March 2024 Advising Newsletter


  • Students will receive grade alerts on Monday, March 4. For more information on grade alerts, go here.
  • Now is a good time to check in your advisees. Ask them how their classes are going and if you can offer them any assistance. Remind them that registration is coming up and they need to meet with you to create a course plan for summer/fall.
  • Please check the Advising Hub for alerts. Consider reaching out to the student with resources and/or set up a meeting. Check out the new e-mail template for students with attendance alerts that includes helpful CC resources!
  • The deadline to apply for spring graduation is March 15. If you have any students who are eligible to graduate who have not yet applied, please remind them to do so!


Central Carolina had the great pleasure of hosting NC State on February 15 for an Advisors Workshop. Here are some qualities admissions counselors are looking for in transfer students.

  • A Competitive Transferable GPA. Most schools require at least a 3.0
  • Grades in Relevant Courses-- Depending on what school students apply to, admissions counselors might be looking at grades in particular classes. For instance, the Engineering school is particularly interested in math grades.
  • Relevant Academic Coursework-- Students need to establish their interest in the program by taking as many transferrable courses as possible.
  • Interest in the Academic Program Selected-- In their application, students should make it clear not just why they are applying to NC State but also why they are applying to that particular school. What do they plan on doing with their degree from NC State?

If you know of a transfer student who is planning to transfer to UNCG, they may be eligible for the Presidential Scholarship. Students must have be enrolled in a transfer program, have completed at least 30 hours and have a 3.0 g.p.a or higher. Students can apply for the scholarship here.


Connecting Students with Curriculum and Continuing Education Opportunities

April 4, 2-3 p.m.

Sign up here

Join Lisa Smelser and Amy Gustavson as they discuss advising opportunities for continuing education and curriculum students. Learn how to help transition continuing education students to curriculum programs AND identify continuing education opportunities to help your curriculum advisees reach their goals.


The following workshops will be offered for transfer students in the spring. Please encourage your transfer students to attend. If you have ideas for transfer workshop that are not on the list, please contact Don Miller.

Establishing a Transfer Network

Don Miller

March 12, 12-1 p.m.

Students will learn about the resources they can use to establish a transfer network before they even step foot on campus! Students can sign up here

Understanding Baccalaureate Degree Plans

Don Miller

April 18, 12-1 p.m.

Students will learn how to use Baccalaureate Degree Plans (BDPs) to maximize their transfer credit.


  • Consider putting a Calendly link in Slate to make it easier for students to set up advising appointments. Go here to have Calendly (or other scheduling program) added to Slate.
  • A new Change of Program form is coming soon. Students will be able to initiate a change in program by going to their Success Hub and filling out the Change of Program form.
  • Create a QR Code to put on your office door. In case an advisee misses you in your office, consider putting a QR code on your door that links to your office hours. Go to the document you would like to share and click the "Share" button. Change the permissions from "Restricted" to "Anyone with the Link." Click on "Copy the link." Click here to create the QR code. Click "Create New". Copy link into text box and then click "Download."
  • Need Slate Training? Click here to start! Once you have completed the Beginners' training, access the Advising Foundations Blackboard course for a recording of Advanced Slate Training.