Powered by Calgary Jewish Federation
April 2020
Hi Friends

I miss you! We are all staying home, relying on technology and practicing physical distancing, and finding our way through this challenging time.

The question during the Passover Seder:  Why is this night different than all other nights?  has different answers this year while we're all at home. Many of us will be hosting a (small) Seder for the first time, or joining a virtual Seder with family and friends who may be near, but also far. All over the world, families will find new ways to share the story that has been passed on to the next generation for centuries. To help you have a joyous celebration, there are many resources below.

However you choose to celebrate, wishing you a very Happy Pesach - one I'm sure you will never forget!

I am at home, but always checking emails. Just let me know if you need anything.

Stay safe! Stay home!

Kathie Wainer | PJ Library Program Manager

Please like our PJ Library Calgary Page and join our PJ Calgary Families Group to stay connected.
Despite the challenges we are facing right now, Calgary Jewish Federation and our community agencies and institutions haven't stopped serving Jewish Calgarians. We have created   JEWISH CALGARY TOGETHER   an online hub where you can find virtual programs and events, resources, and opportunities for volunteering or assisting with other needs in our community. If you are not receiving this newsletter, please Email Kathie to be added to the distribution list.
As communities seek to lower the impact of COVID-19, many families are spending a lot of time at home with their kids. PJ Library is here to support you with virtual story times, activities, recipes, and Jewish resources.
Pesach Edition
Friday April 3
10am | Your House | Zoom
Join Karina and Kathie for our virtual
PJ Tot Shabbat on Zoom!

Virtual PJ Tot Shabbat
Friday Apr 3, 2020 |10:00 AM

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 771 929 655

Bring your own kids and dancing shoes and props, and we will provide the songs and fun.
Warning: may lead to repetitive Ma Nishtanah sing-a-longs and requests for challah/matzah and more dancing.
Email Kathie for more information.

Next virtual PJ Tot Shabbat: Friday April 17
Help your children learn and practice the Four Questions, and discover other fun activities on PJ Library’s Passover Hub .

These resources for families who are staying home include recipes for cooking with kids, activities for learning languages, hands-on crafts, podcasts, and more.

This post is an evolving list of resources to help parents talk to their children, their children's teachers, and each other about evacuations, quarantine, and other scary situations.

The Jewish value of shalom bayit (peace in the home) can mean peace among all family members, among other things. These six tips can help everyone in the house keep calm and carry on.
Help Theodora Tenpenny solve the mystery behind a secret painting, learn about the life of Albert Einstein, follow David as he deals with the Cold War and his warring grandmothers, or pore through Katie’s diary as she attempts to survive seventh grade. Any of these choices is sure to intrigue, excite, and delight the reader. Choose your book by April 10th!

2019 National Content Team member Nathalie is the newest star of Nosh & Nibble, PJ Library and Kosher.com’s kids’ cooking and crafting show. Check out this video to find out more about her, then go to Kosher.com for her recipes and crafts!
Calgary Jewish Federation's UJA, The Harold Grinspoon Foundation, 
Shoshanna and Zeev Berger, Esther Bernstein, B'nai Brith Lodge 739,
 Cathy and Marty Cole, Jackie Halpern and Glenn Solomon, 
Ila and Barry Hardin,  Marilyn Libin, Beth and Lorne Price, 
 Andria and Greg Rodin, Lenny and Faigel Shapiro,
Evelyn Sheftel-Shapiro, Ida and Sam Switzer,
Amy Wainer and Eric Dantzig,
Kathie and Stephen Wainer, Fanny Wedro