June 2022
 “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
-- Ephesians 4:11-13
Baccalaureate in the Chapel of the Holy Trinity on May 15.
Dear fellow alumni,

How’s your body-building going? Not for your muscular physique, but for your spiritual physique and influence on those around you? The action-packed Bible passage above reminds me of CUAA’s mission statement to equip students in mind, body, and spirit for service to Christ in the Church and the world. Once we are equipped, we are called to serve, which builds up the body of Christ!
Most of our alumni from the '60s and '70s trained to be pastors and teachers. Now, our alumni are equipped for a wide range of vocations in business, nursing, and health professions, too! Whatever your earthly job, you get to serve Christ by serving others. This is the most important body-building exercise we can do!
Summer is a great time to stop by campus and relive the good old days. Everyone is welcome to take a tour of our sister campus in Mequon, too! For a fun look at our similarities and differences, click here to read on and see if you agree what’s Uncommon vs. In Common!
I’d love to make your campus visit extra special. Please send me an email and let me know if you plan to stop by! 
God’s blessings,
Linda (Schramke) Sproul ‘92
Director of Donor and Alumni Relations
(734) 995-7491

P.S. Need a good story? - The Concordia Newsroom is here for you!
Visit our Concordia Cardinals website for all of our Athletic schedules and stories.
Need some CUAA gear? Shop online at Cardinal Closet.
2022 Christus Primus and Outstanding Alumnus award recipients
We are proud to announce this year’s award recipients: Dr. Neil Skov and Dr. David Schmitt! If you would like to send congratulations, please send email greetings to;

Neil Martin Skov – Christus Primus
The Christus Primus Award is a service award presented to clergy, educators or laypersons of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Recipients are recognized for their distinguished service to the Church and community. Dr. Neil Skov is, as he defines himself, “at one and the same time a poor miserable sinner and, for Christ’s sake, a redeemed child of God, who has been privileged to serve his Lord in multiple ways.” In addition to his vocations as husband and father, he served as a Lutheran school teacher for 50 years. Learn more about him here.

David R. Schmitt – Outstanding Alumni
The Outstanding Alumnus Award honors graduates of Concordia for reflecting in their lives and careers the values upon which the university is founded. Rev. David R. Schmitt graduated from Concordia College, Ann Arbor in 1984. While at Concordia, he was introduced to the intersections of faith and literary culture, earning majors in English and Biblical Languages. Rev. Schmitt served as an RA for Jonathan dorm, enjoyed acting in the yearly theater productions, and worked for Dr. Marilyn Beyer in the English department. Learn more about him here.
Attention, student government alumni!
Were you a dorm senator, or did you serve in SGA? We are organizing a student government alumni group, and need help identifying past leaders. (The Primatums help, but they only go so far!)

Why do WE WANT YOU? We’d love to:
  • Develop a professional network for SGA alumni and their families
  • Offer mentoring opportunities between SGA alumni and current SGA representatives
  • Create an SGA endowment to provide annual funds for SGA community service events and campus projects
Interested in serving on the planning team? WE WANT YOU for that, too! Please email Linda Sproul to let us know if you were a student government representative. If you’d like more details about joining the fun, reach out to Dean Pate, '87, past president. Thank you for your service!
Where's your treasure?
Hey, class of 2001! Do you remember receiving a $10 bill on your chair at graduation? Your commencement speaker and fellow alumnus Rich Luker would like to know, Where’s your treasure? Learn more here.
Get ready for summer and baseball!
June 30
Join us June 30 for a night with the Great Lakes Loons vs. the Dayton Dragons at Dow Diamond Stadium in Midland, MI! Cost for adults is $20; kids, ages 3-12, are $15; kids ages 2 and under are free. Tickets include group seating for the game, ballpark fare buffet meal and soft drinks and water during the meal. Alcoholic beverages available for purchase. Thirsty Thursday special: 50% off all beer. For more information and to register, click here.
Multi-Concordia alumni reception during LCMS Youth Gathering
July 10
Six Concordia campuses (including Ann Arbor and Wisconsin) are co-hosting an alumni reception at Minute Maid Park on July 10 during the LCMS Youth Gathering in Houston. Connect with classmates and friends at a casual lunch buffet. Come when you can and leave when you must. For more information and to RSVP, click here. We hope to see you there!
2022 Hall of Fame inductees
Congratulations to this year's Hall of Fame class inductees! These four individuals' efforts and achievements have significantly impacted Concordia athletics on and off the playing field.
  •  Hannah Sabol ('13) - Women's Basketball
  • Kirk Dueker ('89) - Men's Basketball
  • Ashley Hart Warner ('11) - Volleyball
  • Rachel Palmer ('69)
To learn more about these amazing alumni, click here
Alumni Ambassadors
We need you for an UNCOMMON project
Do you remember Jeremiah, better known as “the weeping prophet?” He was sad because he thought his people would not listen to him and turn from their sinful ways. He was young, inexperienced, not a good speaker, frustrated, maybe uncertain. And sad.
CUWAA’s LCMS admissions counselor, Jeff Frosch, uses this uncommon prophet to help inspire youth to consider professional church work careers! We need alumni like you to welcome us into your schools and congregations to speak with your youth and parents. We also have devotional materials to complement your efforts to recruit future church workers. Interested? Contact Jeff at or text/call 512-420-3343.
Donors help provide valuable training for students
Recently, Ronald and Marvel School of Nursing students participated in a realistic disaster simulation at the North Building. Every semester, CUAA's nursing simulation center faculty plans a simulation exercise to give students real-world experience before they enter the workforce. Funding from our donors pays for this simulation and enables our future nurses to put their classroom knowledge to the test. Experiences such as this are amazing ways to prepare our students for real world vocations. To learn more about the simulation, click here.
CUAA celebrates graduates’ calls, academic awards
With commencement under their belts, more than 140 individuals will soon begin their service to Christ as CUAA graduates. Each year, the university recognizes individuals who received special awards, as submitted by their department’s faculty and/or staff. The university also celebrates those individuals who have received their first calls or are eligible to receive them to serve as a commissioned church worker within The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Whether their vocations will take place in a church setting or in the world, the Concordia community celebrates the accomplishments of each of our grads and looks forward to the good work they’ll undertake in the future! Click here to read more.
Final Thought from
Campus Pastor Randy Duncan
Each morning during the school year, our campus pastor, Randy Duncan, sends out an email full of inspirational thoughts, concepts to ponder, scripture, and prayer requests. We thought we would share some of his thoughts with you each month for us to contemplate.

Final thought: God is working on your behalf. Heaven is holding conversations about you. Angels have been assigned. Be at peace.
Upcoming Events
Date: June 30
Location: Midland, MI
Date: August 6-7
Location: campus