Serving the San Fernando Valley cities of Los Angeles, Burbank, Glendale, Calabasas, Hidden Hills, San Fernando, and Santa Clarita

Valley Industry & Commerce Association

October 6, 2023

In This Issue

  • VICA Hosts After Dark at Topanga Social
  • VICA Victory! Governor Vetoes Bill That Would Have Changed California's Unemployment Insurance
  • SFVCOG Supports Funding for ESFVLRT Project
  • VICA Supports SCA2: Streamlined Public Housing Development
  • Register for VICA's Business Forecast Conference
  • Join the VICA Foundation
  • Discounted LA Rams Tickets for VICA Members

Quick Jump - Register to Attend!

"I want to be focused on honoring the legacy of Sen. Feinstein. I want to devote my time and energy to serving the people of California. And I want to carry her baton with the honor that it deserves."

US Senator Laphonza Butler

Statement Made Following Her Swearing In

VICA Hosts After Dark at Topanga Social

On Thursday, VICA hosted an After Dark at Topanga Social, where VICA members enjoyed eating and drinking at one one of LA's newest food destinations in the West Valley. Topanga Social, a new food hall in in Topanga that opened its doors in May, has 27 restaurants and food brands on one location, bringing together some of the most coveted Los Angeles eateries, bars, and recognized names in LA’s culinary space. 

Members heard from a range of speakers, including the General Manager of Westfield Topanga, one of the restaurant owners in the new food hall, and VICA Board Member Carmen Bowen (Saybrook University) who shared some information on VICA's recent efforts to promote Diversity, Equity & Inclusion within the organization and the region beyond.

Thank you to our Host and Presenting Sponsor, Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield and our Co-Sponsor University West Los Angeles.

Immediate Past VICA Chair and VICA Board Member Brad Rosenheim (Rosenheim & Associates), VICA Board Member Carmen Bowen (Saybrook University), VICA Board Member & Host, Roslyn Dahl (Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield) and VICA President Stuart Waldman

Carmen Bowen (Sayrbook University) sharing information on VICA's Diversity, Equity & Inclusion efforts

VICA Victory! Governor Vetoes Bill that Would Have Given Striking Workers Unemployment Insurance

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Governor Gavin Newsom made a significant decision over the weekend, vetoing Senate Bill 799.

This bill, authored by Senator Anthony Portantino, would have fundamentally altered California's Unemployment Insurance (UI) system by allowing striking workers to claim UI benefits after just two weeks of striking, regardless of their employer's involvement. This unjust proposal would have forced employers to subsidize strikes, increasing the financial burden on businesses across the state.

In his veto message, Governor Newsom explained that California employers fund UI benefits through contributions to the state's UI Trust Fund on behalf of each employee. This financing structure has not been updated since 1984, making the UI Trust Fund vulnerable to insolvency.

The governor stated that "any expansion of eligibility for UI benefits could increase California's outstanding federal UI debt projected to be nearly $20 billion by the end of the year and could jeopardize California's Benefit Cost Ratio add-on waiver application, significantly increasing taxes on employers."

He also added that "the state is responsible for the interest payments on the federal UI loan and to date has paid $362.7 million in interest with another $302 million due this month. Now is not the time to increase costs or incur this sizable debt."

VICA remains committed to advocating for policies that protect the business community and California's employers, and commend the Governor's decision to veto Senate Bill 799.

San Fernando Valley Council of Governments Votes to Support Funding for East San Fernando Valley Light Rail Transit Project

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On Tuesday, the San Fernando Valley Council of Governments (SFVCOG) voted to support the LA Metro plan to grant surplus Measure R funding to the East San Fernando Valley Light Rail Transit Project (ESFVLRT.)

VICA has been a long-time advocate for the ESFVLRT, a 6.7-mile light rail line that will run along Van Nuys Blvd connecting the Metro G (Orange) line to Van Nuys and San Fernando Road. This project broke ground in December of last year, and is currently in preconstruction.

The current cost estimate for the Project is $3.57 billion, and Metro is working to to compile the funding for the cost to complete the project, including a federal Expedited Project Delivery grant of up to $908.75 million. In order to qualify for the federal grant, Metro must must have all the non-federal funding committed to the Project.

Metro has also completed two projects that are entirely or partially in the San Fernando Valley sub-region that have designated funding from the county-wide Measure R sales tax, but came in under budget and did not expend all of their designated funding.

At their October Board meeting, the Metro Board will determine whether the two Valley projects are considered complete, and if the surplus funding for these projects will be directed to the ESFVLRT Project. This week, the SFVCOG voted to support Metro's plan to program these surplus funds to the East San Fernando Valley Light Rail Transit Project at the October Board meeting, which will not only bring needed funding to one of the Valley's highest priority projects, but will also help match federal funding for this project.

VICA will continue to support funding for the ESFVLRT and will voice our support for this funding at Metro's October Board Meeting.

VICA Supports Senate Constitutional Amendment 2: Public Housing Projects

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The Valley Industry and Commerce Association (VICA) supports Senate Constitutional Amendment 2 (Allen and Wiener).

The proposed amendment seeks to repeal Article 34 of the California Constitution, which requires development, construction, or acquisition of publicly funded, low-rent housing projects to be approved by a majority of voters in a city or county.

Nearly 75 years ago, in 1950, California voters passed Proposition 10, adding Article 34 to the state Constitution in response to concerns about federal investment in low-income public housing. As mentioned, this article requires voter approval for low-rent housing projects in cities and counties. Currently, California is the only state with such a law, mainly affecting publicly funded affordable housing used primarily by people of color. This constitutional amendment would remove this requirement by repealing Article 34.

SCA 2 offers a key solution to California's housing crisis, particularly impacting vulnerable households. By removing the requirement for local voter approval, SCA 2 addresses long-standing delays and the loss of federal funds. Repealing Article 34 streamlines housing development, enabling the construction of over a million affordable units as part of the Statewide Housing Plan and securing vital federal funding.

For over 70 years, local voter approval has been a barrier to creating subsidized affordable rental housing, causing California to miss out on significant federal funds. Efforts to repeal Article 34 reveal the high costs and losses, totaling approximately $1.65 billion when adjusted for inflation. This proposal will help Californiatackle our housing crisis and build more affordable housing throughout the state.

Register for VICA's Business Forecast Conference: Flaming Hot Topics

Sponsor Here

Friday, October 27 | 7:00 AM

Hilton Universal City

Our Annual Business Forecast Conference continues to attract nationally recognized experts on our region's dynamic economy. This forecast will help our business leaders plan for the challenges facing us in 2023.

VICA thanks our Presenting Sponsors Amazon and SoCalGas.

See below for more information on two of this year's panels!

Register Here

Public Safety: In the Line of Fire

What are the root causes of public safety issues in LA and across California? How can we bridge the gap between law enforcement and the communities they serve?

Moderator: Wendy Wu, Managing Director, Nardello & Co.


  • Jonathan Hatami, Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney
  • Lt. Craig Lally, Director, Los Angeles Police Protective League
  • HP Le, Frontline Solutions Specialist - Public Safety & Health, Verizon Business Group

AI: Navigating the Flames of Change

Join us for an enlightening discussion on AI's impact on different sectors of industry, the future of businesses, and the world.

Moderator: Miri Rossitto, CEO, Cowe Communications


  • Ali Arsanjani, Director for Artificial Intelligence-Machine Learning Partner Engineering, Google
  • Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, SAG-AFTRA Executive Director
  • Jordan Orlick, CEO, LetzChat Inc.

To see a full list of this year's confirmed speakers, click the button!

List of Confirmed Speakers

An Exciting New Addition to the VICA Family!

We are so excited to share that Cathy, VICA Director of Operations, welcomed her baby girl Audrey to the world on September 30.

We could not be more overjoyed and hope you will help us welcome Audrey to the VICA team!

Unlock Your Potential: Join the VICA Foundation Board and Shape the Valley's Future!

Are you passionate about shaping your community and nurturing Valley students' growth? The VICA Foundation has an exciting opportunity for you!

As a board member, you catalyze positive change, empowering students and fostering meaningful transformation in our community. Contribute directly to student development, collaborate with like-minded individuals, and support scholarship distribution to enriching institutions like UCLA, CSUN, Granada Hills Charter, and more. Join us today to make a lasting impact on the Valley's future.

Click below to connect with our dedicated staff and embark on a journey of community engagement and student support. Together, we'll create a brighter tomorrow.

Join the VICA Foundation

Discounted Rams Tickets for All VICA Members

Discounted Tickets

With the start of the 2023 NFL Season, VICA has been provided with an opportunity to grab discounted LA Rams tickets for most of the home games this season. This exclusive offer provides VICA members the ability to purchase seats to individual games at a discounted price in either the 500 level or VIP seats with all-Inclusive food, beverage, beer, wine & liquor in the Chairmans Club. 

You can check out the options here or click the button under the Rams logo!

Please note that parking is not included. For parking information, click this link.


If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Brent Martelli with the LA Rams Group Sales team!

Upcoming Events

VICA After Dark: LA City Councilmember Imelda Padilla

October 18 | 5:30 PM

Airtel Plaza Hotel

Imelda Padilla was elected to the Los Angeles City Council during a special election in June 2023. Imelda has dedicated herself to improving economic mobility while working to address social issues through various nonprofits and community groups. She previously served on the Sun Valley Neighborhood Council, and was a long-time VICA member prior to her candidacy. As the newest representative for the 6th Council District, Imelda is dedicated to promoting greater economic opportunities and development for her constituents and the greater Los Angeles region.

VICA thanks our Host and Presenting Sponsor Airtel Plaza Hotel, presenting sponsor ICON-CDC and our Co-Sponsor Metro.

Register Here

Local Officeholders Luncheon

November 9 | 11:30 AM

Skirball Cultural Center

Local Officeholders representing Los Angeles County, the City of Los Angeles, and other Valley cities join VICA and its members to discuss the pertinent issues facing businesses during the annual Local Officeholders event. Attendees have the opportunity to formally ask questions on a wide range of topics.

Thank you to our Presenting Sponsors Amazon, JPMorgan Chase, Comcast NBCUniversal, Los Angeles Department of Water & Power, SoCalGas, and Wells Fargo.

Register Here

The Week Ahead 

Land Use Committee

Tuesday, October 10

8:30 - 10:30 AM

Hosted by The Garland


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee

Thursday, October 12

Noon - 1:30 PM

At the VICA Office


Ambassador Committee

Wednesday, October 11

9:00 - 10:30 AM

At the VICA Office

Sponsored by Verdugo Hills Council - Boy Scouts of America


Save the Date 

Government Affairs Committee

Wednesday, October 18

Noon-2:00 PM

At the VICA Office


Labor & Employment Committee

Wednesday, November 1

8:30 - 10:00 AM

Hosted by the Hilton Universal


Education Committee

Thursday, November 2

8:30 - 10:00 AM

Hosted by LA Valley College


View Calendar


VICA Thanks Our New and Renewing Members!

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Platinum Member:

Bronze Member:

Renewing Members:

New Member:

VICA In the News

Metro's Push for Taylor Swift Concerts is Seen as Test for 2028 LA Olympics

Los Angeles Daily News | October 2

Nury & the Secret Tapes: Part 2

LAist | October 4

Hot News

Laphonza Butler Sworn in As Senator

Laphonza Butler is California’s newest senator, following a historic swearing-in ceremony with Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday afternoon in the U.S. Capitol. Flanked by Sen. Alex Padilla (D-Calif.) and Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), Butler raised her right hand to take the oath of office. The Senate chamber erupted in applause as Butler signed her name. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) shook Butler’s hand as she walked off the Senate floor.

Kaiser Workers on Strike

More than 75,000 Kaiser Permanente workers in California and elsewhere walked off the job Wednesday in what labor leaders described as the biggest strike by healthcare workers in U.S. history. Kaiser leaders said that they had bargained in good faith and that solid wages, benefits and other employee support helped Kaiser weather the national strain on healthcare staffing better than other providers. They said employee turnover at Kaiser was far below the industry average.

CA Workers Will Get More Sick Days

Starting next year, workers in California will be entitled to at least five days of paid sick leave — up from the current three days. The California Chamber of Commerce, which had the bill on its “job killer” list, warned of the impact on small businesses. The Chamber, in a statement, said “Our concern is that far too many small employers simply cannot absorb this new cost, especially when viewed in context of all of California’s other leaves and paid benefits, and they will have to reduce jobs, cut wages, or raise consumer prices to deal with this mandate.”  

Kevin McCarthy Ousted as Speaker

Kevin McCarthy on Tuesday became the first speaker of the House in history to be ousted by a vote of the chamber, leaving Washington in chaos and dealing a potentially fatal blow to the Bakersfield Republican’s political career.

The revolt against McCarthy was led by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and a small group of hard-right Republicans who have complained that the speaker worked across the aisle too often. The 216-210 vote highlighted the divisions in the GOP and made clear that the party’s right wing will not tolerate leaders who compromise with President Biden and his allies.

Dianne Feinstein Honored in SF

The late senator and San Francisco's first woman mayor died Friday at the age of 90 years old. Mourners streamed into San Francisco City Hall on Wednesday to pay their respects to the late U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, honoring her as fearless, smart and the glue who kept the city together after two political assassinations that catapulted her into the mayor's office and the national spotlight. An official service was held on Thursday, but was closed to the public due to safety concerns.

12 LA Cities Sue Over Zero-Bail Policy

Twelve Los Angeles County cities filed a lawsuit Friday seeking to postpone the controversial new zero-bail policy that allows some nonviolent defendants charged with felonies or misdemeanors to be cited and released after being arrested. The cities of Whittier, Arcadia, Artesia, Covina, Downey, Glendora, Industry, Lakewood, La Verne, Palmdale, Santa Fe Springs and Vernon are seeking an injunction to postpone the implementation of the Los Angeles County Superior Court’s zero-bail schedule, which went into effect Sunday, according to a news release from the city of Glendora.

Member Messages

The Western Los Angeles County Council, Boy Scouts of America’s Americanism Award is given to outstanding citizens who have distinguished themselves in their careers, in public life, and in service to humankind. Please join our partners in celebrating the achievements of Jaime Jarrín and Paul Krekorian as they honor their dedication and commitment to building a stronger and more compassionate community.

Member Messages

Get Your Message in VICA Weekly!

VICA members can promote their business, events and news in VICA Weekly. Member messages are available for $50 per week or $175 for four weeks. Messages are text-based and may not contain more than 70 words. A logo may be added for an additional $5 per week. For more information or to schedule your member message, contact or call (818) 817-0545.


Presenting the business perspective on behalf of employers in the

San Fernando Valley cities of Los Angeles, Burbank, Glendale, Calabasas,

Hidden Hills, San Fernando and Santa Clarita.

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