Marianna Brown Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Carnegie Mellon University

January 2024

Dietrich College News

The Center for the Arts in Society Launches New Initiative

A new initiative from the Center for the Arts in Society explores the possibilities and limits of hospitality, belonging and gathering through human and non-human entities, mobile and fixed bodies and temporary and permanent spaces.

Read more about the Hospitality Initiative.

A Place in Space for the Humanities

CMU’s expertise in engineering and computer science has cemented the university as a player in the rapidly growing, next-generation space exploration industry. English professors James Wynn and Kathy M. Newman have developed Planetary Hospitality, a project that examines rhetoric, films and media that are used to talk about human exploration of space.


Read more about Planetary Hospitality.

Improving Designs to Make Intelligent Agents Smarter

Sara Moussawi, associate teaching professor in Information Systems, examines how to incorporate natural language into AI programs. Her efforts can improve how people perceive and use AI applications, like personal intelligent agents.

Read more about Moussawi’s research.

Study Finds Women Leaders Face Backlash for Pursuing Peace

A new study by Joshua Schwartz, assistant professor at the Carnegie Mellon Institute for Strategy and Technology, examined the gendered peace premium women leaders face when pursuing conciliatory policies.

Read more about Schwartz’s study.

Upcoming Events

  • An Evening with Carnegie Mellon University: Join President Farnam Jahanian, university leadership and faculty on Jan. 11 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the Simmons Atrium (2nd floor) of the Tepper Building for a discussion of Carnegie Mellon’s inspiring vision for the future and its role in pioneering the next wave of transformational artificial intelligence applications. Register for the event.

  • Alumni Events: From cherished in-person Carnegie Mellon traditions to virtual learning experiences with researchers at the cutting-edge of their fields, CMU offers a variety of events for alumni to connect with each other and the university, expand their knowledge and networking opportunities, and make cherished memories together. Explore event listings.

Dietrich College in the News


Why being present is a mind-body exercise you should practice more


The Washington Post

The surprisingly simple way to convince people to go green


El País

Elon Musk, greeted in Israel as a head of state: The geopolitics of Big Tech

More media coverage

Class Notes

Find out what's new with Dietrich College students and alumni, including Anna Albi (DC 2014) and Ben Williams (DC 2024), in Class Notes.

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Personal Mentions

Read about news and accomplishments from the college's faculty and staff, including Gerald Costanzo, in Personal Mentions.

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