Marianna Brown Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Carnegie Mellon University

November 2023

Dietrich College News

Hilliard Receives Alumni Service Award

David Hilliard, a graduate of the Dietrich College, will be honored with CMU’s Alumni Service Award at a ceremony during Homecoming Weekend. The award honors alumni for their volunteer service to the university and/or alumni organizations.

Read more about Hilliard's award.

Read more about 2023 Homecoming Weekend

Dandoy Wins Andy Award

Correy Dandoy, senior academic advisor and communications manager for the Information Systems Program, has received the 2023 Andy Award for Commitment to Students. The award honors staff who are dedicated to guiding and assisting university students and surpass the duties of their job description to meet students' needs, serving as role models who display a positive and professional image at all times.

Read more about Dandoy’s success.

Dietrich College Seniors Named ACS Scholars

Andrew Carnegie Society (ACS) Scholars are undergraduate students who embody CMU’s high standards of academic excellence, volunteerism, leadership and involvement in student organizations, athletics or the arts.

Learn more about Dietrich's ACS Scholars.

Humanity and Humility

Teraya White Wins 2023 Staff Community Excellence Award

Upcoming Events

  • The Thomas Kerr Lecture Series presents “Women and the Law: The Practice and Perspectives on Success.” The event will be held from 5 to 6 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 13, in the Grand Room of Posner Hall (3rd floor). Register for the event.

  • Legends: A Night of Inspiration and Celebration Join Adam Lazarus (DC 2006) from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 16, at the Federal Galley for an evening celebrating the release of his new book “The Wingmen.” This event is a special opportunity to connect with and share in the legacy of one of Ohio’s greatest icons, John Glenn, and his friend, baseball legend Ted Williams. Register for the event.

  • A Dietrich College Happy Hour will be held one hour prior to the “Evening with Carnegie Mellon University” event from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 28, at the Fairmont Olympic Hotel's Olympic Bar in Seattle.

  • An Evening with Carnegie Mellon University brings together President Farnam Jahanian, university leadership and faculty to discuss CMU’s inspiring vision for the future and its role in pioneering the next wave of transformational artificial intelligence applications. The event will be held from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 28, at the Fairmont Olympic Hotel in Seattle. Register for the event.

Dietrich College in the News


Fake accounts, old videos and rumors fuel chaos around Gaza hospital explosion


Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Richard Scheines: Political slogans about Gaza and Israel simplify and divide


Foreign Affairs

Audrey Kurth Cronin: How Israel Can Win: Defeating Hamas Will Require a Strategy That Goes Beyond Revenge


The Washington Post

Beyond white noise: How different ‘color’ sounds help or hurt



The Game Theory of the Auto Strikes

More media coverage

Class Notes

Find out what's new with Dietrich College students and alumni in Class Notes.

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Personal Mentions

Read about news and accomplishments from the college's faculty and staff, including Natalie Amgott, David Creswell and Edmund Russell, in Personal Mentions

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