Week of October 28-November 3, 2024

From the President

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus gives sight to a blind man (Mark 10:46-52). This is not only a great gift for this individual, but also reminds that Jesus can help each of us to “see” beyond the first glance, to see more deeply into what people are about, what situations present, what underpins how people function.  “Seeing” can also mean an enlightenment on a spiritual level, seeing the hand of God at work, appreciating the deeper meaning of Scripture, and so on. With my thanks to all who are helping make this weekend’s Open House a success, I believe what Curley offers—because of the presence of so many students and parents in addition to faculty and staff—is to help people appreciate the Curley Spirit. There are many factors that go into choosing a school, but I believe an important factor is when our “heart” tells us “this is the right place for me” because we have “seen” something we want to embrace. Thank you for all you do to promote Curley.

-- Fr. Donald

From the Principal

Next week marks the final week of the first quarter. It has certainly been a time full of excitement. From back-to-school activities, to the school-wide retreat, Spirit Week and Homecoming, the calendar has been packed. We hope you have been able to join us on campus for some of our parent events, and I hope that this engagement continues. Please check out the many activities planned here at school in the months of November and December. 

I thank the Parents’ Guild Board for hosting the Father-Son Bowling Night as well as planning the upcoming Motherhood Series. These are fun ways for us to build bonds in our Curley Family. I also thank them for hosting the first of our Parents’ Guild General meetings. I look forward to seeing more parents at future meetings.

Please pay close attention to the announcements regarding upcoming days when school is closed, as well as the Asynchronous Day on November 4th. Finally, please encourage your son to finish strong and to use the resources available to him here at school. 

-- Jeremy Joseph ’96

Senior Class Fundraiser

If you and your family enjoy great food and are in the neighborhood, please consider stopping by Casa Mia's in White Marsh on Tuesday, October 29. The restaurant serves all kinds of delicious Italian food and plenty of other options, so try it all! A portion of all sales from dining in, carry-out, or the bar will benefit the Class of 2025. Simply show the FLYER to help the Senior class raise money for prom and a class gift. We really appreciate your support of Curley and Casa Mia's!

Tiny Saints FYM Fundraiser

FYM is once again encouraging everyone to spend some time with the saints while at the same time supporting FYM by participating in our Tiny Saints online fundraiser.


From October 1-31, 2024, all shoppers at will have the option to select Archbishop Curley FYM from a dropdown menu during checkout to support the fundraiser. With more than 200 saint charms and keychains at just $6.00 each, Tiny Saints offers simple, affordable gifts and collectibles that are guaranteed to bring a smile. 


You can enjoy shopping for your favorite saints, patron saints, and even learn about others for the first time while browsing!  Please remember to select Archbishop Curley FYM from the dropdown menu to support FYM.


For more information, please contact Dcn. Tim at

Volunteer with the Friar "C" Club

Curley Athletics are in full swing and we need your help! The Friar "C" Club needs your help to staff the concession stands for the following events. We can't wait to see you in the stand! 

  • Fall Athletics: Go HERE
  • Curley Classic: Go HERE
  • Winter Athletics: Go HERE
  • CYO Basketball Tournament: Go HERE
  • Friar Duals: Go HERE

Can't volunteer? No problem! You can still support Friar "C" and Curley Athletics by sending in donations for needed items. Please go HERE to donate to the concession stands. All donated items should be brought into the Main Office and labeled Friar "C"

For further information or questions, please contact Friar "C" at .

From the Finance Office

This is a friendly reminder to all the junior and senior families that you have upcoming scheduled invoices for the end of October, and also in November. All payments for junior class rings are scheduled for November 8, 2024. Please remember all ring balances must be paid prior to the Ring Ceremony. For any juniors or seniors that registered to take CCBC Online Courses or Dual Enrollment Courses these payments are scheduled for October 31 and November 1, 2024. You will notice these charges under Incidental Expenses on your FACTS account. If you have any questions, please email

School Closed October 25th and 28th

School is closed on Friday, October 25, for teacher professional development and Open House preparations. Monday, October 28, school is closed for a holiday following our two-day Open House.

Sport Coat Reminder

The winter dress code begins on Tuesday, October 29, 2024. All students are required to wear a sport coat each day. Students may continue to wear the Curley sweater but must wear a sport coat as the top layer.

From the Assistant Principal of Academics

Friday, November 1, is the last day of the first quarter. Continue to check your son’s grades and reach out to their teachers if you have any questions or concerns. Please remind your son(s) to check Plus Portals because grades are submitted on Monday, November 4, and to see their teacher(s) if they have questions. This also means the 2nd quarter begins Tuesday, November 5, which offers the opportunity for continued success or a fresh start. If you have any questions or need any assistance, please feel free to reach out to me.

-- Ken Pipkin

Semper Fi Scholarship

The Semper Fi Scholarship is open to Catholic students at Curley. The scholarship process involves the completion of an application, along with supporting documents from the parish and the pastor that evidence a commitment by the applicant and his family to living their Catholic faith. Essays from the parent and student are part of the application.

A student may receive this scholarship in any year of his education, and it is renewable on an annual basis. A committee, comprised of the donor and Archbishop Curley High School administration, will determine the annual awards.

The applicant is responsible for meeting the deadline of January 8, 2025, and having all related materials submitted by that date. Applications, in print or digital form, may be obtained in the Main Office from Mrs. Raynor.

Asynchronous Day --

November 4, 2024

The Archdiocese has permitted two Asynchronous Days on each school’s calendar. Our first is scheduled for November 4th. Students will be provided assignments to be completed at home that day. Classes will not be held as normal. Teachers will be at school to finalize first quarter grades, plan lessons, and to work collaboratively. Students will not be on campus, but rather will be completing their assigned work at home. We will communicate reminders about this day, but we want to provide some context as you look ahead on the calendar. Separate communication regarding athletics on those days will be sent.

Knights of Columbus High School Scholarships

The Maryland State Council of the Knights of Columbus is the sponsor of several high school scholarships, some for children of members (the Frederick M. Gossman Memorial Scholarships), and others for Catholic students in general (the William J. O’Brien Memorial Scholarships). The awards may be applied to tuition only for the 2025-26 school year. The application period is now open, and all applications must be received in their entirety by the Scholarship Committee no later than February 1, 2025. Scholarship applications are available HERE. If you have a problem accessing the information, Fr. Donald can get you an application packet

From the Campus Minister

FYM has had a strong beginning of the school year and we have been blessed to have such a strong student participation throughout the grade levels. All students who have been involved in our FYM program should have been invited to join us on two upcoming retreats. The first retreat is the Mount 2000 retreat. This powerful 2 night retreat is facilitated through the Archdiocese of Baltimore and will take place this year from February 7-9, 2025, at Mount Saint Mary’s in Emmitsburg MD. Curley will be taking a bus to this retreat. The second retreat is our FYM retreat at Refreshing Mountain Retreat House in PA. This is a great opportunity for students to pray, reflect, and have a great time with their Curley brothers. This retreat will take place from 8:3 0am on March 30- 2:30 pm on March 31. These retreats are open to all active members of FYM. Students should have received an email Sign-Up Genius to sign up. 

FYM will have a Halloween Saint Bingo Game in FYM on Thursday, October 31, at 7:45 am or 2:40 pm. We will also celebrate mass for the Feast of All Saints on November 1 during the school day. We will welcome Curley alum Bishop Michael Martin as our celebrant for the liturgy. 

We are finalizing our group for our Guatemala mission trip from July 27- August 3. If interested in this great experience, please email me at

Blackfriars' Theatre News

Rehearsals are moving along for our Fall play, John Cariani's romantic comedy Almost Maine, which goes up in about a month. The production dates are November 22, 23 and 24, and tickets have been put on sale earlier than previously announced. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for seniors and students, but all advance sale tickets are $10 until the afternoon of November 21. Go HERE to buy your advance sale tickets! A reminder that Curley students get FREE admission using their school ID card. Blackfriars is seeking some assistance from any Curley parents (or even grandparents) who can offer help at our concession stand on any of the dates of the show. We have someone who has volunteered to oversee the concession stand but we are in need of additional workers to help sell at the intermission break each evening when things can get busy. Please reach out to Ed Lawrence if you are able to help. Your son doesn't need to be in Blackfriars' Theatre as we are an equal opportunity employer when accepting volunteers.

There are still bus seats available for the 23rd Annual NYC Bus Trip on Saturday, November 30. Departure time from Curley is 7:00 am with the additional pickup at the Abington Park and Ride exit #77 off I-95 shortly after. Our departure from NYC is at 7:00 pm with arrival back at Curley by 11:00 pm. Seats are $80. You make your own plans as to how to spend your day in New York City whether it be taking in a Broadway matinee, visiting the 911 Memorial, sight-seeing, shopping or just walking through Central Park. For further information or to make your reservations please contact Ed Lawrence at

C-Notes Bingos help fund Archbishop Curley's band, choir and theater programs and we need your help to make it a success! Go HERE to get your tickets to the Curley C-Notes Bingo before they sell out!!

We need donations in the form of baskets that will be auctioned off on the night of the event. If you are interested in contributing, please go HERE to donate. We will also need volunteers to help run things on Friday night. If you are willing to donate your time, sign up HERE. Thank you for supporting the arts!

From the College Counseling Office

Attention Class of 2025 Parents

We apologize about having to delay our virtual Financial Aid night until Tuesday, October 29 at 6:30 pm. The Assistant Director of Loyola University Maryland's Financial Aid office will be the expert for our session. Information will be covered to help you prepare for the FAFSA and the CSS profile. An email with the Zoom link was sent out earlier this week.

The FAFSA is scheduled to open on December 1. To prepare for the opening of the FAFSA, families can go to and create an FSA ID now. The student needs an FSA ID and the parent needs their own FSA ID. You don't need to wait until December 1 to create an FSA ID.

4-year college application submission REMINDER

Seniors who have a November 1st college application deadline should have their applications submitted. Students with a November 15th deadline have until November 1st to submit applications. As of today, 65% of seniors have submitted applications! Please make sure they mark it in SCOIR when they have applied so we send all of their supporting documents, Students are encouraged to see their college counselor if they need any help.