"(Jesus) told them, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. Do not take a purse or bag or sandals; and do not greet anyone on the road. 'When you enter a house, first say,
‘Peace to this house.’"
-- Luke 10:2-5
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We recently hosted a campus visit day for these talented honors students from Lutheran West
in Cleveland! More details below.
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Dear fellow alumni,
Peace to your house. November is the perfect time to be reminded of the harvest fields, and how Jesus calls us to lead, serve, recruit and Go!
This issue is full of calls for leadership, service, and recruiting - let’s get going!
After many months of prayer and interviews, a unanimous decision has been announced: Dr. Erik P. Ankerberg will be extended a call to become CUWAA president. Please join us in praying for Dr. Erik Ankerberg as he considers the call to lead our university into the future.
Rev. David Davis, class of ‘79 and outstanding alumnus recipient, is thriving in his call to serve as president of the Michigan District. We love his unending enthusiasm for our alma mater and his pledge to continue the strong tradition of district support for CUAA, so wonderfully demonstrated by his predecessor, Rev. Dr. David Maier, class of ’78. Click here to get to know more about Rev. Davis.
Keep scrolling to check out our classroom visit with Mr. David Kusch ’84, and how he will be helping recruit future Cardinals as an Alumni Ambassador. We need alums from all around the country to answer the call to recruit new students for Christian vocations. (Hint: This could be you!) Imagine what a difference you could make by reaching out to high school students like the ones pictured above. Tell them why you loved it here!
Here’s a call to go! Get your tickets for the Boar's Head Festival coming up December 2, 3 and 4. Choir alumni are welcome to sing in any of the performances! Contact John.Boonenberg@cuaa.edu for details.
Walking together with you in faith,
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Linda (Schramke) Sproul ‘92
Director of Donor and Alumni Relations
(734) 995-7491
P.S. Mrs. Norma Halfmann, class of ‘74, is the winner of last month’s Which is older? quiz contest! She scored 12/12 and is enjoying her CUAA fleece blanket. Congratulations!
Handy Links
Check out the Concordia Newsroom to keep up with the latest!
Visit our Concordia Cardinals website for all of our Athletic schedules and stories.
CUAA gear is here! Cardinal Closet
Feel free to share the digital version of our magazine, “Hearts Together”
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Ankerberg extended call to become CUWAA president | |
The Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor Board of Regents is pleased to announce that Dr. Erik P. Ankerberg will be extended a Divine Call to serve as the university’s next president. Ankerberg, who is currently serving as provost and senior vice president for academics & chief academic officer for Concordia University Chicago, would succeed Rev. Dr. Patrick T. Ferry, who served as president from 1997-2021. To learn more, click here.
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Salute to Service Week 2022: Honoring our veterans
November 7-12
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CUAA’s Veteran Services department invites you to honor veterans during “Salute to Service Week,” November 7-12. Though the official federal holiday of Veterans Day is observed on November 11 (marking the signing of The Armistice agreement that ended WWI), CUAA has several significant events planned on and around November 11 to honor both veterans on campus and in the local community. To learn more, click here.
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Concordia Vespers returns to the Chapel of the Holy Trinity
November 13, 5 p.m.
Since the fall of 2018, Concordia Vespers has taken place each semester in the Chapel of the Holy Trinity. Placing side-by-side the proclamation of the Word and important works within a historical liturgical context, this time-honored tradition invites God’s people to respond through singing and prayers inspired by music and the teaching of God’s Word. This semester’s service will take place on Sunday, November 13, at 5 p.m. in the Chapel of the Holy Trinity. It is free and open to the public.
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Free food and drink for all you Ft. Wayne alumni
November 17, 6 p.m.
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On November 17, at 6 p.m., CUAA will be providing free food and drinks at Biaggi’s, 4010 W. Jefferson Blvd., in Fort Wayne, IN. We plan on sharing how the Lord has continued to bless our university over the last 10 years, the plan for Concordia during the next 10 years, and how we plan to get there. Praying that you can make it to our pre-Thanksgiving social as we have much to be thankful for. If you have any questions and to RSVP, please contact Chance Childers at (734) 934-9294, chance.childers@cuaa.edu or Lonnie Pries at (734) 904-4685, lonnie.pries@cuaa.edu.
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Scholarships support Lutheran educators | |
Thanks to our donors and supporters, Concordia has debuted the Lutheran Educator Support Scholarship (LESS) for fall 2023. LESS is a $3,000 renewable scholarship that provides support for traditional undergraduates preparing to be Lutheran teachers. It’s one of two distinct scholarships given to Lutheran Teacher Diploma (LTD) candidates. Concordia also offers the Forward in Faith scholarship, which may be “stacked” on top of the LESS offering. To learn more, click here.
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Future teachers display their understanding
of individualized learning in the classroom
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Concordia School of Education students participated in an in-class activity that explored how to serve a variety of learning styles and needs in the classroom. Nine student groups harnessed their creativity to display their understanding of reaching all students in the classroom. Each group looked at a different way teachers can apply individualized education practices on a daily basis within the classroom setting. To learn more, read here.
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Lutheran mission and identity seminar: helping new faculty make stronger connections to Concordia's heritage |
To help make sure our Lutheran mission and identity stays strong in the future, CUWAA is introducing a “Lutheran Mission and Identity Seminar” for all new faculty beginning in the 2023-24 academic year.
“We developed the Lutheran Mission and Identity Seminar to help CUWAA faculty deepen their understanding of Concordia’s mission to provide an outstanding and uncommon Lutheran education to our students,” said Dr. Leah Dvorak, interim provost for CUWAA. “The seminar’s primary goal is to understand Lutheran doctrine and the Lutheran worldview as they pertain to the role of a university faculty member.” To learn more, click here.
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SGA continues to improve student life on campus | |
Meet CUAA's Student Government Association and learn about the types of projects they have in the works to improve the CUAA student experience. Click here.
On another note, were you a dorm senator or SGA representative? We are still building our list of SGA alumni! If you’d like more details about joining our SGA alumni planning team, reach out to Dean Pate, '87, past president.
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Business leaders on campus: Surviving technology changes |
Dr. Joey-Lynn Bialkowski-Peterson, executive director of Career Engagement and Industry Relations, invited two of her professional contacts to present to students in both business and communication classes. Marie Bullano and Taja Wilson spoke about how Bullano’s company Walk from Home survived technology changes over the last 40 years. To learn more, click here.
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While we are on the topic...
What are the fastest-growing jobs in tech?
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Did you know that according to Zippa, “there are at least 3.97 million tech jobs available in the U.S. as of 2022? And this number continues to grow.” With advancements in technology almost daily, it’s no surprise that skilled individuals are needed in the field. Take a look at the top growing careers in the industry.
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Alumni Ambassadors
Say 'hello' to Dave Kusch, '84
Dave has been busy teaching English and social studies at Lutheran Northwest in Rochester, Michigan, and also leads the drama department. We spent some time visiting with Dave and gave him a rolling briefcase with Admission materials to represent Concordia at regional college fairs. We need more alumni to help increase our recruiting efforts. Connect with Linda Sproul or Jeff Frosch and ask about the fancy socks!
Lutheran West honors academy
(photo above):
On Tuesday, October 25, CUAA hosted the Honors Academy at Lutheran West High School from Cleveland, Ohio. A group of 40 students representing all grade levels experienced Concordia as part of their college tour swing through the Midwest. The visit experience consisted of a main campus tour, a north building tour, lunch in the Cardinal Café, and Cardinal Showcase, which allowed the visitors to hear from CUAA representatives in athletics, music, academics, and residence life!
To schedule your group visit experience to Concordia, contact Kyle Thoms at kyle.thoms@cuaa.edu!
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Final Thought from
Campus Pastor Randy Duncan
Each morning during the school year, our campus pastor, Randy Duncan, sends out an email full of inspirational thoughts, concepts to ponder, scripture, and prayer requests. We thought we would share some of his thoughts with you each month for us to contemplate.
Final thought: Fear doesn’t deserve your obedience.
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To see a complete listing of Concordia events, click here. | | | | | |