Join Laura & Susan this Monday at 10 am for a
"Bit(e) of Bridge" followed by a 0-300 game at 10:30 am.
Renew old friendships and make new ones.
INTERNATIONAL FUND GAME - Monday, September 20!

Let's Play Bridge!

And remember....
it's always more fun to bring a friend!

**No reservation required for the Monday morning game. Vaccines and Masks required. Please reserve your spot for F2F game on Friday, Sept. 24, 12:30 pm. Both open pairs and 0-300 are offered on Fridays.
Tuesday, September 21
Join us on BBO at 1:05 PM for the twice monthly Hi-Lo Game!

This is a great opportunity for players from the Open and Limited Games to pair up with each other for an afternoon of bridge!

The spirit of the game is for a player with 'HIgher' masterpoints (>500) to pair up with a 'LOwer' masterpoint player (<500).

Either Hi or Lo can do the asking - don't be shy! The CBC runs the Hi-Lo Game the First and Third Tuesday of each month.

Columbia Bridge Club on BBO is offering DOUBLE SILVER points September 20-26. Grab a Partner and Come on Board! Game times are:
Monday, Tuesday (Hi Lo), Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday...all at 1:05 pm. Note that Friday's games (open/0-300) are F2F and will be International Fund games. Click here for details.
NO Individual Game
Sunday, September 27