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Education for the 21st Century

Dear Families,

We survived last week's deluge! Now we're looking for blue skies ahead, just in time for February Break!

Fortunately – earlier this month – Punxsutawney Phil told a cheering crowd in Gobbler's Knob, Pennsylvania that he didn't see his shadow, predicting an early spring!

In the meantime, I've been able to get my feet wet (both literally and figuratively) with this new role, and feel so very fortunate to be a part of this remarkable community.

My predecessor Alyssa Hamilton is missed. I know this for a fact because I've only known her for a few weeks and I miss her! Thank you, Alyssa, for so graciously training me! I wish you the very best on your new adventure!

Scroll down to discover the many great events for our children and community, including numerous things to celebrate: a great soccer season, a wonderful 8th grade performance of "The Hobbit", a successful Grade 8 fundraiser, and a newly minted and tremendously successful Hydrogen Powered Fuel Cell Racing Team.

A couple of reminders: Don't forget your Bauhaus Ball tickets! Also, don't forget to "unclip" your newsletter when it arrives in your inbox!

Have a wonderful February Break,

Jana Bounds

Communications Coordinator

A Message from the Board of Trustees:

This time every year, the WSOC Board of Trustees, College of Teachers, and Administration come together to review recommendations from the Budget Mandate Group and to finalize the upcoming year's budget. Please read ahead for details.

Click for Important 2024-25 Tuition Updates

Don't Forget Your WSOC Gala Tickets!

Click to Purchase!

Around Campus and the Community

Magical Aftercare

Miss Julia shared this photo of first graders Evan, Charlotte, and Tavo knitting after climbing a tree. Experts have been noting the many benefits of a strong nature connection, including increased acuity and creativity, more confidence, and even higher test scores.

A Walk Through the Wetlands

Seventh graders took a walk on the bluffs after the storm cleared. Costa Mesa received 4.49 inches of rain during the recent five day atmospheric river. By comparison, the Sahara Desert receives an average of four inches of rain per year. Photos courtesy of Rebecca Schwarz

Soccer Teams Honor Seniors!

Congratulations to our Wildcats boys and girls soccer teams for a great season! Whether a win or a loss, they showed composure, resilience, integrity, sportsmanship, and teamwork when they stepped onto the field. Our seniors will be missed next year!

Have a Cuppa and Ask Your Questions!

Tea with the 12th Grade

We often hear that there is something special and “different” about Waldorf graduates. We hear this from friends, neighbors, relatives and college admissions officers. Come and see why! This event is open to parents and students in middle school and older.

Third Grade Gears Up for Performance of Johnny Appleseed

Showcasing their recorder playing, memorization of lines, and stage presence, third graders performed the first act of their play "Johnny Appleseed" for the visiting adults during the Feb. 7 Walk Through the Grades. Don't forget to mark your calendars for the full performance on Feb. 16 at 6:30! Pictured above is student artwork shared by Miss Christiane.

Grade 8 Production of "The Hobbit"

Photo courtesy of Anna Christina, 10th grade

Photo courtesy of Anna Christina, 10th grade

8th grade students prepared for their production of “The Hobbit” for weeks, and it wasn’t all just line memorization and choreography.  

According to 8th grade teacher Mr. Storm, they were empowered to build everything “from the ground up”. This included buying lumber and hardware, deciding the shapes and dimensions, and constructing their projects. 

In their quest for accuracy, students studied JRR Tolkein’s book in the hunt for descriptions that would guide key decisions like their set designs, handworked beards and handmade cloaks. In fact, Miss Bama the art teacher taught the kids how to dye fabric. Everything from the round hobbit door to the jail cells where the dwarves were kept (completely created by Mateo, DJ, Struan, and Aidan using wood and PVC pipe) were the product of 8th grader inspiration and effort. 

8th grade parent Philipp Depiereux noted that Mr. Storm stayed toward the back of the crowd during the performance, furthering student ownership of the play: set changes, curtains, music, sorting when actors were to go on-stage, control of the lights – all were completed by students without adult intervention. He appreciated that the students did everything by themselves and noted that they did things well. 

“A great performance, it was amazing,” he said. 

Mr. Storm said the hard work was worth it: the smiles from students and parents, the feeling of accomplishment for 8th graders, and solidifying a valuable life lesson for them – the importance of taking ownership of projects and the effort required to accomplish them. 

Celebrating Black History Month and the Lunar New Year!

With movie screenings, lectures, special assemblies, celebrations, and curricular work, Waldorf schools are entering Black History Month striving to cultivate a greater understanding of the challenges faced, and gifts given, by African Americans throughout history.

City of Lakes Waldorf School celebrated their Festival of Justice and Freedom with guest artist Robert Robinson, pianist Wayne Doe, and eighth grade project presentations done in collaboration with educator Fatawu Sayibu.

Rudolf Steiner School of Ann Arbor invited Jean Alicia Elster to speak on her book How It Happens -- the story of a biracial couple and their three daughters living in Tennessee in 1890.

Detroit Waldorf School seventh graders hosted a special film screening of Harriet, while The Waldorf School of Philadelphia students are collecting books for their Radical Little Library -- a spot where families can bring and borrow books by and about racial and social justice issues.

Many Waldorf schools are celebrating the Lunar New Year this month. Lunar New Year is one of the most important celebrations of the year among East and Southeast Asian cultures, including Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean communities. The New Year is celebrated for multiple days and begins February 10, 2024.


Bright Water Waldorf School is celebrating Lunar New Year through conversations, music, and art. Vancouver Waldorf School is hosting a celebration including the shadow puppet show "Ma Liang and his Magic Brush;” a Dragon Dance, Tai Chi, and other experiences of Lunar New Year traditions. 


Spring Garden Waldorf School classes have been participating in art activities. Parent Mai Cannon, in coordination with their DEI Committee, has collected donations to give each child at school a red envelope in honor of the holiday. Susquehanna Waldorf School hosted a Lunar New Year celebration at their local Barnes and Noble.

Read More

A Successful (& FUN) Event to Support Grade 8:

WSOC IHeart SOCO + The OC Mix

The WSOC community came out in force on Saturday, February 10 to support student musicians and crafters fundraising for the Grade 8 trip! WSOC 8th graders had craft booths where they helped participants create things like greeting cards and pollinating plant starts, all while WSOC musicians performed. According to Mr. Storm the 8th grade was able to raise $4,025 in sponsorships and donations for their trip, thanks to our amazing sponsors and the WSOC community's generosity!

Click here if you missed the event, but would still like to donate!

Company of Angels: Special Valentine's

Day Event Feb. 14

Dear families,

We are looking forward to a special event in the store on February 14, Valentine's Day, starting at 9:00am.

Kentaro Chiba, a parent in our community and owner of Chafinity, will transform our back room into a Tea House. A variety of tea drinks will be available for tastings and purchase.

  • Organic matcha lattes (hot and cold)
  • Hojicha (roasted green tea powder, low caffeine) matcha lattes
  • Traditional matcha
  • Loose leaf teas

Also, a new addition to the shop: Chafinity's Matcha Lattes, with almond or walnut base. Chafinity house-made almond milk and walnut milk will be available for purchase for a nominal price of $12 on Mondays and Thursdays. All ingredients are organic, no refined sugar, and sweetened only with dates. 

With Love,

Nona and the Angels

P.S. Come shop our Valentine's Day treasures before they sell out!

WSOC Calendar

Mon 2/12, 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm • Board Meeting

Wed 2/14 • Medieval Games, Grade 6

Fri 2/16 • Ms. Christiane's Grade 3 Play

Mon 2/19 - Fri 2/23 • February Break

Mon 2/19, 8:45 am - 10:30 am • Parent Study Group with Holly Richards; Nursery through Grade 4 parents welcomed

Mon 2/26 - Fri 3/1 • Grade 10 visit to CETYS in Mexicali

Mon 2/26, 8:45 am - 10:30 am • Parent Study Group with Holly Richards; Nursery–Grade 4, parents welcome!

News & Announcements

Experience the Power of Storytelling From Baba the Storyteller!

Adding to the list of institutions he has presented before throughout the world, Baba has accepted an invitation to join the AWSNA 2024 Association Conference at The Denver Waldorf School from June 24-27th!

Sharing the storytelling gifts we have enjoyed in our community for over a decade, Baba will synthesize the topics and work of the conference each morning for the attendees in Jaliyaa fashion, preserving and honoring the collective memory of the entire conference. We are honored to have introduced Baba to our larger Waldorf colleagues and community.

– WSOC Director of Admissions Brooke Natzke

Waldorf Practical Arts Training:

WSOC Community Receives 50% Off Discount!

Run (or Walk) For a Reason!

Save the Dates for WSOC Summer Camp!

The (Hydrogen) Power of Innovation: WSOC's RC Car Racing Team!

High School Fundraising Merch Still Available!

Show your WSOC pride with a sweatshirt designed by the class of 2024! Proceeds support the senior class trip. They're going fast, so make sure to contact Gina Garrison to order:

Breakfast Fridays

Be Crafty with Our Community: Craft Group Returns!

Aftercare Reservations Online

Click here for WSOC College of Teachers, Board Members and Administrative Rotation

Waldorf School of Orange County
2350 Canyon Drive
Costa Mesa, CA 92627-3948
(949) 574-7775

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