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Education for the 21st Century

Dear Families,

Large monthly calendars hang in the “faculty lounge,” displaying the major events scheduled for the school year. As each month ends, that month’s calendar is removed. When I looked at the wall just now at lunch, I was shocked. February will come down soon and then there are only four months left before summer break—with June a half month and the two-week spring break in March and April. It goes by so fast.

It's a strange time of the school year as we start to look forward to next year while also looking back.

On March 7, we’ll be hosting an evening discussion about the upcoming year’s budget. Save the date if you want to hear about our budget setting process and what has been decided about next year’s budget, including the decision to end mandatory participation in the Scrip fundraising program.

Soon you’ll receive details about our annual Registration Week taking place March 11-15, when families will be asked to complete enrollment for our students for the 2024-25 school year. Click the image below to read through our Annual Report for 2022-23. The Annual Report includes financial information and looks back at the achievements of the year that might seem like ancient history now as we speed toward another summer. Also for your review is a Letter from our College of Teachers that highlights program and faculty updates for the year ahead. Click here to read more.

Kevin McDuff

WSOC School Administrator

March 11 - 15, Registration Week for 2024-25

Don't Forget Your WSOC Gala Tickets!

Click to Purchase!

Campus Events

Have a Cuppa and Ask Your Questions!

Tea with the 12th Grade

We often hear that there is something special and “different” about Waldorf graduates. We hear this from friends, neighbors, relatives and college admissions officers. Come and see why! This event is open to parents and students in middle school and older.

Grade 10 Students Accomplish the "Impossible"!

The “Go for the Gold” team comprised of Olive Leigh, Anna Christina Foiadelli and Sophie Krofina broke a long standing record in the 10th grade “Computer Technology” main lesson block!

During this block students learn about hardware and software experiencing building electrical circuits and writing software code for creating greeting cards and simple games on their computer. 

On February 13 the students were assigned their most complex circuit build of the block: a reaction game that can run at 3 levels: “easy”, “challenging” and “impossible”. 

Over the years no team has ever reacted at the “impossible” level.  Olive, Anna Christina and Sophie not only delivered at that level, they modified the circuit to run even faster and were still successful!  


Ms. Ingrid and Mr. Ed

WSOC High School Practical Arts Teacher

Elise Woodward on Crafting Resilience

WSOC High School Practical Arts Teacher Elise Woodward believes the long, tedious process of making ceramics carries with it a valuable life lesson: a willingness to fail and the fortitude to try again. 

“I just learned a lot from failure. I tell the students that’s your biggest teacher. You’ve got to get on with it and try  - and you’ve got to fail, and that’s good because you’re learning. That's what this whole process is about,” she said. 

Read More

Grade 3 Play Delights WSOC Community!

Third Grade students delighted families and friends with an adventure-filled play, "Johnny Hears the Call" based on the life of Johnny Appleseed, one of America's fondest legends.

As a tool for learning, drama has a forming power in children; offering opportunities for children to come into themselves. Different points of view are explored as students take on characters, situations, and feelings. Dramatizing a story brings it to life in a way that simply reading or hearing can never bring about.

Grade 3 Plants an Apple Tree on campus to Commemorate "Johnny Hears the Call"

Games Teacher Renewal Workshop

WSOC recently hosted a Games Teacher Renewal workshop, attended by games teachers from multiple states. Our own Games Teacher, Brad Holm, was one of the four lead presenters.

"Less experienced games teachers experienced the development of curriculum first through 8th grade, showing the progression of story-based games in the lower grades to full competitive sporting games in the upper grades." - Brad Holm

We move more in early childhood than at any other time in our lives. What is the child working on with all this movement? What does healthy movement look like in children of this age group? How do children develop balance? How can we support our children to move freely and joyfully, with coordination and ease? What attitudes of the adults, and what materials support this? What are the differences between the child-led movements of free play and adult-taught movements?
Jane will explore these topics in her presentation. She will also bring many tried and true movement ideas for children from three to seven in the family setting. There will be slides, videos, and time for questions. Click the image to learn more and Register. A $10 participation fee is requested.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Click Images to Learn More!

AWSNA Sponsored Event for 11th and 12th Grade Students and Parents

This event is designed to support students in Gr. 11 and 12 looking ahead to college and university. A stellar panel of Waldorf alums currently attending or recently graduated from college will give advice, guidance and great tips. Click Image to learn more and Register.

Company of Angels and Scrip News

Spring has sprung in

The Company of Angels. 

Please come in and enjoy our treasures!

  • Nona, Pam and the Angels

Store Hours

Mon - Fri

8 am to 3:30 pm

WSOC Calendar

Tue 2/27 - Fri 3/1 • Grade 10 in Mexicali

Tue 2/27, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm • Grade 8 Parent Meeting

Wed 2/28, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm • Grade 9 Parent Evening

Wed 2/28, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm • Grade 7 Parent Meeting

Fri 3/01, 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm • Middle School Dance

Fri 3/01, 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm • WSOC Adult Education Program

Sat 3/02, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm • WSOC Adult Education Program

Mon 3/04, 8:45 am - 10:30 am • Parent Study Group with Holly Richards; Nursery through Grade 4 parents welcomed

Mon 3/04, 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm • Tea with the 12th Grade

Mon 3/04, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm • Ms. Hubert Grade 5 Parent Evening

Tue 3/05, 8:45 am - 10:00 am • Room Rep Meeting

Tue 3/05, 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm • Grades and EC Adult Education

Wed 3/6 • Medieval Games

Wed 3/06, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm • Ms. Christiane Grade 3 Parent Evening

Wed 3/06, 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm • Grade 12 Parent Evening

Thurs 3/07, 6:00 - 7:00 pm Budget and Brew Community Event

Fri 3/08, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm • Grade 4 play 6pm, Eurythmy Hall

Sat 3/09, 7:30 am - 11:30 am • SAT Test Date

Visit our website to view the full Calendar of Events

Important Dates for the Year Ahead!

News & Announcements

Summer Camp Registration - More Info Soon to Come!

Breakfast Fridays resume Friday, March 8th!

Take advantage of our new pre-order feature! Scan the QR code or click the flyer to reserve your Chia Pudding and / or Breakfast Burritos before they sell out! Please note, the Venmo payment option is no longer in use.

It's Not Too Late To Get Your Merch!

Show your WSOC pride with a sweatshirt designed by the class of 2024! Proceeds support the senior class trip. They're going fast, so make sure to contact Gina Garrison to order:

WSOC Craft Group - All Skill Levels are Welcome!

Click here for WSOC College of Teachers, Board Members and Administrative Rotation

Waldorf School of Orange County
2350 Canyon Drive
Costa Mesa, CA 92627-3948
(949) 574-7775