Hello Pamela,
Have you ever wondered what the difference is between depression and seasonal affective disorder? Or how to get rid of negative thought patterns to improve your mood? Answers to these answers and more are all part of our newsletter this month!
Interested in improving sports performance through intuitive eating... our registered dietitian is offering FREE presentations to school groups, sports teams, dance teams and any organization interested in this information!
Spring is almost here my friends....hang in there!
All my best,
Dr. Pam McCaskill
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McCaskill Family Services Newsletter
Term: Winter| Issue 50| February 29th, 2024
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (continued..)
Negative thought patterns be-gone!
Check out the final installment of this three part series from our MFS therapist, Jaclyn Rink, MSCP, LLP. In conclusion, we discuss how to combat the mental enemies you've spent the last few months identifying, in order to optimize your mental health and re-wire negative thinking patterns. The 3 C's of CBT is an empirically supported method that helps negate certain symptoms associated with anxiety, depression, low-self-esteem, eating disorders and many other mental health conditions.
Check out the strategy by clicking the link below!
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Missed the previous articles?
Find it by visiting our McCaskill blog, along with plenty of other therapist tips, psychological information, and helpful advice!
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At McCaskill Family Services, we specialize in working with children and adults who are struggling with all kinds of presenting mental health issues. If your family or someone you know could benefit from our services, please contact us. Our clinicians are trained and experienced in empirically-based techniques, and would be happy to promptly schedule an appointment in person or via tele-health. We can be reached by phone at 734-416-9098 or by email at office@mccaskillfamilyservices.com.
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A new monthly newsletter addition from our Dietitian and Eating Disorder Recovery Team.
Vacation Anxiety!
Spring break on your mind? You are not alone! For many people, spring break is an event to wait for, (even count down to). Students get a break from a tough semester, families get time to be together, Michiganders get time in the sun, and ski-lovers get a break to hit the slopes.
For some however, spring break can be stressful. Maybe projects like bathing suit shopping, packing warm-weather clothing, or trying on clothing to see what still fits bring up anxiety or body image concerns. To help challenge some of those thoughts, and make sure you have the great time you deserve, try these tips:
Build your inner cheerleader. Is the inner body image bully, or inner critic saying terrible things? Notice the thought, notice the emotion it brings up, and work to counter that voice.
Choose compassion. You are more than what your body looks like. Remember who you ARE, remember it is okay to feel this way, and give yourself the love you deserve.
Find your people. Surround yourself with your person or group of people who love you for you. Find the ones who love your energy, are excited to see you, and you feel comfortable just being with.
DO IT ANYWAYS!! One of the best things to do in the face of anxiety and body image fear is do exactly what feels scary. Put on the swimsuit, be in the photo, wear that new outfit, and do it with pride. And don’t be surprised if once you are doing exactly what freaks you out, you feel a little (or a lot) better.
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Where would our practice be without Devaney?
Devaney is the Office Manager of our Brighton location and our MFS Billing Specialist. She is an Arizona native and received her BA in Business and Global Leadership at Arizona State University. She also lived in Los Angeles for two years to attend the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising and received her AA in Product Development.
Although Devaney misses the desert mountains, she loves getting to experience the seasons; especially the color changes of the fall!
Outside of the office Devaney describes herself as being a homebody! She loves learning new crafting skills and perfecting old ones. Her mom taught her how to crochet when she was younger, and this has naturally become a favorite craft of hers. She also recently took up baking. Although she describes it as being a bit of a "learning curve," she loves when the end result is delicious (so worth it!)
Check out precious little Molly ------------>
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Depression vs. Seasonal Affective Disorder
There are many commonalities between
Major Depressive Disorder and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
During winter months, it can be challenging to decipher between the two, especially if this is your first time experiencing such symptoms.
Here are some ways to tell the difference:
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- Occurs predominately in the winter and fall (dark months).
- You see an increase in your mood and energy levels on warmer, sunnier days.
- Symptoms generally resolve on their own or with little intervention by spring.
- Weight gain/increase in carbohydrate cravings (e.g., comfort food).
- Increased need for sleep.
- Feelings of boredom and restlessness due to being indoors.
- Ability to experience joy when able to participate in enjoyable activities.
- Negative thought patterns about yourself and others.
Seasonal Affective Disorder
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- Can occur all year round.
- Energy levels/mood fail to adjust despite improvements in weather or circumstance.
- Symptoms require ongoing support and intervention.
- Significant increase OR decrease in weight.
- Needing more sleep OR struggling to sleep (hypersomnia/hypersomnia).
- Observable psychomotor agitation or retardation.
- Lack of pleasure or interest in previously enjoyed activities/experiences.
- Feelings of intense worthlessness, guilt and hopelessness.
Major Depressive Disorder
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Regardless of how severe, mild, new, or old your symptoms are, getting connected with a mental health professional can be extremely helpful this time of year. They can provide you with an accurate diagnosis and help you in developing a plan for supporting your mood.
We are currently accepting new patients in person and via telehealth services!
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Is spring really around the corner?! I'm Jaclyn, a masters level clinician at McCaskill Family Services who specializes in the treatment of OCD, anxiety, self-harm, and eating disorders for all ages. I co-run the McCaskill Family Services DBT groups for teens and adults, and specialize in psychological assessment. I am also our monthly newsletter editor and social media manager!
I'd like to personally thank you for staying in touch with our practice, and hope you find this newsletter inspirational and informative. If you or someone you know would like to schedule an appointment with me, please contact our office at 734-416-9098 or email us at office@mccaskillfamilyservices.com. I look forward to working with you!
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409 Plymouth Road, Suite 250, Plymouth, MI 48170 • 734.416.9098
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