations to the members of the Class of 2024. As we say our good-byes to the graduating seniors—at least for the moment—we look forward to the new summer season. A new cohort of student interns begins work shortly, and preparations are well underway for Abigail DeVille: In the Fullness of Time, an exhibition that opens on June 29 and continues through November 10. Please mark your calendars as DeVille and Bronx Museum curator Eileen Jeng Lynch discuss the exhibition at a special program in Kresge Auditorium on June 29. Also on view this summer is Tom Burckhardt: Informal Worship, an installation of recent work by the artist that recently opened in the Museum’s Zuckert Gallery. Burckhardt will be back on campus on July 18 to discuss the exhibition alongside critic John Yau.
Finally, we want to extend a warm thank you to two staff members who are leaving the BCMA. After three productive years as the post-baccalaureate curatorial assistant, Sabrina Lin ’21 is rotating out of this position. She heads off now to graduate school. In addition, after 45 years at the Museum, Suzanne K. Bergeron is retiring as the assistant director of communications. Suzanne has served in many roles over the years, always with extraordinary competence and grace. Sabrina and Suzanne will be greatly missed, though we hope to cross paths with them in the months and years ahead. Thank you!
We look forward to seeing you at the Museum!
Anne Collins Goodyear & Frank H. Goodyear III
Co-Directors, Bowdoin College Museum of Art