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January 6, 2023

Veto of Tobacco Ban and Surprise Choice for Speaker of House in Ohio

This week Governor DeWine vetoed HB 513 that was passed in December. Among other things, this bill would be prohibited local communities from enacting local ordinances that regulated the sale of tobacco products. The veto of this legislation assists the City of Columbus in its efforts to forbid the sale of flavored nicotine products. The CMA is a member of the coalition that has supported the Mayor and City Council in their efforts to enact these bans.

As of the writing of this notice, the US House of Representatives is continuing to struggle to choose a Speaker. However in Ohio this week, the Ohio House showed one way to choose a leader, with a surprise selection of Representative Jason Stephans from Lawrence County. Going into the week, Representative Derek Merrin was expected to be elected Speaker due to his garnering of support from a majority of the Republican caucus in a meeting in November after the election.

However, during the lame duck session and over the holidays, questions from House Republican members began to occur and in the official vote with the new General Assembly this week, Representative Stephens emerged with the votes to be elected, 54-43.

One of many unusual circumstances around this selection is that Speaker Stephens did not receive support from a majority of the Republicans in the House. He won approximately a third of the Republican caucus; however, he received support from all of the Democrats and thus was able to win the vote. He now faces the challenge of working with over 40 Republican members who opposed his selection.

The Columbus Dispatch wrote a story that gives some background on the new Speaker.

CMA members who have questions about these issues should feel free to contact CMA Public Policy Consultant Malcolm Porter.


Malcolm Porter

Public Policy Consultant

for the CMA

About the CMA's Advocacy Newsletter

Malcolm Porter is a public policy and political affairs consultant. He has done policy and political advisory work for the Columbus Medical Association, and affiliate organizations for nearly 20 years. As a local medical society, CMA physicians have supported and participated in public policy development with traditional physician stakeholder organizations. Additionally, CMA physicians have been directly responsible for initiating individual pieces of legislation that were driven by their own agenda.

Any CMA physician is welcome to contact Malcolm directly with your questions or concerns.

Contact Malcolm

Columbus Medical Association | 614-240-7410 |


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