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Word by Word ... 100 Years!


Mid-Month News

Volume 29 Issue 15

Our mission: to support local writers and promote their development through education, recognition, and community.

The CWC welcomes all genres and writers in all stages of the craft--from curious to accomplished. Click "Join Us" to learn about the benefits of membership and to sign up.

Club Information

Virtual Writing Salon & Social Time Monday July 11th from 7-8:30pm

Click Tiffany's picture to register for the last write and share session of the 2021-2022 program year.

She will provide prompts and enough writerly inspiration to tide you over during the months of August and September while Tiffany takes a break

She'll be back online writing with us again in October.

Be sure to check the website and newsletter for possible date changes.

Hope You will Celebrate with Us.

For details & to sign Up see the CWC Socials Page

Meet a Member: Jennifer Hamilton


I am by trade a professional virtual artist and I maintain a studio in Rock Hill, SC.

I trained as a painter and have mastered both watercolor and acrylic mediums. Although I learned the skills needed to paint watercolor and acrylic, I had not acquired an official degree from the academic world, so I took advantage of South Carolina's free college for seniors, enrolled at Winthrop in 2016, and earned my Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 2020.

Jennifer says:

Call me green, a rookie, a newbie. I joined the Charlotte Writers Club last fall with the pages of a memoir in my pocket looking for direction. I found a great critique group and the encouragement I needed.

I am now making found art sculptures as a part of my art, but to foster the writer in me takes planning.

      When and where do I write?

Mornings are great for journaling and I find people watching not only helps  for grabbing a quick sketch but is great for jotting down descriptive thoughts about random strangers. I allot two days a week to writing.
Best advice ever received and taken?
  1. Join a critique group
  2. Show don't tell
  3. Just write

To start a conversation with Jennifer send her a message through the Member Directory.

Log on first, then go to Member Directory.

Support Ongoing Programs & Show Your Writerly Pride!

Donate at least $25 and we'll send you a FREE navy blue Gildan brand short-sleeved t-shirt made of pre-shrunk cotton material.

Feeling generous? Give $100 for 100 Years

and we'll send you two Free Centennial T-shirts, one to wear and one to share.

Your donation will help support our ongoing programs.

You'll receive this cool t-shirt with our logo celebrating a century of helping writers as our Thank You for your contribution!

Order yours today through the CWC Store. Click the picture of the t-shirt to access the Wild Apricot sign-in page. Choose CWC Store, Contribute.Tell us what size or sizes you need and where to mail them.

Student Engagement Initiative

Thank you to the CWC volunteers for your support this year. Axel and the Student Engagement Team look forward to an even greater 2022-2023 school year.

Want to volunteer for Virtual Office Hours and/or be part of the team that plans and carries out the writing series for the next program year?

Contact Axel

Help Promote Our Student Engagement Efforts!

Post, Like & Share!

7 Tips for Wrting a Good Article Quickly

Bloggers, freelance writers, copywriters, and other content creators are often faced with a seemingly impossible task: producing a great article under a tight deadline. That’s why it’s important to develop writing skills that can help you create great content in a short amount of time.

In the age of the internet, article writers who can generate good content in a short time period are in increasingly high demand. However, writing articles or blogging under tight deadlines should not come at the expense of good writing.

Here are seven tips as outlined by Master Class Writers (

1.Keep a list ideas handy. You never know when writers block will hit.

2.Eliminate Distractions.

3.Research efficiently.

4.Keep it simple.

5.Try writing in bullet points.

6.Edit after writing.

7.Set a timer. Practicing against the clock is a great way to become a quicker and more efficent writer.

Give it a Try: Fiction Writing

If you're a content writer, chances are you've considered trying your hand at fiction writing. Whether you’re looking to pen the next Great American Novel or hoping to hang the “ghostwriter for hire” sign in your proverbial yard, you’ll find that fiction writing is a whole different ball game.

The Basics

While rules are arguably made to be broken, beginning fiction writers would do well to pay close attention to some of the key elements of fiction before striking out on their own. You can find a number of quality technique books, but it’s also good to keep in mind that the rules of fiction are not terribly complicated:

  • Plot. If you’re interested in writing suspenseful, action driven thrillers, then you’re probably ahead of the game on this one. For those of you looking to write a beautifully rendered literary tale where the protagonist thinks wistfully in a bay window, well, think again. Plot drives story. Give your characters something to do, and you’ll give your reader something to root for. Establish a clear goal early on, then work to throw in complications along the way. You’ll know you’ve reached the climax of your story when your main character reaches the critical moment where they succeed or fail in achieving their goal.

  • Character. Think of the great literary characters throughout history: Scarlett O’Hara. Jay Gatsby. These characters are larger than life, and what drives each is crystal clear. Write your characters with distinct features and make sure you understand what motivates them. Fear? Love? Justice? Once you give your reader a sense of what matters to your character, you’ll give them a way to relate and keep reading.

Fundamentals of Songwriting

Learning how to write a good song is an important skill all musicians and songwriters should learn how to do.

Before writing a song, it is important to understand three underlying fundamentals that all music is based upon, and they all work in conjunction with one another. They are:

  • melody
  • harmony
  • rhythm

The great thing about songwriting is that an idea can come from any of these baics; but rhythm is really the key factor because it can change everything at any time.

A melody has its own inherent rhythm, but can sound completely different by simply changing the rhythm of the singing line. Standard chord progressions of harmonic contexts can be made to sound fresh and original just by shifting the rhythm of a strumming pattern on guitar or a note pattern on keyboard or vocal.

There are two main ways to go about songwriting:

  1. Write the lyrics first then add instrumentation
  2. Write to a pre-made instrumental track or beat for inspiration like a prompt for a free write *but be careful not to copy songs directly. There have been numerous lawsuits in the past few years because song writers have used pre-made instrumental tracks.

Now that you know all the fundamentals all you need is a place to write the lyrics down so you don't forget (beware... they usually come in you sleep), and a subject to write about. No subject, no worries, just write what you feel, the subject will come later.

Questions to ask yourself:

  1. Do you have a verse or two?
  2. Is there a chorus? (this is the part most listeners remember).
  3. Do you have an intro and outro?
  4. Is there a bridge?
  5. Do you have a drop (used mostly with dance tunes and often comes after the intro).

These are the basics, now have fun writing your song!

"I wish I were one of those people who wrote songs quickly. But I'm not. So it takes me a great deal of time to find out what the song is."

Leonard Cohen

CWC at the Mint on Randolph

On Sunday October 2, 2022

6 to 7:30pm

Book & Author Talk with Therese Anne Fowler

Therese Anne Fowler joins us in the auditorium as we continue our centennial celebration with

a Book & Author Talk.

The author of eight novels; a string of them are New York Times best sellers including Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald that begins in 1920s in the era that CWC was founded--will talk books, writing and life and celebrate her latest project, It All Comes Down to This,

We are working with Park Road Books to include a copy of Fowler's most recent book in the cost of admission to her October 2 talk. Tickets for event will go on sale later this summer so keep your eye on this spot!

The event will be open to the public; CWC members will be able to buy tickets at discounted prices.


Fowler's other best-selling novels include: A Well-Behaved Woman and A Good Neighborhood. Her work is available in multiple languages and in more than twenty countries. Z has been adapted as an original television series for Amazon Studios, starring Christina Ricci; A Well-Behaved Woman is in development with Sony Pictures Television.

She earned a BA in Sociology/Cultural Anthropology and an MFA in Creative Writing, both from NC State University. A proud member of Phi Beta Kappa and PEN America, she lives in Raleigh, NC with her husband, author John Kessel. Learn more at Therese Anne Fowler.

Marketing Indie Published Books

                    Rick Lite

With so many book marketing strategies available to promote your book, it's easy to get overwhelmed and have difficulty determining what to do and when to do it to give your book the best chance. Marketing a book is a complex part of the overall publishing process and takes proper planning. This book marketing timeline for indie authors is designed for the author who is just about to begin writing. However, since al ofl these strategies are important, you can begin to address each one no matter where you are in your publishing process.

With so much information to digest and so many strategies available, it’s best to give yourself plenty of time to set these strategies in motion. To stay organized it’s a good idea to have a marketing calendar specifically for your book marketing. In this post, we're going to examine seven different phases of the book marketing timeline.

Step 1-Before you start writing

  • Identify your target audience
  • Determine your goals
  • Figure your marketing budget
  • Determine how you'll evaluate marketing efforts

Step 2-As you begin writing

  • Create a unique author brand
  • Understand BISAC subject codes (
  • Understand how compensation works
  • Create an author website
  • Build an email list
  • Create social media 

Step 3-While you're waiting to write

  • Research book reviewers
  • Start a blog
  • Create a media kit
  • Pre-publishing strategies
  • Consider presenting at events
  • Apply to book awards

Step 4-While the book is in editing

  • Choose the dates for publication
  • Consider how to sell your book
  • Gather information on book promotion companies
  • Create promotional material
  • Make a list of book reviewers

Step 5-Two weeks before release

  • Check online be sure everything is correct
  • Create an author central account on Amazon
  • Look for advertising opportunities

Step 6-Release date

  • Keep the momentum
  • Watch the rankings and book numbers on Amazon
  • Update social media and webpages

Step 7-Post release update

  • Approach local bookstores about carrying the book
  • Follow-up with people you previously reached out to

“Whatever you may have heard, self-publishing is not a short cut to anything. Except maybe insanity. Self-publishing, like every other kind of publishing, is hard work.

"You are a start-up...The next great business is you!"

Hugh Howey

Stop expecting things to be easy, but always expect them to be worth it.” — Unknown


In the Meantime

Critique groups are meeting!

Have you found a peer group yet?

What are you waiting for?

New Groups Are Forming check out the list below

and the CWC Critique Groups page.

In Dilworth, A Mixed Genre Group:

The exact location and time to be determined by the members. This group already has two members and the leader hopes to recruit four more people.

Plaza Midwood: Non genre specific. Newcomers to the club are welcome.

Gaston County: (leader is willing to travel). Prose/Fiction group

Huntersville/Poetry has space for a couple more reviewer.

A member working on a Young Adult novel is looking for a partner or a group of like genre.

Members working on Memoir are looking to connect.

 A new member seeks a group that meets between 9 and 5, Monday-Friday.

Don't see a partner or a group that suits you?

Contact Caroline to learn more.

Open Mic Night at Mugs Coffee

5126 Park Rd. Ste 1D

Where members practice reading their work

Click the image to learn more and see who read at open mic the previous month.

Open Mic is held every fourth Friday of the month; next one is July 22nd.

(Only Members can register to read) all others are welcome to hear great stories!

7:00-9:00 p.m.

Register here to Read

CWC North Happening

Pictures above are from the reception on Friday June 10. CWC poets and Mooresville artists gathered to view each others work.

Beyond Poems and Paintings: 

Ekphrastic Art Exhibition 2

Is Open Until July 28th.

Plan a trip to the Mooresville Train Depot, 103 West Center Avenue, to view the display of art and poems written by CWC poets in response to the pieces created by Mooresville artists.

This is the culmination of a project that began almost a year ago, co-sponsored by CWC North and Mooresville Arts.

Visit the CWC North Events page

to learn more about gallery hours; the poets and the exhibition that honors the memory of Barbara Mayer. She was a CWC poet and a member of Mooresville Arts.


Answer the Call for Volunteers:

Serve the Club on the 2022-2023 Leadership Team

For the Executive Board, Lisa Otter Rose is our new treasurer. She joins the team that David Collins will lead that includes Axel Dahlberg, our Membership Guru and Caroline Kenna, past president.

These Essential advisory roles are open now. Contact David Collins

  • VP/President Elect
  • Secretary

  • Webmaster/tech team
  • Critique Groups Coordinator
  • Social media, publicity and marketing team
  • Contest chairs
  • Co-program chair

Thank You Lynne Williams for volunteering to be a co-emcee

for Open Mic Night!

The CWC is a volunteer organization and functions best when all of our leadership roles are filled. At the moment there are ample opportunities to do your part and one of these positions has to be “just right” for you.

See the job descriptions in our Policies and Procedures document and think about what you can do to help grow this club--and pitch in!

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We've Got You Covered!

Fresh Ink!

This month we're celebrating

A Sci-fi offering, and a collection of columns, 135 short slice-of-life essays that have appeared in local newspapers since 2015.


A dark force is circling the entire universe. Can one human brought accidentally back from the dead save the future?

50,000 AD. It feels like only yeterday that Ryan Hunt kissed his wife, But when he awakens in a strange galaxy thousands of years after his death, he discovers everyone he's ever cared about has long since turned to dust. Now resurrected by an off-world corporation, the stunned man's new beginnings almost come to an end when he's immediately targeted by a vicious bounty hunter. Can this long-dead nobody stop the clock on the demise of the cosmos before all living things become extinct?

Resurrection is the thought-provoking first book in the Second Life of Mr. Hunt science fiction fantasy series.

If you like kind-hearted heroes, vile villains, and fast-paced action, then you love Gerritt S. Overeem's spark of hope.

Buy Resurrection to go from ordinary to adventure bound.

Wilson’s material deals primarily with Catawba County, but readers across the area and beyond have anticipated her writing every other Tuesday in The Hickory Daily Record, Observer-News-Enterprise and Lincoln Herald as well as her blog on

Keep those Covers Coming. Let us Celebrate You!

Snap a selfie of your book cover and submit it to Teresa Taylor, the newsletter editor.

We are featuring a few each month.

The next deadline

is August 10th.

What's the Good Word?

Share your publishing news at MEMBER KUDOS

so we can celebrate too.

In Huntersville: Waterbean Poetry Night at the Mic, Wednesday, July 27th, 7-9pm.

Host and emcee Leslie Rupracht welcomes poet Joe Mills who is the featured reader. Learn more about him online. In addition to Joe's reading there will be an open mic session too!

Click the flyer for more about how to participate in the open mic.

Waterbean Coffee is in the Northcross Shopping Center. Come to be inspired.Bring a friend and a poem!

                                  Did You Know?

Stephen King's 22 Lessons on How to be a Great Writer

 Renowned author Stephen King has written over 50 books that have captivated millions of people around the world. In his memoir, "On Writing," he shares valuable insights on how to be a better writer.


  1. Stop watching television. Instead, read as much as possible.
  2. Prepare for more failure and criticism than you think you deal with.
  3. Don't waste time trying to please people.
  4. Write primarily for yourself.
  5. Tackle the hardest things to write.
  6. When writing, disconnect from the world.
  7. Don't be pretentious.
  8. Avoid adverbs and long paragraphs.
  9. Don't get overly caught up in grammar
  10. master the art of description.
  11. Don't give too much backgound.
  12. Tell stories about what people actually do.
  13. Take risks.
  14. Realize that you don't need drugs to be a good writer.
  15. Don't try to steal someone else's voice.
  16. Understand that writing is a form of telepathy.
  17. Take your writing seriously.
  18. Write every single day.
  19. Finish your first draft in 3 months.
  20. When you're finished writing,

"Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work."

Stephen King

“It takes courage to quit something, but often you get that courage back with dividends.”

Mary Laura Philpott

Inspiration Writers

To be any type of writer it takes work, discipline, fortitude and a little aptitude doesn't hurt either, but to be an inspirational writer takes heart, and a lot of it. It can't just be a talent, it must also be a gift; you must endure the pain of the process. One must have a clear picture of self of who you really are and who you are to become, and most importantly who you are as a writer. 

A good story has got to entertain — or else it’s no good. There is a skill that’s involved, but it’s a learned skill. You must first be entertained by what you've written in order for others to be entertained by it. If it doesn't impress you, or give you certain emotions, then what do you expect the reader to feel?

Yes entertainment is necessary, but what sets inspirational writing apart from other genres is that it must also be transformational. Writing for and from the heart can be dangerous as the line from Fellowhip of the Rings goes, 

"It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to." 

J.J.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

Keep your feet, be can do it; write from your heart! 


"Fill your paper with breathings of your heart."

William Wordsworth

"No man is truly great who is great only in his lifetime. The test of greatness is the page of History."

William Hazlitt

“Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.”

 William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night

“Holy men tell us life is a mystery. They embrace that concept happily. But some mysteries bite and bark and come to get you in the dark.”

Dean Koontz

Mystery Writers, Pens Up!

James Patterson's Murder Mystery Club is back. Check out the latest mystery thriiller

A few mystery novels to get you hyped for summer pleasure reading

  • The Lovely Bones-Alice Sebold (loved the book, the movie didn't do it justice in my opinion)
  • The Big Sleep-Raymond Chandler
  • The Maid-Nita Prose
  • The Paris Apartment-Lucy Foley

Just Thought You'd Like to Know

Harry Lewis Golden

May 6, 1902- October 2 1981

Harry Lewis Golden, author, journalist, and social critic, was born Harry Goldhirsch to a Jewish family in eastern Galicia, then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In 1905 his parents, Leib and Anna Klein Goldhirsch, immigrated to New York City, where they settled on the Lower East Side with other immigrant families. Here, the family name was changed to Goldhurst. Leib Goldhurst became a Hebrew teacher and later editor of the Jewish Daily Forward. 

As a youth Golden developed an unquenchable appetite for reading; unabashedly he consumed volumes of literature, history, and social and political philosophy. After he graduated from public grade school in 1917, he enrolled in the East Side Evening High School and received his diploma three years later. He then attended night classes for three years at City College of New York, but left about 1922 without a degree.

Although Golden liked school and excelled in his studies, his education was shaped as profoundly by his participation, from about 1918 to 1923, in the Round Table Literary Club, a discussion group for teenage boys founded by his employer, Oscar Geiger. Under Geiger's influence, Golden became a frequent soapbox speaker for Henry George's single-tax movement and for the Socialist party.

Throughout his boyhood, Golden worked peddling newspapers, manufacturing straw hats, and clerking in Geiger's fur business.

After leaving college, he became a stock broker. He first was employed in his sister Clara's firm, but by 1926 he was established independently as head of the firm Kable and Company.  Golden became a best-selling author in 1958 with the publication of a collection of his essays entitled Only in America. In 1959 this book was adapted for presentation on Broadway by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee. Golden also wrote an informal biography of his friend Carl Sandburg (Carl Sandburg, 1961). 

In 1969 he was honored by the University of North Carolina at Charlotte with the establishment of a Harry Golden Lecture Series, which sponsored speeches by political liberals from 1971 through 1974. Golden was a member of the American Jewish Congress, the N.A.A.C.P., the Southern Regional Council, the Catholic Interracial Council, and B'nai B'rith. He was buried in the Hebrew Cemetery, Charlotte.

His marker is on 7th Street near Hawthorne Ln.

“The library, I believe, is the last of our public institutions to which you can go without credentials. You don't even need the sticker on your windshield that you need to get into the public beach. All you need is the willingness to read.”

“The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work.”

 Harry Golden

News You Can Use

Attention Playwrights:

The 2022 North Carolina Playwrights Lab will develop 2 original plays, written by NC playwrights, over 2 weeks in September with 2 staged-reading presentations for a public audience. At the heart of this experience is the opportunity for playwrights to receive moderated feedback sessions with a panel of 4 local and national industry professionals after each presentation of their work to inspire brave edits in the week between presentations and beyond!

Click on the image above to learn more about the 2022 Playwrights Lab.

Local Events

20-Teen Poetry Club-6-7 p.m. CM Library South Park 7015 Carnegie Blvd, Charlotte

23-Open Mic Night with Rock Hill Poet Laureate 11:30 p.m. 153 E. White St Rock Hill 

26-Starbucks and Story: Let Us Write Your Life Story, Starbucks 4805 Sharon Rd Charlotte


Look Who's Coming to Charlotte's Park Road Books This Summer

20-6:30 to 7:30 pm: Morgan Thomas & Taylor Brorby read/discuss their books

31-7-8 pm via Zoom New Reading Challenge & Book Club discussion

You'll Never Believe What Happened to Lacey, by Amber Ruffin.

8-07-2 pm: A J Hartley discusses his novel Burning Shakespeare

See the list of authors & their dates HERE

Click the image for more on the bookstore.

Trivia Jeopardy style

  1. During the Harlem Renaisaance, she wrote "Their Eyes Were Watching God."
  2. Gabriel Sundukian wrote this language's greatest dramas in what's now the country of Georgia.
  3. Two pyschics have a pyrokinetic child in this Stephen King work.
  4. This comedian may have decided "Life Will Be the Death of Me," but not before she made the best seller list.
  5. Rose Byrne played biographer Rebecca Skloot in the HBO movie "The Immortal Life of" this woman.

*Locate answers in the lavender section below


July26-Launch Party for Megan Miranda and THE LAST TO VANISH 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Join Main Street Books for a launch event celebrating bestselling thriller writer Megan Miranda at the Hurt Hub @ Davidson!

RSVP here

Novel and a Recipe


It's been a sleepy summer for the folks of Lake Eden, Minnesota. In fact, it's been a whole four months since anyone in the Swenesen family has come across a dead body. And that means Hannah Swensen can now focus on her bakery...or can she?

Get the blueberry pie recipe:



Robert Frost

You ought to have seen what I saw on my way To the village, through Mortenson's pasture to-day: Blueberries as big as the end of your thumb, Real sky-blue, and heavy, and ready to drum In the cavernous pail of the first one to come! And all ripe together, not some of them green And some of them ripe! You ought to have seen! 

Advice From a Blueberry

  • Be well-rounded
  • Soak up the sun
  • Find beauty in small things
  • Live a fruitful life
  • Be a good pick
  • It's OK to be a little blue
  • Make sweet memories

Ilan Shamin

Blueberry Tidbit

It wasn;t until 1916 that blueberries their journey from farm to table.

Word of the Month


The ability to see or anticipate what will or might happen in the futire.

On Prescience

Smitten with too much foresight, I resigned.

All but the scrupulous silence of the mind.

Myself a ghost I now move among ghosts and (prophets rarely trouble with detail)

Hear no more topical gibe or cocktail boasts

But Hector swagger and Thersites rail.

Francis Golffing

Trivia Answers

  1. Who is Zora Neale Hurston?
  2. What is Armenian?
  3. What is Firestarter?
  4. Who is Chelsea Handler?
  5. Who is Henrietta Lacks?

Support Our Members & Community Partners

Beyond 300: The New Charlotte Readers Podcast!

Landis Wade unveils a new format with fellow CWC member Sarah Archer and Hannah Turner. Meet his new co-hosts and learn more here Click the graphic for the July lineup.

Charlotte Lit

Click the logo to learn more about how CWC members Kathie Collins & Paul Reali, co-founders of Charlotte Lit, are spreading the words.

The Personal Story

Publishing Project

Six collections of personal stories edited by CWC member Randell Jones--The latest is Curious Stuff, which include a number of CWC voices. Click the book jacket for more.

Anthology #7, Twists & Turns, is to be released in September.

Thank You to Our Partners!

Charlotte Writers Club is a non profit writing organization supported in part by the Infusion Fund and its generous donors.

See the list of contributors at The Foundations for the Carolinas

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NC Literary Hall of Fame Inductions Set for October

The Late Anthony S "Tony" Abbott, Davidson, renowned poet and former CWC president is among the inductees that will join 65 others enshrined. Click the NCWN logo to learn who else will be honored. After being postponed twice due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the North Carolina Literary Hall of Fame induction ceremony for its 2020 inductees is scheduled for Sunday, October 14, at noon, at the Weymouth Center for the Arts & Humanities in Southern Pines.


Membership in the Charlotte Writers Club entitles you to participate in workshops, critique groups, contests, and guest speaker programs. The cost is a modest $35 per year for individuals and $20 for students.

We welcome all writers in all genres and forms to join our Charlotte-area literary community. Your membership in the Charlotte Writers' Club helps support writers, readers, and literacy at a critical time in our nation's and our city's history.

To Join or Renew click this Membership Link and follow the instructions.

Remember This!

"Great things happen to those who don't stop believing, trying, learning and being grateful."

Roy T. Bennett-The Light in the Heart

Visit our Website