Fear in itself.
We have nothing to fear except fear itself.’ Those words – and the sentiment they convey – are inextricably bound up with Franklin D. Roosevelt. The meaning behind the phrase ‘nothing to fear but fear itself’ is much more than mere words? He spoke these words at the Presidential Inauguration during the time of the great depression, when most americans were facing sever hardships, and many had lost everything resulting in some taking their own lives. FDR spoke these words to challenge all to endure and to look beyond the current situation and focus on the future with expectation.
In saying that, Let me ask you one simply question, “Do you want to live a life of excellence?” If your answer was yes, (I hope it is) then read on.
At NL313 we say, “Today’s the day” often. Sometimes when we start the day, other times when the week has seen stressful we speak it out expecting a better end. Our words are saying "We look forward to something great happening."
There have been times I have said those words and either that day, or within a few days some good things would take place. But there have also been days those words crossed my lips and all hell broke loose! Yet I still utter the words “Today’s the day!”
Why? Because like FDRs words I choose not to fear! I will not give into the fear of an uncertain future, the political environment that is around me, nor the division that many are trying to cause in our country, homes, and churches...I do believe God is still in control.
When I say these three words I say them expecting to see blessings not only come upon me, but overtake me! These three words give me inspiration to continue in faith, to walk in victory, and to embrace the purpose and plan that the Lord reveals each new day in my life.
I want to encourage you to take a "3 word, seven day challenge". Over the next seven days repeat these three powerful words to yourself every morning, “Today’s The Day” Then take a moment to pray, and by faith see there is nothing to fear but fear itself.
When you speak these words don’t doubt! Do not be discouraged if something negative happens within moments of these three words crossing your lips, but speak them and believe that you are speaking a miracle into existence.
In doing so, I believe you will begin to see a change in your daily life, in how you approach each day, and feel an assurance that you can and will live a life of excellence, because “Today’s The Day!”
Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.
We Love And Appreciate You
NEWLIFE313 Lead Ministers
The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it and the faith to believe that it is possible. " Richard M. DeVos