Week of February 3-9, 2025

From the President

There was a lot of activity, and a great variety of activity, as Curley celebrated Catholic Schools Week. Thank you to all who participated at Pizza John’s, at the Holy Hour and at the presentation on the “Teenage Brain.” As we move into February, this Sunday’s liturgy observes the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. Mary and Joseph follow their faith tradition, presenting their “first-born” on the 40th day after his birth. Rituals, both faith-based and secular, provide moments of celebration, create memories, and join generations together. Perhaps this feast can also remind us that parents are the first and primary educators of a child, and any success that a young person has in life most likely started at home. The success of Catholic schools comes from that joint effort of parents and school, so thank you for that partnership.

-- Fr. Donald

From the Principal

I offer thanks to Friar Chris for planning an exciting and dynamic Catholic Schools Week. The events of the week allowed us to focus on the mission of Curley and to celebrate the important place Catholic education has in our lives. Curley has been a blessing in my life, and I am grateful to join you as a member of one Curley Family.

Recently we enjoyed a presentation by Dr. Jensen on the development of the Teenage Brain. She spoke about the process in which the human brain develops and the characteristics we should expect from our sons at this point in their lives. The presentation included many issues that can negatively affect brain development: substance abuse, technology overuse, lack of sleep, etc. Your sons heard the same message. I encourage all families to engage in conversations with their sons while these topics are still fresh for them.  

 -- Jeremy Joseph ’96

Reserve Your '25 Yearbook

Beginning February 1, the price to purchase the 2025 CORD yearbook will increase, but books may still be reserved through the end of March. Please go HERE to order your 2025 CORD. Huge thanks to all who have purchased their book! The CORD staff appreciates the support. Contact Steve Streckfus ( with any questions.

Spring Sports Reminder

Spring Sports will begin after school on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. Parents are asked to make sure their student-athlete has an up-to-date physical on file that will take them through the entirety of the spring season. If you have any questions, please contact Marty McGinty at

Main Office Reminders

  • Recently a few students have called their parents to report an illness and to be asked to be picked up from school without reporting to the school nurse. As a reminder, our policy states: If a student becomes ill during the school day, he should be instructed to report to the Health Office. The nurse will notify the parent/guardian. Our expectation is that students will follow this procedure. Please remind your son of this procedure. If your son contacts you because he is ill, please instruct him to report to the school nurse.
  • For all attendance related matters, please email Mrs. Raynor at If you prefer to call the school, please understand the mornings are very busy and if no one is able to answer the phone, parents are asked to leave a voicemail in the general mailbox, which is checked regularly throughout the day. Attendance matters include notification of an absence, lateness or the need for an early dismissal. 
  • When dropping off a forgotten item for a student to the Main Office, parents are asked to please bag the item and put the student's name on it. If possible, also please email your student that the item is in the Main Office. This will avoid having to call into a classroom and interrupting instruction time. 

From the Student Government Association

Thank you to so many of you that have donated to the Special Olympics Maryland Polar Bear Plunge! The SGA is grateful for your support. As part of the Cool Schools Plunge, the SGA traveled to Sandy Point State Park on January 29 with over 4,000 other school plungers to represent Curley. As of today, the SGA has raised $1,365 for Special Olympics Maryland! But the FUN ISN'T OVER! We are still collecting money for one more week as we prepare to host the TEACHERS PLUNGE at Curley on Thursday, February 6.

The following faculty/staff members are in the lead --

1st Place -- Mr. Billy Benton

2nd Place -- Deacon Tim Maloney 

3rd Place -- Mrs. Emily Vandergriff 

All teachers participating have reached the fundraising point where they will get water dumped on them...yay! Remember, the more money a teacher gets, the more water they get dumped on them! Other staff members participating are: Mr. Muth, Mr. McCue, Mr. Olszewski, Mrs. Lindsay, Mr. Streckfus, Dr. Osarczuk, Mrs. Burton, Fr. Chris, Mr. Ayd, Mr. Pipkin, Mr. Patino, Mrs. Wysocki, Mrs. Bartomioli, Dcn. Dan Miller, Mr. Dotterweich, and Mr. Joseph. We encourage you to donate online to our fundraising page --

If you are donating in honor of a certain teacher, please note that online upon donation so that teacher gets the credit. We appreciate your support of Curley and of Special Olympics Maryland. Stay tuned for more details regarding our in-person plunge and how to watch live! 

Class of 2025 Countdown to Commencement

Attention Senior Families!! This year's Countdown to Commencement will take place on Monday, February 24, 2025. Each senior is invited to attend with two guests for hors d'oeuvres, dinner and a program as we celebrate the Class of 2025 and look ahead to their future. Seniors and their guests are asked to go HERE to RSVP by Monday, February 17th. We look forward to celebrating with you! 

Curley Student ID Cards

If your son's ID card does not work correctly or is lost, please have your son email Mrs. Raynor at to request a new one. There is a $10 replacement fee for new ID's. 

All That Curley Jazz

Enjoy an evening of Jazz at Archbishop Curley for the annual All That Curley Jazz. Under the direction of Dr. Jeffrey Osarczuk, the night will feature performances from the award-winning Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Lab, Alumni Jazz Ensemble, and guest band Technicolor Motor Home. Certainly this will be an evening not to be missed! A limited number of tickets are available and this event will sell out, so do not delay in purchasing your tickets today! Tickets are on sale HERE.

From the Assistant Principal of Academics

Thank you to all of the Students, Faculty, Staff and Alumni for a wonderful Catholic Schools week. Second Quarter report cards will be available in Plus Portals on January 31. Please remind your son to see his teacher(s) if he has any questions or needs additional support.  I also want to thank everyone who was able to attend the “Teenage Brain” presentation with Dr. Jensen. We look forward to more opportunities like this to support the growth of our young men.

-- Ken Pipkin

STEM Symposium Sponsorship Opportunities

We are excited to announce our upcoming STEM Symposium, an event that highlights student achievements in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The event will be held on Thursday, March 27, 2025. To make this event a success, we invite individuals and local businesses to partner with us as a sponsor. Your support and that of local businesses will help foster innovation and excellence in STEM education while showcasing your commitment to the development of future leaders in these fields. Below are the available sponsorship opportunities :  

Einstein Sponsor ($300)

Show your support at this impactful level. Benefits include:  

- Advertisement in the program  

- Logo displayed on a board at the STEM Symposium  

- Logo featured on award certificates  

Newton Sponsor ($200) 

Help fuel inspiration by sponsoring refreshments for attendees. Benefits include: 

- Display board at the refreshment area during the STEM Symposium  

- Advertisement in the program  

Mendel Sponsor ($100)  

Named after Gregor Mendel, the father of genetics. Benefits Include: 

- Advertisement in the program  

Family Sponsor ($30)

Support a student and help us subsidize printing costs for the event. Benefits include: 

- Name listed in the program  

Your generous sponsorship will directly impact students by enhancing the quality of our event and supporting their exploration of STEM disciplines. If you’re interested in becoming a sponsor, go HERE to donate. If you have any questions, please email Kim Burton, Science Department Chairperson.  

Thank you for your consideration. Together, we can inspire the next generation of innovators! 

Blackfriars' Theatre

Our spring musical, Damn Yankees, is now about six weeks away from opening night. Our show dates are March 14-16. Due to the large expense of putting on a musical, Blackfriars needs additional ways to fund the show besides selling tickets for that weekend. Our Dinner Theatre is one of those ways. Prior to the Saturday evening performance, we have a sit-down dinner with hors d'oeuvres, open bar, special intermission desserts and reserved seating in the theatre. Tickets for this event are $45 per person, but we offer tables of eight for only $325. Get your friends together and make that table of eight people and come out to support our theatre program. There are a limited number of tickets for the Dinner Theatre, so please don't delay and be disappointed when we sell outGo HERE to order your Dinner Theatre tickets. Another way we raise funds is through selling patron ads in our program. We offer ads from only $70 (full page) down to just $5 for a 15-word message to the cast, crew and production staff. There are also options for half-page, quarter-page. and even a tenth of a page. This is also a great way to advertise your business. Contact Ed Lawrence at for additional details on how you can place your patron ad or you can contact a cast member.  

From the College Counseling Office

Attention Class of 2025 Parents

Seniors who are interested in applying to the Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) should learn their social security number or have it with them when our CCBC admissions counselor comes to Curley to help our students fill out the application. We are currently working with Mr. Howie on a good date for him to visit, but it will definitely be in the later half of February after CCBC releases their 2025-26 application. Students should listen to morning announcements and check their Curley email for the exact date and time. 

Seniors who are applying to Harford Community College (HCC) should be sure that Mrs. Berkey is aware of this choice and listen to morning announcements and check their Curley email for more information coming soon. 

Any senior who needs help with his FAFSA or plans after Curley, please be sure to stop by the Counseling Office and speak with Mrs. Berkey. 

Attention Class of 2026 Parents

Any junior who is interested in taking the SAT this spring can sign up to take it here at Curley on Friday, April 11. We have a half day of school and the digital SAT will take place after school is over. The digital SAT takes about 2 and 1/2 hours so please think about if this is the best testing situation for your student. If your son does not take the April SAT here at Curley, we strongly recommend he take the May 3 or June 7 SAT at a high school of his choosing. Archbishop Curley is NOT a testing center for either the May or June SAT. You can register for the May or June SAT HERE. An email with registration details about the April SAT here at Curley will be sent sometime in early February.  

Some juniors might opt to take the ACT. You can register for the ACT HERE. Test dates for the ACT are April 4, June 14, and July 12.  

Mrs. Berrigan is currently on maternity leave. She will return in early June. Please reach out to Mrs. Berkey at if you need any assistance. 

FYM Bingo

FYM and the St. Bonaventure Scholars will be hosting a Bingo on Friday, March 7, at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $20 if bought online and can be purchased HERE. Tables for groups of 10 or more can be reserved. Otherwise, there will be open seating. Food will be available for purchase. If anyone has any questions or would like to donate a basket for our raffle, please email Friar Chris at

Curley Gala 30

Thank you to all of our families that have begun donating to the Gala through our "themed" gift registries. We are encouraging our families to continue to donate a gift to the auction based on your son's class theme. We will update the families on their "class rankings" next week!

Class of 2028: Items for Him

Class of 2027: “Items for Her

Class of 2026: “Outdoor Adventure/Summer Fun

Class of 2025: “Gift Cards

The class with the highest percentage of gifts donated will win a dress down day and class pizza lunch. All parent names from the class with the highest percentage of gifts donated will be entered into a raffle and the winner will win (2) free tickets to the black tie Gala on April 12. We ask all gifts to be donated by March 12 at the latest. 



  • Gifts purchased from the Amazon registries will ship directly to Curley, unless otherwise changed/noted upon ordering.
  • Your gift does not have to come from the registry list. If you find a gift that fits to your class theme elsewhere or you would like to make a gift basket, etc., we love that too!
  • Consider a group gift! You are always welcome to organize a group gift with several families to purchase a larger gift or experience.
  • Please make sure to add your student(s) name(s), his class and parent name to the gift when sending to or dropping off at school to ensure all students/families involved are given credit for the gift. Please have gifts sent or dropped off directly to school to Attention: Gala.


For other Gala opportunities, including hosting gift gathering parties, sponsoring, tickets or volunteering, please contact Mrs. Caroline Palmisano at or 410-485-5000, ext. 211. We thank you in advance for your support!