Dietrich Deep Dives: Identifying Groups Hesitant about the COVID-19 Vaccine
Robin Mejia, assistant research professor, Department of Statistics & Data Science, and
director of the Statistics and Human Rights Program, will discuss her work on vaccine hesitancy at the onset of vaccine availability in 2021. Join Mejia for her talk on March 23 at 4:30 p.m. Eastern.
COVIDcast: Lessons Learned for Future Pandemic Forecasting
A massive COVID-19 data collection project led by researchers in Carnegie Mellon University’s Delphi Research Group not only helped steer the response to the virus but could also change the future of pandemic forecasting, the researchers involved concluded.
Read more about lessons from the pandemic.
LEAP Gives High Schoolers Deep Dive into Arts, Humanities
Through a new pilot program, Pittsburgh students learn from CMU faculty and community artists and activists. LEAP, which stands for Leadership, Excellence, Access and Persistence, is a collaboration between Carnegie Mellon's Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences, the College of Fine Arts and City High. LEAP broadens access to the university's world-class resources in the humanities, social sciences and arts.
Read more about the LEAP program.
Organizations Address Gender Disparity in Social Sciences
Three organizations run by Dietrich College students — Women in Information Systems, Women in International Security and Women in Data Science Pittsburgh @CMU — share the mission of supporting groups that have traditionally been underrepresented across information systems, international security, data science and statistics.
Upcoming Remote Alumni Events
Public Lecture. The 2022 Margaret Morrison Distinguished Lecture will feature a conversation with Keeda J. Kaynes, a public defender, legal advisor, criminal justice reform advocate, author and fighter. Kaynes is author of the book, “Bending the Arc: My Journey from Prison to Politics.” After a wrongful incarceration, Haynes earned a law degree and has served as both a public defender and criminal justice reform activist. The lecture will be held on March 24 from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. on Zoom. Register for the lecture:
Public Lecture. Emily Oster, the Royce Family Professor of Teaching Excellence and Professor of Economics at Brown University, will present the lecture, “COVID, Schools, Learning Loss, and the Value of Data.” The talk explores the landscape of data on COVID in schools during the pandemic, and research on the consequences of school closures. The talk will also cover what we have learned, so far, about the consequences of school closures in the US during the COVID-19 pandemic. Join the conversation on Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. in Baker Hall A36 (Adamson Wing). The event is open to the public and generously supported by The Hilliard Family.
Brunch & Buggy. Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences is extending an open invitation to the Dietrich community for “Brunch and Buggy” on Saturday, April 9 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. on the Baker Hall Patio. Attendees can enjoy a light brunch while having a front-row seat to the races. Register for the event. Register for Brunch & Buggy:
Join the CMUniverse. Are you passionate about giving back? Do you want to make a positive impact through teaching and mentorship? Would you like to join a network of Tartans dedicated to pursuing their passions? Then it’s time to join CMUniverse, a new virtual mentorship platform that connects you with the most driven and successful individuals out there – CMU students. Mentor and network with fellow Tartans today. It’s easy to use and a great way to give back while making a positive impact.
Faculty Dialogues. The Alumni Association’s academic programming puts you in the room with faculty whose research is changing the world. Register for an upcoming session at
Dietrich College in the News
Inside Higher Ed
Penn Live
Find out what's new with Dietrich College students and alumni, like Talia Buksbazen (DC 2023), Misty Muscatel Davis (DC 2005), Emily Barrow Dejeu (DC 2018, 2024) and Adrian Lapadat (DC 2023), in Class Notes.
Read about news and accomplishments from the college's faculty and staff, including Wendy Goldman and Kathy Newman, in Personal Mentions.