May 2023

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”- Eleanor Roosevelt. With the conclusion of the Spring Semester, we want to extend our warmest congratulations to your student for taking another step towards achieving their dreams.

Important Dates

May 1st - 4th

Finals Week


May 3rd           

May Term 2023 Balance Due

May 5th - 6th

Commencement Weekend

May 8th

May Term 2023 Classes Begin

May 19th

Summer 2023 Financial Aid/Scholarship 

Bookstore Charging Period Begins

May 26th

Summer 2023 Balance Due

Last Day May Term 2023 Classes

May 29th 

Memorial Day Holiday

Avoid the Void - May Term, Summer Semester, and Fall 2023

As we prepare for the end of the 2022-2023 academic year and the start of the 2023-2024 academic year we want to take a moment to share the payment deadlines for May Term 2023, Summer Semester 2023, and Fall Semester 2023.

To avoid being removed from courses, students must pay their balance in full by the specified due dates below.

  • May Term 2023: May 3rd
  • Summer Semester 2023: May 26th
  • Fall Semester 2023: August 16th

If your student is planning to live on campus, please help them ensure they do not miss the payment deadline as this could put them at risk for administrative removal from housing and/or having their meal plan suspended. 

Did you know South offers a convenient payment plan that allows for the balance to be divided into monthly installments? Click here to learn more.

Please note: Students enrolled in May Term and Summer Semester are eligible to enroll in the University Payment Plan. If your student is only enrolled for the May Term they are not eligible for the payment plan.  

Our USA One Stop team is here to assist you and your student with any questions you may have. You have questions, we have answers!

Financial Aid - Action Steps for Summer 2023 vs. 2023-2024 Academic Year

Is your student thinking about taking courses this summer? 

Option #1: If your student received financial aid for the Fall 2022 and/or Spring 2023 semester(s) then they simply need to complete the Summer Aid Application to be reviewed for summer aid eligibility.

Option #2: If not, they need to complete the 2022-2023 FAFSA as soon as possible to be reviewed for summer aid eligibility.

More detailed information regarding Summer Semester 2023 aid can be found here.

Be sure your student is ready for the upcoming 2023-2024 academic year! 

Option #1: If they’ve previously submitted a FAFSA then they are eligible to complete a FAFSA Renewal for 2023-2024, which allows them to have most of the questions prefilled with the answers previously provided. 

Option #2: If this will be their first time submitting a FAFSA then they will want to complete the 2023-2024 FAFSA

May 31st is the priority deadline date for Fall Semester 2023.

You and your student are welcome to reach out to our USA One Stop team if you have any questions regarding this process.


Many parents and students will be celebrating during Commencement Weekend on May 5th - 6th and we would like to share our congratulations!

We join all the proud parents in celebrating the accomplishments their students have achieved and look forward to seeing what the future holds for these new USA alumni!

And to our Jag families whose student will graduate in future semesters, we are here to continue to provide you and your student the support needed to reach this ultimate milestone in the Jaguar Journey. 

Outdoor Adventure

Is your student looking to break free from the monotony of what can seem to be endless lectures and time spent with their head buried in a textbook? Do you want them to have an opportunity to experience the breathtaking beauty that Alabama has to offer? If so, the Outdoor Adventures program offered through the Student Rec Center is perfect for them!

Offering a wide range of activities, Outdoor Adventures has something for everyone. Whether you are a seasoned outdoor enthusiast or a beginner, there are opportunities for you to explore everything from local state parks, rivers, and much more! 

Here are some of the benefits your student can expect:

  • Explore the beautiful natural scenery of Alabama.
  • Learn valuable skills, such as how to camp, hike, and rock climb.
  • Meet new people and make lasting friendships.
  • Have fun and create memories that will last a lifetime.

In addition to all the amazing things offered above, they even have team-building exercises that they can check out! Encourage your student to step out of their comfort zone and take a look at the University of South Alabama's Outdoor Adventure program today! They won't regret it.

USA One Stop
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