In This Final Newsletter of 2023-24: Congratulations to Class of 2024, Immersive Learning, "Thank You" from Grade 8, The Flaws of Fast Fashion, Grade 5 State Projects Preview, Stunning Eurythmy Performances, A Podcast Interview Featuring Brooke Natzke, 20% off at Company of Angels, and Summer Excitement!

**Don't forget to "unclip" the newsletter!**

Farewell 2023-24 School Year!

A Message from the College of Teachers

End of School Year Updates and Milestones

As another rewarding school year comes to a close, we are delighted to share key updates and milestones from our vibrant Waldorf community. It has been a remarkable journey, fostering an environment where holistic education not only survives but truly thrives, thanks to our collective efforts.

WSOC College of Teachers

June 2024

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A Message from Our Administrator

Dear WSOC Community,

As we approach the end of another school year, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude for your support and partnership throughout the year. We are incredibly proud of our students for their resilience, hard work, and enthusiasm. Their growth, both academically and personally, is a testament to their determination and your constant encouragement and support. It is a joy to witness their striving and celebrate their achievements.

Kevin McDuff

School Administrator

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Honoring the Blessed Life of Pierre Grimes

Pierre pictured with his wife Nancy, daughter Elea (WSOC Alumna) and grandchildren Gavin (Gr 11) and Skyla (Gr 3). 

Pierre Grimes was a world renowned author and philosopher as well as a beloved husband, father, and grandfather. He was also a pillar of the WSOC community from its inception, serving as the Ombudsman and Chairperson of the Board of Trustees.

Not only did he volunteer for core positions with the school, but Pierre's patience, wisdom, and kindness helped shape WSOC, according to beloved friend Phyllis Gilmer, who noted that his sharp intellect and great listening skills made him a guidepost for friends, family, and colleagues. No matter how busy he was, he always made time to help the school, "never missed a May Faire celebration," and was a known figure at sporting events, especially his grandson's soccer games.

Details regarding a funeral or memorial service for Pierre will be shared with the community.

Can't Miss Events!

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Questions? Contact Patrick Ianni at 209-327-3482 

WSOC On-Campus Events

High School Eurythmy Performance

A stunning fusion of artistry and and mental acuity, Eurythmy is "music translated into movement," according to Rudolf Steiner.

Susan Elmore explains it beautifully in her article cited by the Association of Waldorf School of North America:

"Eurythmy both requires and develops focus and goodwill. There is power in listening, imagining, and moving together, with the shy ones overcoming their reticence, the loud ones their desire for attention, the slow ones their inertia, and the assertive ones their desire to be first. Everyone can generously become part of something bigger, and in so doing, find balance."

A Preview of the Grade 5 State Projects!

Each 5th grade student is doing a deep dive into one of the United States. Only two states were removed from the list of the students' choices: California, as it was so thoroughly explored in the 4th grade, and Hawaii because Mrs. B shared her vast knowledge with the class. Thirty states have been explored this block and students will begin presentations later this week.

"I have the students select their state based on if they have a connection to the state or if they have family living there," said teacher Andrea Hubert. "Sometimes they have travelled there, or just find it interesting."

Photos courtesy of Andrea Hubert

Grade 5 students used wood from a linden tree to carve human figures in Mr. Bryant's woodworking class.

Fighting Fast Fashion

The fashion industry is the second largest polluter in the world! Constantly changing trends equal a boon to fashion revenue, but prove incredibly detrimental to the environment. 

WSOC's Biology and Earth ScienceTeacher Kim Eijpen explains: 

The senior class is in a 'Climate Change and Sustainability' block right now. We've talked a lot about 'fast fashion' and what a contributor the fashion industry is in terms of industrial pollutants and greenhouse gases. 

An easy way for young people to combat the waste involved in the fashion industry is to just swap clothes so that's what we're trying! No cost, fun, environmentally focused! 

I try so hard to focus on a solutions based system to environmental issues as it's such a pressing issue for young people and they can feel really helpless - hoping that this swap and information the students will be providing on alternative ways to shop will provide a small but impactful change.

Thank You from the Class of 2028!

Dear WSOC Community,

The Class of 2028 has just departed for their 8th-grade trip to Colorado and Utah, for a week of wilderness adventure and community service.  We want to thank you for ALL of the ways you have supported our fundraising efforts!  Thank you for playing with us at festivals, having breakfast on Friday mornings, running with us at the Spirit Run, and purchasing greens, pumpkins, berries, flowers, and raffle tickets.  Your continued support has made this trip possible.

You may have noticed new faces at our last two Breakfast Fridays! The rising 8th Grade, Class of 2029, has assumed breakfast sales. Please join them for this school year’s final breakfast together on Friday, June 7th.

Thank you again for all your support and encouragement!

WSOC’s 8th Grade, Class of 2028

Did you forget to order a yearbook for your family? It's not too late - you can order for delivery to your home instead (please note, books ordered now will not arrive before June 12).

Order using this link:

WSOC: In the Community

Immersive Learning on Olvera Street

Grade 7 visited Olvera Street for a Spanish trip. The students took the train from Orange County to L.A., ordered meals and haggled for the prices of products while speaking entirely in Spanish.

Photos courtesy of Claudia Boden

4th Grade San Mateo Field Trip

WSOC's 4th grade students had their first overnight trip as a class during the recent field trip to San Mateo. Students learned to set up camp, embarked on ocean adventures, and hiked in the sunshine.

Photos courtesy of Neda Shahsaveri and Liliane Peixoto

Ahoy! Summer Adventures are on the Horizon!

Photo courtesy of Michaela Heller

Don't Forget to Register!

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Click image to view session dates!

Never Stop Learning!

Foundation Studies Sept. 2024-June 2026

Click the image below to hear an interview of WSOC's very own Admissions Director, Brooke Natzke, on the "Scrolling 2 Death" podcast!

To learn more about Nola, click here

Support the Waldorf Community!

You'd better hurry!

Show your WSOC pride with a sweatshirt designed by the class of 2024!

They're going fast, so make sure to contact Gina Garrison to order: 

Email Gina
Preorder Now

WSOC Calendar

June 2024

Mon 6/3 - Mon 6/10 • 8th Grade Trip

Mon 6/3 - Wed 6/5 • Grade 6 Trip to Sequoia National Park, Montecito Lodge

Tue 6/04, 8:45 am - 10:00 am • Room Rep/Volunteer Celebration Meeting

Tue 6/04, 12:00 pm - 1:45 pm • Grade 7 Planetarium

Tue 6/04, 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm • Grades and EC Adult Education

Thu 6/06, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm • First Grade Play

Fri 6/07, 8:45 am - 10:45 am • Last Day of Friday Bridge Class

Fri 6/07, 3:15 pm - 4:45 pm • WSOC Faculty and Parents Soccer Game

Fri 6/07, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm • High School Spring Concert/Art Exhibition

Tue 6/11, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm • Last Day of Tuesday Bridge Class

Wed 6/12, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm • Last Day of Wednesday Bridge Class

Thu 6/13 • Last day of Pre K and Kindergarten – 1:00 p.m. dismissal (no aftercare)

Thu 6/13, 8:45 am - 10:45 am • Last Day of Playgroup Classes

Thu 6/13, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm • Last day of Nursery Gathering

Fri 6/14, • Last day of school, Early Dismissal Grades 1-8: 1:10 p.m.; High school: 1:30 p.m.

Fri 6/14, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm • Grade 8 Promotion

Sat 6/15, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm • Class of 2024 Graduation

Mon 6/17 - Sat 6/22 • Adult Education Grades Intensive and Graduation

Mon 6/17 - Fri 6/21 • End of year meetings and in-service

Mon 6/17, 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm • Board Meeting

Click here for WSOC College of Teachers, Board Members and Administrative Rotation

Waldorf School of Orange County

2350 Canyon Drive

Costa Mesa, CA 92627-3948

(949) 574-7775

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