“And He is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things He might have the preeminence.”
-- Colossians 1:18
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Dear fellow alumni,
Can you believe it? Our 60th academic year is underway and our students are smiling! Their faces may be new, but some things never change - like dorm pride and which side of campus is the greatest. I lived in Esther, so of course “West is Best”! (I’m guessing many of you disagree!) 😊
Another thing that never changes is that we are proudly LCMS and remain faithful to our Lutheran identity. Alumni from the Class of 1972 enjoyed their 50th reunion on campus a few weeks ago, and so many of them expressed that more than anything else, they cherish the spiritual formation they received here at Concordia.
By the way, you don’t have to wait for your 50th reunion to come back to campus! Let me know if you’d like to set up a visit for you or a potential student.
A final constant that forever remains the same is our cornerstone verse from Colossians 1:18, that in ALL things, Christ has preeminence. Thanks be to God!
Walking together with you in faith,
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Linda (Schramke) Sproul ‘92
Director of Donor and Alumni Relations
(734) 995-7491
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CUAA pipe organ rededication festival
October 23
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Thank you to our alumni and donors who made this “pipe dream” a reality! Our CUAA Pipe Organ Rededication Festival is set for Sunday, October 23, at 4 pm, with Dr. Sam Eatherton serving as festival organist. Plan to join us for the pre-festival presentation by Jerroll Adams, organ builder, who will share project details and demonstrations. A light reception will be held in the Kreft art gallery following the festival. CUAA choir and band students will participate, making this a superb celebration! | |
CUWAA alumni elected president in 10 LCMS districts | |
Congratulations to the CUWAA alumni recently elected or re-elected district president in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
Thank you, all, for your service to God and for making your alma mater proud. We pray that the Lord continues to guide you in this important and sacred calling. To see the names, click here.
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Should a nurse get an MSN?
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Have you been asking yourself if getting a Master’s in Science of Nursing (MSN) is worth it? If so, you’re asking the right questions. Deciding to go back to school is a big decision and often requires a lot of thought and consideration. It might seem like a big, daunting task, but Concordia is here to answer your questions and help you along your journey. Click here to read more.
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CUAA Yamaha piano loan program annual fundraiser |
The CUAA Music Department was blessed to have the use of new Yamaha pianos for the 2021-22 school year for our rehearsals, teachings, and performance needs at no charge. Having these pianos in our facility is essential to providing quality experiences for our students and our community. To support this loan program, these and other fine pianos will be sold to provide resources to the Music Department. More than 150 new or used pianos will be available for sale from top quality brands such as Yamaha, Bösendorfer, Clavinova, Baldwin, Schimmel, vintage Steinway & Sons and many others. Most instruments are less than one-year-old, include a new factory warranty, are tuned, and ready to go. Click here for more information and to make an appointment.
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Kreft Arts promises a full and fun schedule! | |
From music concerts and art shows to theatrical performances and the annual Boar's Head Festival, the Kreft Arts Program offers an amazing slate of activities to keep audiences engaged throughout the fall semester. Click here to take a look at the schedule.
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Student perspective: Favorite CUAA classes and professors |
We asked Concordia University Ann Arbor students and alumni “who is your favorite professor or class you have taken at CUAA?” Numerous students answered, and here are the results. Take a look.
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CUAA welcomes new faculty for the 2022-23 academic year | |
Our incoming students won’t be the only new Concordians this year! CUAA welcomes 11 new faculty for the 2022-23 academic year. Click here to take a look.
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Alumni Ambassadors
Visit Days show off your alma mater
Do you know a senior or transfer student considering Concordia? Tell them your alma mater is hosting several visit days on campus in the fall! Visit Days are an excellent opportunity for potential students to get an all-inclusive view of life at Concordia. They can take a tour, learn about academics, hear from many Concordia representatives, engage with current students, and more! Visit Days are currently sceduled for:
September 10
September 24
October 8
October 22
Register here.
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Career opportunities in applied psychology | |
If you’re interested in how the human mind works, you have probably looked into majoring in psychology. But where can the degree take you career-wise? That depends on where your passions lie. Thankfully, the field of psychology can open doors, in various settings to fit your goals. To learn more, click here.
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Final Thought from
Campus Pastor Randy Duncan
Each morning during the school year, our campus pastor, Randy Duncan, sends out an email full of inspirational thoughts, concepts to ponder, scripture, and prayer requests. We thought we would share some of his thoughts with you each month for us to contemplate.
Final thought: If you want more kindness in the world, put it there.
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CUAA pipe organ rededication festival
Date: October 23
Location: campus
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Date: October 29
Location: campus
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Date: December 2-4
Location: Chapel of the Holy Trinity
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To see a complete listing of Concordia events, click here. | | | | | |