Government Corner

Welcome to Fall 2022, Spartans! Please leave your shoes at the door…


Hello, fellow students! I hope you all are doing well and taking care. Welcome to a new start of growth and humble beginnings. Please stay safe on and off campus by making sure to follow COVID-19 guidelines. For more information about SJSU COVID-related matters, visit the Student Health Center page.

The first Spartan Voice by A.S. blog is now live with this issue of the newsletter! Read more about A.S. Controller Antonio Maldonado's views on advocacy for Latinx in Silicon Valley in the blog section below.


Associated Students (A.S.) President, Nina Chuang, is hosting picnics in the A.S. House on Friday, September 30 and Friday, October 28 at 1pm. Come voice any concerns and address your needs directly to Nina. Snacks and Spartan swag will all be provided.


The A.S. Board of Directors holds regular meetings on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 3pm. The next two meetings will be on September 14th and 28th. Feel free to join our meetings in Student Union Meeting Room 1A or virtually through Zoom! We look forward to seeing you. 


If you would like to meet with an A.S. Director in-person or virtually, please check out our office hours and contact info at


Get involved with Student Government by joining as a student-at-large in one of the various A.S. committees! From voting on city/university policies, to directly planning events you want to see on campus, find more information here. Funding is also available to Recognized Student Organizations at 


SJSU Homecoming 2022: Reign of Blue & Gold is scheduled for the last week of October! Associated Students is looking for candidates for the next Homecoming Royalty. The winners will be announced at the Homecoming game. The deadline to nominate a peer or yourself is on Friday, September 9. Visit to access the form.


Make sure to visit the A.S. departments and familiarize yourself with the resources and opportunities available to you. Keep up-to-date with A.S. events, programs, and services through our social media handle @as_sjsu on Insta, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. 


Take care of yourselves and make sure to look out for one another. Spartan Up!


A.S. Government Corner is a monthly update from your Director of Communications, Dillon Gadoury,

A.S. Government

A.S. Board of Directors 2022-2023

Meet the A.S. Board of Directors for the 2022-2023 academic school year! 

Picnic with the President

Fridays, September 30 and October 28, 1pm

A.S. House

Join your A.S. President in a casual setting to ask questions, air concerns, and/or share your views. There will be FREE SNACKS AND SWAG!

Questions? Contact Nina Chuang, A.S. President, at

Students’ Election Commission 2022-2023

Join the Students’ Election Commission (SEC)! Plan and implement A.S. Elections in Spring 2023.

Available positions:

  • Chief Elections Officer
  • 15 hours per week from October to May
  • Apply by Friday, September 23, 11:59pm
  • Apply at:
  • Elections Team
  • Open Positions
  • SEC Ethics Officer
  • SEC Events Officer
  • SEC Marketing Office
  • Election Consultants
  • Stipends Available
  • Apply by Friday, October 29, 11:59pm
  • Apply at:

Questions? Contact Parker Rugeley-Valle, A.S. Leadership and Government, at or (408) 924-6045.


Spartan Voice by Associated Students

The first blog post for Spartan Voice by A.S. for the 2022-2023 school year is finally here! Check out the article on advocacy by Antonio Maldonado, A.S. Controller by clicking here.


Homecoming Royalty

The A.S. Programming Board presents... Homecoming Royalty! Apply by Friday, September 9, 11:59pm.


Submit Feedback to the

A.S. Board or Departments

In lieu of a public forum, you may submit questions, ideas, and any feedback for the A.S. Board and A.S. Departments by using the Your Voice Matters Google Form.

Click the button below to be heard!


Reserve a Conference Room!

The A.S. House has conference room space available for SJSU students and staff use, free of charge, during our regular business hours from Monday-Friday. Click below to reserve a room!

Questions? Contact our office at or 408-924-6242.


Student Organization Funding

Associated Students offers up to $2,700 per year for Recognized Student Organizations. To learn more, click here

Questions? Contact Antonio Maldonado, A.S. Controller, at


Join A-Committee

Are you interested in joining the Academic Affairs committee, Programming Board or Lobby Corps? A.S. has over 10 committees for you to join. Learn more at

SJSU Cares!

Are you at risk of becoming homeless? Do you skip meals to afford rent? Do you have an unexpected medical bill that you are struggling to pay? SJSU Cares may be able to provide you with campus and community resources to manage your crisis. Reach out at to keep updated on campus resources for yourself or to refer a friend.

Click the photo above to watch some student testimonials!
A.S. Events Calendar
A.S. has a full calendar of events for you. To view the calendar, click here.

15th Annual Fire on the Fountain

Thursday, October 27, 5-9pm

Tower Lawn

SJSU’s Exciting Evening Extravaganza is now on its 15th Year! Featuring student organization booths and performances, Spartan Football team, SJSU Cheerleading Team, Homecoming Court, and more… FREE shirts, giveaways, and live fire performances

Sign Up to Perform or Reserve a Booth! The deadline is Friday, October 7.

Questions? Contact



August 16-September 30

Join us for Fall 2022 Weeks of Welcome, a series of over 130 events taking place at SJSU open to ALL currently enrolled students!

Weeks of Welcome programs and events take place during the first few weeks of each semester. The goal of Weeks of Welcome is to welcome new and returning students to campus, and provide support for new students as they transition into SJSU. On campus, you may hear Weeks of Welcome informally referred to as "WOW." All events are designed to support your success as a student.

For more event details, visit:


Movie on the Lawn

Jurassic World: Dominion

Monday, September 19, 7-10pm

Tower Lawn

Presented by Student Involvement, Student Union, and Associated Students... Movie on the Lawn! There will be FREE snacks and beverages.

Bring Your Own Blankets and/or Lawn Chairs.

Questions? Contact Carmen Patino, A.S. Events Coordinator, at or (408)924-6297.


Hypnosis and Mentalist Show

Thursday, September 22, 5-7pm

Student Union Theater

How do they do it? Come and find out for yourself! There will be FREE snacks and giveaways!

Questions? Contact Alisia Blair, A.S. Events Student Assistant, at

Masks are required regardless of vaccination status. Events are wheelchair accessible. Individuals requiring sign-language interpreters, real-time captioning, or other accommodations should contact A.S. Events promptly.

Transportation Solutions

Happy Transit Month, Spartans!

Associated Students' Transportation Solutions (TS) has a variety of services to support students and their travel needs. Visit our website to learn about our promotions and travel options that are sustainable, accessible, and affordable! On our page, you will find information on how students can get free unlimited access to local VTA transit, regional transit options and discounts, resources for biking, and affordable car rentals! These options help you commute, explore life off campus, or get you back home for the weekend! Below are some programs we would highlight as some of our special promos this Fall.

Zipcar Driving Credits

TS is offering new members $15 in driving credit for Zipcar, a short-term car rental service that allows students 18 years old with a driver's license to rent cars on campus or within walking distance.

SJSU Lyft Evening Ride

TS, in partnership with UPD Parking Services, is offering enrolled students with hybrid and in-person classes Lyft credits to support safety for evening travel. Eligible students can obtain three $10 credits per month for late-night rides to or from the campus during the eligible time windows. For more information, visit our Lyft Evening Ride Pilot Page.

BikeShare For Housing

TS is offering housing students 6, 30-minute free Lyft Bike Rides on class bikes per month. These stations are located near campus and all around the city. Check your email from Lyft Business for instructions on how to sign up.

BikeShare For All 

Students enrolled in PG & E Care, and CalFresh qualify for a one-year Lyft Baywheels membership for just $5. Baywheels allows students to rent bikes from stations all around the city! Students can obtain a code for a free membership by emailing TS at Limited codes are available.

Never used Baywheels? We've got you covered!

Attend the Lyft BayWheels Workshop hosted by Silicon Valley Bike Coalition on Friday, 9/9 from 1-2 pm.

Students can learn about safe riding, how to check out Lyft Bikes, and take a free spin! We will also fuel you up with some snacks before your ride! RSVP for this event!

Ride Along hosted by TS for Transit Month (September)

Thursday, 9/29 at 4:45 pm

Students and employees are invited to take a ride along on transit to celebrate the BayPass Pilot Launch and transit month! Ride along will be from campus to Cahill Park, where we will have free food, music, trivia, and giveaways! Feel free to join the ride-along or meet us at the park. Make sure you RSVP!

For more updates on events and resources, follow our social media! Our handle is @ts_sjsu on both Instagram and Twitter!

Questions? Contact Anton Lauron, T.S. Student Assistant, at

Getting Around SJSU
Biking to Campus
Follow us on Instagram @ts_sjsu!
César E. Chávez Community Action Center

Activism in Action

Develop your skills as a leader and change-maker through the Activism In Action Series, our center's professional development program! The Activism in Action Series is a leadership certification program that offers the opportunity to learn skills and strategies that can aid in your civic engagement and advocacy journey while fostering community, critical thought, and promoting creativity. Workshop topics vary from semester to semester, and cover topics that fit within the three elements of: self-sustainability, strategies for action, and craftivism.

Participants can earn three leadership certificates depending on the number of workshops attended during their time at SJSU: 

  • Level 1: Blue
  • Level 2: Gold
  • Level 3: Platinum

FREE food and swag. All students who earn a certification will get a FREE tumbler! FREE lunch for all in-person workshops (limited slots). Giveaways for Virtual Workshops. 

Fall 2022 Calendar

Speaker Names: Maria Villaseñor & Elizabeth Pintor

Minding My Wellbeing

Thursday, September 15, 2-3pm

Student Union Meeting Room 2A (Level 2)

As leaders, it's so important to remember to care for our mental health and well-being! Join us to explore how we can build our wellbeing toolkit.

Speaker Name: Itzel Calvo Medina

A Guide for Community Organizing

Thursday, September 29, 2-3pm

Student Union Meeting Room 2A (Level 2), Hybrid option

Interested in getting involved with your community, but don't know where to start? Start here! We'll be exploring what it can look like to start organizing as a student.

Speaker Name: Dresden Smith

Partners In Solidarity (Virtual)

Thursday, October 13, 2-3pm

Instagram Live: @sjsucccac

Amazing work has come from student organizations and student-athletes working together! Join us for a conversation about partnering for change.



October 2022

In celebration and honor of the history of activism at SJSU!


Thursday, October 6, 4-7pm

Tower Lawn

Social Justice Music & Art Festival

Free event for all!

An Evening with Dolores Huerta

Tuesday, October 11, 6pm

Student Union Ballroom

Legacy Month Keynote speaker Dolores Huerta, activist and co-founder of the United Farm Workers.


Thursday, October 13, 2-3pm

Virtual: IG Live @sjsucccac

Featuring student organizations and athletes partnering for change.


Thursday, October 13, 12-1:30pm

Smith/Carlos Statues

Reflect on the significance of Tommie Smith and John Carlos’s historic action 53 years ago in Mexico City, and its relevance to today’s struggle for racial and social justice.

More event information on Follow us on Insta @sjsucccac. Masks are required regardless of vaccination status.

Questions? Contact Diana Victa, CCCAC Department Manager, at

All events will be held at the A.S. Campus Community Garden, 372 E. San Salvador St. (across the street from the dining commons).

Harvest Fest!

Wednesday, September 14, 10am-5pm

Storytelling at the Garden

Tuesday, September 27, 1-3pm

Movie: Minari

Wednesday, September 28, 7-9pm


Mondays: 1:15-3:15PM

Tuesdays: 9-11AM

Fridays: 10AM-12PM Garden

For more information on the garden, composting hours, and volunteer opportunities:

Instagram @sjsucccac@sjsugarden and/or

Questions? Contact Matthew Spadoni, CCCAC Community Garden Coordinator, at

Photo Gallery
View the full album for each event by clicking on the display photo.

08/25 A.S. Housewarming BBQ

08/31 Community Garden Open House

Click below to CONNECT WITH US!

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