Celebrating Where Futures Begin

Happy Holidays,

We bring our year to a close with best wishes for you, your staffs, families, and community members.

This newsletter is written specifically for you – our Elected Officials and Community Partners – to share college news-of-note as well as resources that may be of use to you and your constituents. In this issue, highlights include:

  • Tri-C and CMSD Announce Direct Admission Partnership extending postsecondary enrollment and a path to success for CMSD grads.
  • Tri-C Programs For the Community Abound from classes for 55+ to our speakers bureau.
  • Tri-C Captioning and Court Reporting Program Helps Memorialize our Heroes
  • Tri-C Students, Faculty and Staff Shine in Regional & National Spotlights

As always, please contact me if Tri-C can be of help to you, or if you have ideas to further support our students and our community efforts. Of course, we welcome the opportunity to share more about Tri-C at your Ward and neighborhood meetings.

We look forward to continuing to work together in 2025 on pathways for regional growth and success.

Thank you,


Claire Rosacco

Vice President for Government Relations & Community Outreach

Cuyahoga Community College

Work: (216) 987-4804

Cell: (216) 406-8821

In The Spotlight

Logo Class of 2025 _ CMSD goes to TriC

Announcing the CMSD to Tri-C Direct Admission Partnership

On Dec. 9, 2024, Tri-C and Cleveland Metropolitan School District (CMSD) announced that the two institutions have created a seamless high-school-to-college transition that guarantees every student has equal access to higher education. Through the new Direct Admission Partnership, CMSD students are automatically admitted to Tri-C during the fall of their senior year. More

Tri-C Commencement Fall 2024

Tri-C Fall Commencement Celebrates More Than 1,500 Graduates

The Dec. 12 Commencement Ceremony took place at the Wolstein Center. In total, more than 1,700 degrees and certificates were conferred. Tri-C President Michael A. Baston, J.D., Ed.D, noted, "Tri-C will be here to support all our graduates in the future, just as we have in the past," Baston said. "No matter where you are in life, you can always come home to Tri-C for encouragement, support, training and upskilling." View the ceremony.

Dr. Baston and County Executive Ronayne recording a podcast

Entrepreneurship as an Economic Driver – A Conversation with Cuyahoga County Executive Chris Ronayne

In mid-November, Tri-C President Michael Baston sat down with Cuyahoga County Executive Chris Ronayne for an in-depth discussion on the way entrepreneurs can help reinvigorate and shape our economy. The talk, the most recent entry in Tri-C's Entrepreneurs Speaker Series, took place in the Podcast Studio at the Center for Entrepreneurs at Corporate College East, followed by a live Q&A.

The full conversation will be posted here in the new year.

News of Note

Contributions to Tri-C Foundation Transform

Eastern Campus Food Pantry and Help Ease Student Needs

TriC executive team and donors at ribbon cutting for East Campus pantry

Thanks to generous gifts from Trustee Alan and Barbara Rosskamm and the Meisel and Pesses Family Foundation (pictured with Dr. Todd Kitchen, far left, and Dr. Baston, far right), students at the Eastern Campus in need of food and other necessities have a dynamic, new on-site resource. Details

Food insecurity remains an ongoing issue for many Tri-C students. During the 2023-2024 academic year, 2,655 students made 12,559 campus pantry visits — a 47% increase in visits from the previous year.

Cover of Tri-C Times _ a world class college

The Global Appeal of Tri-C

This semester, students from 49 foreign countries enrolled at Tri-C. The Fall Issue of the Tri-C Times highlights the stories of these students who came to the U.S. — and Tri-C — to pursue a dream and found the support to navigate their new environment. Learn more here.

Tri-C JazzFest Director Receives Lifetime Achievement Award From DownBeat Magazine

Terri Pontremoli, director of Tri-C JazzFest Cleveland, presented by KeyBank, received the honor in recognition of her years of dedication to providing educational opportunities to students and bringing world-class jazz to Cleveland. More

Picture of Democracy Fellows for IdeaStream article

Tri-C's 2024 Democracy Fellows choose film as their medium, but their mission is no act IdeaStream review

The 2023 Tri-C Democracy Fellows soap opera – Code Red, White & Blue – earned Bronze at the 2024 Cleveland Rocks PRSA Awards.

Image of a soldier saluting the flag

Preserving History: Captioning and Court Reporting Program Helps Tell Stories of U.S. Veterans

Tri-C students and faculty in the Captioning and Court Reporting program are using their classroom skills to help preserve the personal histories of U.S. military veterans.

Tri-C volunteers are compiling these first-hand accounts as part of the Veterans History Project, a Library of Congress initiative begun in 2000. News 5 Cleveland recently featured this story. More

Good News Conversation Starters

Celebrating a Life So Well Lived

Dr. Bill Burges

Photo of Bill Burges

We take a moment to honor the extraordinary life of Dr. Bill Burges. First an educator, and then a community champion for Tri-C and countless other community and educational institutions. While at Tri-C, Bill helped coin the Tri-C catchphrase "Where Futures Begin." Along with his wife, Charlene, one of Tri-C's first employees, he helped design Tri-C's media center and television recording studio. Bill and Charlene then created a powerhouse strategy firm – Burges & Burges –to help make good trouble on behalf of countless institutions in Ohio and beyond. Bill was a tireless advocate for Tri-C and led nearly 20 levy campaigns to fund the programs that prepare our region's workforce. We are so glad he walked our way.

Bill's Celebration of Life – held at Tri-C's Corporate College on Dec. 6 – can be viewed here.

Students & Alumni Reaching New Heights
Crain's 20 in their 20's logo

Tri-C Alum Kyra Wells Named to Crain’s "20 in Their 20s" List

As the creative marketing designer for American Greetings, Wells creates advertising campaigns for retail stores and social media accounts for American Greetings and Papyrus. She also now teaches the class that inspired her to become a graphic designer. More

Allison Price 2024 graduate

Tri-C Democracy Fellow, Mandel Scholar, and Student Ambassador

Allison Price found her second round at Tri-C key to her graduation, success and upcoming next steps at CSU.

Read more Commencement Stories.

Tri-C Democracy Fellow hosting Rep. Shontel Brown at voting event

Civic Partnership in Action

Tri-C Democracy Fellow Sylvia Snow-Rackley was invited to moderate conversations at the Lakewood Women in Politics Forum, held this past fall. The event, conceived by the Lakewood League of Women Voters in partnership with Lakewood High School, featured female elected officials serving the suburb, from city through federal offices. The lively discussions included U.S. Rep. Shontel Brown (seated right, with Sylvia, left.) The event also welcomed Tri-C Democracy Fellow Allison Price, who shared the story of her nonpartisan Fellowship year. More

Tri-C Programs for the Community

Did you know? Tri-C offers community programs for all, ranging from the upcoming Encore and Women in Transition programs to free Classical Piano performances, and a free Speakers Bureau for community meetings. We invite you to share these events within your communities.

Encore – Get ready to Register

Winter & Spring 2025 Sessions

Tri-C's popular virtual and on-campus courses, offered at our East, West, and Westshore sites, are open to age 55+.

Registration opens Dec. 17 at 10 a.m. See the Winter and Spring 2025 Catalog for upcoming sessions – online now!

Tri-C Piano Series

Tri-C Classical Piano Series Continues with New Lineup and Venue for 2025 Concert Season

This season, the Metropolitan Campus Auditorium will host all concerts, while the Cleveland Museum of Art's Gartner Auditorium is undergoing renovations. Admission to all concerts is free, but tickets are required. Details/Registration.

Tri-C Access Centers
TriC Speaker addressing an all ages crowd.
Women In Transition logo along with TriC logo

Women in Transition Program – Designed to help women move their lives forward, this free Tri-C program is offered In-Person (East, West and Westshore Campuses) and Online. Six-week Spring sessions will begin the week of January 27.

Save These Dates

Celebration MLK concert _ Jan 19 _ 2025 _ Playhouse Square
Tri-C Day is April 10
Workforce Programs

Tri-C and KeyBank Unveil New Name for Advanced Technology Training Center at Metro Campus

One of the largest technology training complexes in Ohio, located at the Tri-C Metropolitan Campus, bears a new name: The KeyBank Advanced Technology Training Center (ATTC).

This recognition acknowledges KeyBank's long-standing partnership with Tri-C to help fill critical workforce needs in Northeast Ohio. More

KeyBank naming ceremony _ photo of building
Pitch winner with Dr. Baston and Shark Tank'sDaymond John

Youngest Participant Wins First Pitch Competition at Tri-C

London Mitchell, an 18-year-old entrepreneur, will elevate his clothing line with a grant from the Center for Entrepreneurs Pitch Competition. More

Pictured above Photo of London Mitchell (center) with Tri-C President Michael A. Baston, J.D., Ed.D. (left), and Presidential Scholarship Luncheon speaker Daymond John (right).

Student pictured with fake lifesize patient

Tri-C Dental Hygiene Program Receives Grant From Delta Dental Foundation

A grant from the Delta Dental Foundation supports the expansion of the Dental Hygiene program, helping to fill a vital workforce need in Northeast Ohio.

Tri-C's Dental Hygiene program was first accredited in 1966. Its nationally recognized faculty have graduate degrees and extensive experience clinically and in educational concepts. More

Distinguished Faculty & Staff

Chef of the Year Ky-Wai Wong

Congratulations to our Hospitality Management Chef instructor Ky-Wai Wong (left) who was crowned Chef of the Year by the American Culinary Federation — Akron-Canton Chapter.

At this same event, Tri-C alumna Nicolette Carrick-Durda received “Student of the Year,” and alumna Kiwi Wongpeng, of Thai Thai in Lakewood, received the “President’s Award,” for her contributions to the culinary industry. 

The American Culinary Federation, Inc. (ACF), established in 1929, is the standard of excellence for chefs in North America. 

Logo with words Anthony Franklin Exec Director of Athletics

New Executive Director of Athletics Anthony Franklin to continue development of Triceratops sports programs

Tri-C is part of the Ohio Community College Athletic Conference. Men's sports include baseball, basketball and soccer. Women's sports consist of basketball, softball, cross country, track and field, and volleyball. More

Serving Our Veterans – a Tri-C Priority
Antonio Morales Student Veteran of the year

Antonio Morales Named

2024 Tri-C Student Veteran Of the Year

Throughout his military duty and subsequent civilian career, Antonio Morales has dedicated himself to providing medical care for others. The Tri-C student and former U.S. Army medic received the 2024 Tri-C Student Veteran of the Year Award in a Nov. 11 Veterans Day ceremony at Cleveland City Hall. Morales is working toward an Associate of Science in Biology and hopes to become a physician's assistant. More

Photo of POW MIA Chair of Honor

Never Forgotten: College Dedicates Chair of Honor To Remember POW/MIA Military Members

As a solemn tribute to prisoners of war and service members who are missing in action, Tri-C remembers U.S. servicemen and women who have not returned home with a black "Chair of Honor" at the Eastern Campus Mandel Theater. It represents a permanent space held for the 83,000 service men and women missing since WWI. Tri-C partnered with Rolling Thunder Chapter 1 Ohio to create this honor. Tri-C campus president Todd Kitchen, also a veteran, presided over the ceremony. More

Veterans Day Ceremony participants outside at memorial Nov 2024.

Annual Veterans Day Observance

Members of Tri-C's community came together to honor the sacrifices of America’s veterans and their families during a ceremony held at Tri-C’s Western Campus in the Veteran Memorial Garden.

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Katie Montgomery | Cuyahoga Community College | 216-952-6146 |
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